Saturday – February 18, 2017July 16, 2016

TallahasseePonte Verdra Beach, FL

8:00 a.m. – Noon

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m. by President Chas Jordan. The Committee said the Pledge of Allegiance and the invocation was done by Past President Ron Ribaric. Introductions were made around the table. Secretary Althea Parrish called the roll.

President Chas Jordan Present

President-Elect Sam May Present

Vice President Amy Blaida Excused Absence

(Matt LaChance had her Proxy)Present

Secretary Althea Parrish Present

Treasurer Rick KeeneyPresent

Council of Chapters Delegate Doug LaytonPresent Mark Juliano Excused Absence

(In KC for meeting – Chris Evers had his proxy)

Immediate Past President Robert GarlandPresent

District Rep 1 Kim Kirby Excused Absence

(Mark Juliano had her Proxy)Present

District Rep 2 Alisha WetherellPresent

District Rep 3 John LocklearExcused Absence

(No Proxy – Father had heart attack) Present

District Rep 4 Joey DuncanPresent

District Rep 5 Mike McCabePresent

District Rep 6Robert NowakPresent

District Rep 7 John DuntonExcused Absence

(In KC for training - Ron Ribaric had proxy)Present

District Rep 8 Bill Vest Excused Absence Present

(Dale Haas had his Proxy)

District Rep 9 Nicole Monahan Excused Absence

(Tom Pugh had her Proxy)

District Rep 10 Jamie BrownPresent

District Rep 11 Tom Ruiz Excused Absence Present

(Carsey Patrick had his proxy)


Secretary’s Report - Althea Parrish

MOTION: Ron Ribaric (had proxy from District Representative John Dunton) President Chas Jordan made a motion to approve the Executive Committee Meeting Minutes, April 18October 22, 2016, 2016. Dale Haas (had Dist. Rep. Bill Best Proxy)Immediate Past President Robert Garland seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

MOTION: Dale Haas (had Dist. Rep. Bill Best Proxy) made a motion to approve the Opening Session Minutes, April 19, 2016. Immediate Past President Robert Garland seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

MOTION: Dale Haas (had Dist. Rep. Bill Best Proxy) made a motion to approve the Awards/Scholarship Banquet Minutes, April 22, 2016. Immediate Past President Robert Garland seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

Treasurer’s Report - Rick Keeney

Treasurer Rick Keeney went over the “Florida Chapter’s Quarterly Summary as of March 31, and June 30, 2016 and explained the Annual Budget from July 1 – June 2017. Rick also spoke of the next fiscal and the calendar for the new financial records and records dates.Corporate Banking Resolution provided by APWA National”. The resolution discusses changes to names required on APWA accounts and signature cards. Rick explained he has received inquiries from many branch treasurer regarding the resolution.new “Treasurer’s Report” and the paperwork APWA National is trying to have us do; Rick has contacted APWA National explaining the difficulties he has encountered trying to make the changes requested. National is to Work with the chapter’s bank (Sun Trust) to try and get the changes made. Rick requested the District Representatives assist the treasurers to ensure the year end financials are submitted to Penny and him in a timely manner (July 10) as the deadline for submittal to national is fifteen days earlier this year (August 1) due to the fiscal year change. Signature cards and the excessive reporting from the Chapter and all the Branches along with all this being tied into our chapter and branch rebates. Chapter rebates are tied to the year-end financial reports, financial reports that are not submitted on time will affect chapter rebates. (See attached report)

MOTION: District Representative Joey DuncanChris Evers (had Council of Chapter’s Delegate Mark Juliano’s proxy) made a motion to accept the budgetTreasurer’s report presented by Treasurer Rick Keeney. District Representative John DuntonKim Kirby seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

MOTION: Dale Haas (had District Representative Bill Vest proxy) made a motion to accept the Quarterly Summary Reports presented by Treasurer Rick Keeney. District Representative Tom Ruiz seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

President’s Report – Chas Jordan

President Chas Jordan spoke of the results from the 2016 Expo that was Tampa.first time Rodeo at PWX in August 2017 and discussion on the Florida Chapter paying for the 1st and 2nd or 3rd place Florida Chapter rodeo winners to serve as representatives in this PWX Rodeo.

MOTION: Matt LaChance (had Vice President Amy Blaida proxy) made a motion to allocate $25,000 from the profit of the 2016 Florida Public Works Expo to the 2017 PWX account. . District Representative John Locklear District Representative Bill vest made a motion to approve the registration of the 1st and 2nd or 3rd place State Rodeo winners to serve as the Florida Chapter representatives to the 2017 National Rodeo at PWX and pay for one night hotel, registration and a dinner ticket. Immediate Past President Robert Garland seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

Discussion on various 2017 PWX Committees: Fundraising, volunteers, golf tournament, 5K Fun Run, Young Professionals, exhibitors, opening Ceremony, Board Spouse tour, Get Acquainted Party, Board Reception, Technical Tours and the Rodeo.

President Chas Jordan has also represented the Florida Chapter at 13 events so far around the State.

Discussion on the approval of an addendum to the MOU for PWX 2017 which is concerning the Roadeo.

MOTION: District Representative Robert Nowak made a motion to allocate the remaining profit of the 2016 Florida Public Works Expo money to the Chapter’s General Fund to offset potential reductions in profit from the 2017 Public Works Expo.Joey Duncan made a motion of the acceptance of the addendum to the 2017 PWX Hose Committee Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding the National Roadeo Competition. Vice President Amy Blaida District Representative John Dunton seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

President Jordan spoke next of the National Board Dinner that was held on June 5, 2016 the Florida Chapter hosted. He then spoke of the 2016 – 2017 Strategic Plan Update.Life Membership Teresa Scott, PWD of Gainesville (not in attendance).

(see written report)

MOTION: Dale Haas (had District Representative Bill Vest proxy) made a motion to approve the 2016 – 2017 Update to the Florida Chapter Strategic Plan. District Representative Robert Nowak0 seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

President-Elect Report – Sam May

Sam went over his verbal written report about his various meetings and the 2017 Florida Expo in Tallahassee. He spoke about the meetings he’s had with the future and direction of the Emerald Coast Branch. He spoke of “Lunch and Learns” and to promote both the Chapter and the 2017 Florida Expo. (see written report)

Thanked Alisha and the Branch for all their help with the 2017 Expo in May. He spoke about the Public Works Academy and the South Florida Branches accomplishments and their attendance to the academy. (no written report)

Vice President Report – Amy Blaida(excused absence)

Amy Matt LaChance just spoke on the 2017 PWX successful fundraising and the PACE award information had gone in on time.and her chairing the 2018 APWA Florida Chapter Expo which will be held in Jacksonville. (see written report)

Council of Chapters Delegate Report – Mark Juliano Doug Layton

President Chas Jordan gave Mark’s report and spoke about the Donald C. Stone Program being revamped, Accreditation and the Chapter Website Template Updates. (see written report) Doug spoke about the Chapter’s Best Practices and the mentoring program. He resigned as the Council of Chapters Delegate effective July 16, 2016, moving up to the new Regional Director’s position. At this time he recommended Alternate Delegate Mark Juliano as the new Council of Chapter Delegate.

MOTION: A motion was made to approve Mark Juliano as the new Council of Chapter Delegate replacing Doug Layton, effective July 16, 2016, to complete Doug Layton’s current three year term. A roll call vote was made, with Mark Juliano abstaining; as he had District Representative Kim Kirby’s proxy. After the roll call, all yes votes. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

At this time if anyone is interested in the Alternate Council of Chapter Delegate position, they need to contact Dale Haas, Chairman of the Nominating Committee.

Immediate Past President Report – Robert Garland

Immediate Past President Robert Garland stated he had been contacted by President Chas Jordan to look into aspoke again about the Chapter Administration Position. This would be a full time paid position working on; fund raising, webinar, help with exhibitors/vendors, membership. This position would not replace Plant Ahead Events.require Chapter dues to fund this. He also added Chapter Administrator Position Description and Draft Chapter Administrative Service Agreement (both APWA Documents), along with

Discussion: Aa draft RFPdraft RFP for this Chapter Administration Position is requested.. Much discussion from the table. At this time President Chas Jordan asked for volunteers to work on this project with Robert Garland. Jim Myers, Ron Ribaric, and Kim Kirby are designated volunteers to work on this. AlsoAlso, keep in mind that an Administrator and a lobbyist are two different positions/people. (see written report)


District 1 -Kim Kirby

Kim had an excused absence. She turned in a written report and Mark Juliano wentwent over her Branch activities. (see written report)

District 2-Alisha Wetherell

Alisha went over the Branch activities and the work they’ve done on the upcoming Expo. . The branches April, June & July events. (see written report)

District 3-John Locklear ( (excused absence)

John talked about the activities from the Santa Fe Branch and their meetings. (see written report)

District 4-Joey Duncan

Joey spoke about the Northeast Branch activities which included the Golf tournament and the Branches executive committee meeting. (no written report)

District 5 -Mike McCabe

Mike went over the Central Florida Branches activities and meetings along with future events of the Branch. (see written report)

District 6-Robert Nowak

Robert also spoke of the West Coast Branch activities and their annual Equipment Rodeo to be held on October 5thand their Annual Awards & Scholarship Luncheon to be held on March 8th. . (see written report)

District 7-John Dunton ( (excused absence)

JD talked about the Treasure Coast Branch activities activities. and their annual installation luncheon and scholarship awards. (see written report)

District 8-Bill Vest

Bill had an excused absence and did turn in a written report that Dale Haas went over on their branch activities. (see written report)

District 9-Nicole Monahan

Nicole had an excused absence. Tom Pugh went over the written report of their branches activities. (see written report)

District 10-Jamie Brown

Jamie reported on the Gold Coast Branch activities and events. (see written report)

District 11-Tom Ruiz (Ruiz (excused absence)

Tom and Chairman Mark Collins both spoke of the South Florida Branches events and activities. (see written report)


Annual Chapter Dinner – PWX -Chas talked about the upcoming PWX dinner to be held in Orlando and discussion about the chapter subsidizing for this event.

MOTION: President Elect Sam May made a motion for an additional $2000 from the Florida Chapter to subsidize the Annual Chapter Dinner for this year only. District Representative Kim Kirby seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLYMinnesota.

Association Alliance -Jim Myers presented to the committee the Joint
Association Resolution was absent – no report between the APWA and other Representatives of other organizations to assist with obtaining contract information and conduct coordination with associations specific to that area. (see written report)

MOTION: Immediate Past President Robert Garland made a motion to approve the use/input of Association Alliance to look at providing a Resolution/Agreement to other organizations as a mechanism to recognize relationships with other organizations.

District Representative Kim Kirby seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

AuditingPaul Moore was absent. at this meeting but was in attendance at the Friday Meeting. The audit report will come later due to the new fiscal year time frame.

The Audit Committee will meet in September 2017.

AwardsDon Jacobovitz – was absent –Present - Don went over the updated Awards list. ( Ssee written report)

MOTION: President Elect Sam May made a motion to develop an Orange Heart Medal Award to include with Chapter Awards Program for valor, bravery and saving lives. Chris Evers (had Council Chapter Delegate Mark Juliano’s proxy) seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

By-LawsTom Pugh went over some housekeeping by-laws information. The Chapters by-laws are good until 2019. (seeno written report)

Chapter Annual ExpoSam May spoke of the upcoming ideas for the 2017 Chapter Expo in Tallahassee.

Diversity & Young ProfessionalsAmanda Wheeler gave her report and spoke of her upcoming transition. She’ll be moving and someone will need to move into this committee chair. Alisha Wetherell spoke of her upcoming YP events. (see written report)

Education & TrainingMike McCabe went over his report for the education and training information he provided. He also spoke about the schools and dates he needs for the lunch and learns and the accreditations and certifications. (see written report)

EXPO Task ForceAmy Blaida had an excused absencespoke of kick starting the 2018 Expo to be held in Jacksonville and the approval of Plan AheadPlan Ahead Events contract that was approved.

Finance CommitteeChris Ever was absent– Chris spoke about the balances/reallocations of (see written report)Remove below it is a duplicate motion

MOTION: Treasurer Rick Keeney made a motion to rebalance the Chapter Account and Scholarship Account. It is proposed that the balance of the Chapter Account be reduced annually to $100,000 with any money above $100,000 be swept to the Scholarship Account at the recommendation of the Finance Committee and voted by the Executive Committee. Ron Ribaric (had District Representative John Dunton’s proxy) seconded said motion. MOTION PASSED UNANIMOUSLY

Government AffairsJeff Roberts talked about various topics on his report which included: his mission statement, quarterly and planned activities, updates on federal spending bills, 2016 Florida Legislative updates and APWA Florida Chapter general positions.- excused absence (in training) President Chas Jordan spoke about Jeff & Alisha’s meeting with the Government affairs and League of Cities. Discussion ( (seeno written report)

HistoricalRobert Nowak is still sorting through boxes of stuff that were given to him.

MagazineMissie Barletto was not there. The magazine is being worked on and President Chas Jordan stated he needed articles. . (no written report)

MarketingKelsey Cox spoke of helping Sam May and Alisha Wetherell on the upcomingis working with Amy on the 20187 Expo in Jacksonville. Tallahassee.

Member of the YearRussell Ketchems was absent (no written report)

MembershipElia Twigg was absent (in KC for training) but she and ChasRandy Shane did go over the Membership Report. a conference and promoted APWA. ((see written report)

NominatingDale Haas – Absent stated he would work on the Alternate Council of Chapter vacant position nominations for the Chapter and also the new Slate of Officers for the upcoming year.- Immediate Past President Robert Garland gave this report and presente4d the 2017 – 2017 Slate of Officers. Via e-mail voting the selected Officers are: (nosee written report)

2017/2018 Slate of Officers

President Sam May

President Elect Amy Blaida

Vice President John Dunton

Immediate Past President Chas Jordan

Council of Chapter Delegate Mark Juliano

Alternate Council of Chapter Delegate Chas Jordan

Secretary Althea Parrish

Treasurer Rick Keeney

PACE AwardAmy Blaida absent and is looking for someone to take over this position. She need information for the upcoming deadline for the PACE award submittal.

Past Presidents CouncilRon Ribaric had no written report. There was discussion about Past Presidents badges. The Past President list has been updated.

Public Works WeekCarsey Patrick spoke of the pastupcoming Public Works week and the schedule of the booth fromfor the 2016 Expo in TampaTallahassee and needing. proclamations for the booth. (see written report)

RodeoFelix Denmon was in the hospital. Robert Nowak is working closely with Felix on the standards foron the Upcoming the Rodeo. (no written report)