Pastoral Council Minutes - March 28, 2016

The meeting began at 6:00 with Father Richard opening in prayer.

Members Present: Maria Montes, Greg Sudderth, Alyson Waldron, Blaine Hamilton, John Stroebel, Morag Sell, Jeannette Sheridan, Kathy Maldonado, and Mike Schneider

Jeanette read through the minutes orally and minutes were approved.

Father Richard then was introduced to members of the Pastoral Council and each of their terms.

Alyson submitted the Pastoral Council budget to the Finance Council with an increase to include the Stephen’s Ministry.

Father asked to avoid getting things to Andrea towards the end of the week as she is working on the bulletin.

Greg Sudderth motioned that a group of chief ministers needed to pull out non necessary items and then organize the sacristy area and suggested designating shelves for each group in order to organize the area. All approved.

Father brought to counsel the information of the Pilgrimage to Fatima and Lourdes and in September 2017. Collette will share this information with the Parish.

Morag updated the Pastoral Council on the Stephen’s Ministry. The organization enrollment fee for St. Mary is a one-time fee of $1,675, but they would accept payments of $250 in increments. She informed the council of the costs to send leaders and possible people interested in becoming a Stephens Minister. Shirl Graf and Alyson would speak to the Knights of Columbus in April to see if they could consider supporting this ministry.

Morag updated the council that 45 of the youth went to DCYC, they did a 1st year confirmation retreat, peer ministry, Road to Resurrection for elementary age children, and Godstock is April 16 and 17.

Kathy Maldonado updated the council regarding survey being distributed to the parish at the direction of the diocese, and letters were mailed to all of the parish, they have interviewed contractors for the new Parish Hall facility, and that the engineer and Pat C met with the city who was very receptive but had questions.

Mike Schneider updated the Pastoral Council that they are working on the budget for next year and asked the council to consider adding one more Guitar Mass at 5:30. Father Richard asked to budget for next year and work out the details. All of the council were in favor of having an additional Guitar Mass. He also shared that the 2016 Festival Chairmen were James Stevlik and Thad Nance.

Jeanette Sheridan thanked the Ladies Guild for their help in setting up for Holy Week.

Greg Sudderth offered the closing prayer and the next meeting was scheduled for April 18, 2016 at 6:00 in the Rafael House.

Respectfully submitted by Alyson Waldron and Jeannette Sheridan.