July 2014

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and good wishes for Betty and myself during my recent period of incapacity – all is good now and we are going away for a break to top up the “vibes”!

This newsletter contains the much delayed story of our trip to Morecombe last year!!


“Croakies Day Out” by Hennah Tempest Mitchell

Croakies is a cancer support group for people with face or neck cancer who meet up every second Friday of each month.

On Saturday 14th July 2012 Croakies went to Morecombe for the day – they have trips every but to different places –for example they went to Scarborough.

The people who went were Barbara, Eddie ,Margaret, Claire, Doreen, Richard, Betty, Hennah, Angel, Christine, Jaine, Joyce, Eilleen, Sheila, Diane and Tony.

We all had to meet at the Bradford Cancer Support Centre at 9.00 am for the coach. Once we had all arrived it was only 8.50 am so we all had a little catch up until the coach arrived.

Once it had arrived at 9.00am we all boarded in a sensible order and took our seats. On our way to Morecombe we saw many interesting things like animals and different cultures.

Margaret passed around Skittles and Minstrals – she was very kind – sharing with the whole coach also there was a shortcake being passed around.

Angel who is Barbara and Eddie`s Granddaughter – Hennah`s best friend got a little travel sick towards the end of the journey.

At 11am the coach arrived in Morecombe so we all carefully made our way off the coach. Once we were all off we went to Ritas Café to meet Sheila and Doreen – these are two lovely ladies who donate stuff like teddies to the group – because of this they were given a bunch of flowers each to say thank you.

After that we had to wait for Frank and his wife Janet – whilst we waited the two young girls – Angel and Hennah went into the 2p arcade next to the café – Barbara and Eddie`s granddaughter Hennah got addicted to the 2p arcade – her friend Angel had to pull her away.

Claire – who is Margaret`s daughter went and sat in a toy train whilst Eddie took her photo. Claire is a very sweet lady always turns your frown upsidedown. At around 11.30am we all took a walk around a few shops.

Jane, Christine, Claire, Margaret, Janet, Barbara, Eddie, Hennah and Angel all went to Weatherspoons for dinner therefore Eillen ,Doreen, Richard, Betty, Diane, Joyce, Shelia and Frank all went to do their own thing. Once we had ordered it took 30minutes to eat. We all went to the toilets and then to the Charity shops – first we went to the British Heart Foundation and Hennah bought 2 make up sets whilst all the others were in a stationary store over the other side of the road – inside the stationary store were big velvet pictures to colour – Hennah and Angel both bought one.

After that we went to the market and there was one store that caught our eye!!

At the store were many colourful items. Hennah bought her little sister 6 rings and a Cat Teddie. The funniest part was where Claire, Hennah and Angel all got in a fun bus – Claire was the driver and Hehhah and Angel were passengers and Eddie took their photo.

When we were finished in the market Claire, Jaine, Janet, Margaret and Christine all went to Next. Barbara, Eddie, Angel and Hennah went to an outdoor market to look around.

At around 4.00pm Babara, Eddie, Angel and Hennah went back to the café. Hennah and Angel went back into the arcade until 4.30pm went we went to take photos.

At 4.45pm everyone met back at the Station pub for a drink before we got back on the coach at 5.00pm. Jane and Christine had a slice of cake as well.

At 5.00pm we all boarded the coach carefully and got back into our seats.

Hennah and Angel fell asleep- it was funny -Hennah fell asleep on top of Angel so Eddie took photos of them.

When they woke up Hennah started laughing she didn`t know where she was!

We arrived in Bradford at 7.00pm –we all said goodbye and thank you and then made our way home.


Barbara: I thought the whole day was amazing and I am so happy the sun is out for us today

Eddie: I had an amazing time in Morecombe – I took a lot of good photos whilst we were in Morecombe

Hennah: I had an amazing experience whilst in Morecombe – I had never been there before also I met a lot of new people

Angel: I am so glad Hennah and her Nan and Grandad asked me to join them on that wonderful day

Written by Hennah Tempest Mitchell X (age 13)