Father’s Name
Date of Birth
/19TH JANUARY, 1958
N.I.C. No.
Field of Specialization
Date of joining PAEC at NIA, Tandojam
Postal Address
Telephone No.
/BISE, Hyderabad.
/BISE, Hyderabad.
B.Sc. (Hons.)
/Univ. of Sindh, Jamshoro.
/Univ. of Sindh, Jamshoro.
Position held
Scientific Officer
/NIA, Tandojam.
Senior Scientiist
/NIA, Tandojam.
Principal Scientiist
/NIA, Tandojam.
Deputy Chief Scientist
/To date
/NIA, Tandojam
/Sponsored by
Training on methods in tissue culture at Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry Institute of Resistance Genetics.
/PAEC-KFK Bilateral Agreement Programme
/15 June to 16 Sept., 1986
/Gruenbach, W. Germany.
Attended a Regional Training Course on Microbial Technologies held at Centre for Advanced Molecular Biology.
/26 Sept. to 15 Oct., 1987
/University of Punjab
Head Plant Physiology Division, NIA, Tandojam (Sindh), Pakistan since 2/1/2004 to date. The division consisted of over 15 Scientists and scientific staff.
ACHIEVEMENTS DURING THE WHOLE SERVICE- After joining PAEC at AEARC, Tandojam renamed NIA, Tandojam, I have been involved in conducting salt tolerance studies in major field crops such as wheat, rice, sunflower and brassica. Worked as research associate in some basic physiological studies which were conducted on various stress related hormonally regulated physiological mechanisms. These studies have increased our understanding of nutritional physiology, hormonal balances, their kinetics and their role on different growth and physiological processes like signal transduction, enzymes regulation and senescence under saline stress.
- The role of abscisic acid (AbA) on proline accumulation under stressful environmental conditions was studied. Proline accumulation is not a specific response to salinity/osmotic stress but also accumulates under etiolation and disease infection (rust). We have also demonstrated that AbA is not involved in proline accumulation under salinity stress.
- The Kinetics of 14C-IAA was studied in maize coleoptile segments treated with norflurazon (AbA inhibitor) and triadimifon (GA inhibitor) in a donor: tissue: receiver system. The results indicate that the percent transport of 14C-IAA and the transport intensity was enhanced in the segments in which biosynthesis of GA and AbA was interfered. It has been reported that external application of GA enhances while AbA inhibits auxin transport. Therefore, this is perhaps the first study, which suggests that blockage of GA, or AbA biosynthesis did not decrease the auxin transport intensity.
- Nitrate reductase (NR), the first regulatory enzyme of nitrogen assimilation pathway is sensitive to environmental stress and various explanations including the adverse effect of enhanced AbA level has been proposed. We studied the effect of enhanced and reduced AbA levels on this enzyme and observed that salinity affects its activity indirectly, i.e. by reducing the substrate (NO3) flux.
- Salinity/osmotic stress inhibits plants growth, effects plant hormones, and initiates the process of senescence leading to death of plants. Since cytokinin (CK) and abscisic acid (AbA) levels are known to differentially influence the senescence process, their effect on chlorophyll contents of salinity stressed wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings were studied. Chlorophyll degradation was reduced by Ck (benzylamino purine) but not by other treatments.
- Screening for salt tolerance has been going on and we have been able to identify plants species and cultivars of different crops (cereals, oilseeds) which can withstand moderate to high salt levels and can be cultivated in salt affected areas. These materials also provide a gene bank for use in breeding programmes to transfer desirable gene traits.
- A technique has been perfected for mango to enhance the fruit retention by aqueous spray of salicylic acid, which has almost doubled the fruit yield of elite mango varieties. This technique is gaining popularity among the orchards owners of Sindh region.
- Received two professional trainings, one from West Germany and second from Centre for Advanced Molecular Biology, University of Punjab.
- Looking-after the divisional matter as Head of Division since 2003 till date.
- Published 33 papers (Impact Faactor 27.122) in journals of National and International repute.
- Published brochure on “Effective and economic method of fruit retention in mango” in urdu language for dissemination of technology to the orchard owners.
- Member, Sports & Cultural Committee, Research Review Committee, Reception Committee, Invitation Committee and Registration Committee (Farmers’ Day)
- Organized 1st National Workshop on "Screening techniques for stress tolerance" on October 5-6, 2011 at NIA, Tandojam and presented overview of Plant Physiology Division
- Convener, Loss of PAEC Identity Card Committee and Canteen Committee
- Honorary Principal, Management Committee for PAECModelSchool, RCT, NIA, Tandojam
- Tamgha e-Baqa 2001 on the occasion of Youm-e-Takbeer, 28th May 1998