Mrs. Lund
Hello! I am Mrs. Lund, and I will be your LMS Keyboarding teacher. I also teach eighth grade technology and information technology, and Journalism (newspaper, yearbook) at Lindsborg Middle School. To find out more about me, visit my personal website at
Being proficient in the skill of Keyboarding will assure your future!
Student Expectations
- Be responsible with your schoolwork. Check the lesson plan frequently so you can plan your work each week and find out what an assignment is if you are absent from school. Complete the lessons, quizzes, tests and projects by their due dates.
- Check PowerSchool for your grades. I will keep them updated and enter your grades as you complete the work. Your official grade is the one you will see on PowerSchool. Your grades will be weighted like this: Drill and Practice – 50%, Projects 30%, Attendance and Participation-20%.
- Be respectful and polite towards other students and the teacher during class time. Pay attention, and make positive comments that contribute to the discussion.
- You will be using “Moodle” for the Keyboarding courses. Access to learning links and activities are listed in a weekly topic format.
Course Description
Students will understand that keyboarding …
skills are necessary for the majority of occupations in the technological framework of the twenty-first century.
skills are vital to effective communication.
serves as a communication tool throughout one’s life.
is a natural extension to the writing process.
Students will understand that computer applications …
are related to creativity, which results in effective communication using design as the creative process that leads to enhanced useful products.
the use of characters and drawings provide a common language that expresses ideas and promotes understandable communication.
organized data can be interpreted, analyzed, and evaluated to determine accuracy and usefulness.
the design use for presenting information or conveying a message is influenced by such factors as the intended audience, purpose, and the nature of the message.
Students will know proper…
Keyboarding posture
Position of and at the keyboard
Hand positioning on the keyboard
Students will…
Develop correct touch-typing techniques
Key data quickly and accurately
Demonstrate application of keyboarding skills to projects and activities
Key at a rate of 55 words per minute (wpm)
Research on the Internet
Understand health and safety issues for using the keyboard.
Students will apply…
main menu features to create a useful product
toolbar functions to creatively communicate and express ideas.
Spreadsheet program characteristics to interpret, analyze, and evaluate data the is accurate and useful.
Presentation program characteristics to communicate a message to an intended audience based on its’ purpose
This course is divided into 3 Sections; (1) Section I-students who have little or no keyboarding experience, (2) Section II-students who need additional practice to improve keyboarding skills, (3) Section III-students who are proficient with the skill of keyboarding.
Section I students will work in the “Keyboarding Connections” textbook to improve their skills. In addition to the textbook, students will be assigned extra practice in the Keyboarding Diagnostics course on Moodle.
Section II students will work independently to complete the Keyboarding Diagnostic lessons on Moodle. Students must get a score of 4.5-5 on the practice task in order to go on to the next letter. (Students cannot go on to the next letter until they have received permission from the teacher). Progress checks will be conducted daily to assess student ability. An e-mail will be sent on the same day the task is completed providing feedback as well as permission to continue on to the next letter task.If the score is below a 4.5, students will be assigned to complete the skill-building tasks followed by repeating the lesson to improve their score. Once these lessons are completed, students will apply their skills to create word documents. (see Section III).
Section III students will apply keyboarding skills to create four word documents; personal block style letter, memo, MLA style report with works cited, and a tabulated list (Keyboarding Applications). A Moodle online test will be assigned to evaluate what has been learned. In addition to these documents, students will learn and apply computer application skills in the Microsoft software programs; Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. The directions for these lesson are also on Moodle under Computer Applications
Computer Applications is divided into 3 units; (1) Word Processing, (2) Spreadsheets, (3) Presentations. Each unit focuses on the application of toolbar functions to create useful products that communicate effectively. Unit lessons will be taught as whole group instruction with independent practice or assigned project. Access of each lesson is posted on “Moodle” under Content. Each Lesson, project, and quiz is linked to the connected resource.
Each lesson provides instruction for using the toolbar features in the software applications. Application of these features are formatted in gray shaded text boxes as numbered steps. Projects are designed to reinforce toolbar features learned in the tutorials and will serve as performance assessments for each software application. A Quiz follows each toolbar application to evaluate student knowledge. Quizzes are online on “Moodle.”
Section I students will participate in the audio drill and practice session with LMS students on the required day and time. Extra practice tasks on Moodle (Keyboarding Diagnostics) will be assigned. Tasks are to be completed the day before the next required class session.
Section II students will work independently to complete the checkpoint and practice letter tasks on Moodle (Keyboarding Diagnostics). Three letter tasks will be assigned each week. Students must get a score of 4.5-5 on the practice task in order to go on to the next letter. (Students cannot go on to the next letter until they have received permission from the teacher). Progress checks will be conducted daily to assess student ability. An e-mail will be sent on the same day the task is completed providing feedback as well as permission to continue on to the next letter task.If the score is below a 4.5, students will be assigned to complete the skill-building tasks followed by repeating the lesson to improve their score.
Section III students will meet for class on the required day and time to learn the application of keyboarding skills to the four documents (Keyboarding Applications). Once instruction is complete, students will be assigned a project to do on their own. Project instructions will be e-mailed to the students. Completed projects must be e-mailed to the teacher the day before the next required class session.