Seventh Grade Science Pacing Guide
First 9 weeks
The student will plan and conduct investigations in which:
a)data are organized into tables showing repeated trials and means;
b)variables are defined;
c)metric units (SI — International System of Units) are used;
d)models are constructed to illustrate and explain phenomena;
e)sources of experimental error are identified;
f)dependent variables, independent variables, and constants are identified;
g)variables are controlled to test hypotheses, and trials are repeated;
h)continuous line graphs are constructed, interpreted, and used to make predictions;
i)interpretations from a set of data are evaluated and defended; and
j)an understanding of the nature of science is developed and reinforced.
Unit / SOL by number and letter / Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection / Essential
Skills Vocabulary
Scientific Investigation
Metric Measurements / LS. 1 a-j / Select activities in the Enhanced Scope and Sequence utilize LS.1 / design, analyze and critique, create plausible hypotheses, describe, recognize, interpret, predict, infer, measure, evaluate / data, trials, variables, dependant variable, independent variable, constant, hypothesis, prediction, inference
Biological Interactions
  • Energy Flow
  • Biotic/Abiotic Factors
  • Cycles of Abiotic Elements
  • Relationships Between Organisms
/ LS.6 a-d, LS.7 a-b, LS.8 a-e, LS.10 b / The Cycles of Nature
Freshwater Food Chains
Go with the Flow
A Salt Marsh Ecosystem
Predator-Prey Simulation
Organisms in Symbiosis / observe and identify, classify, differentiate, determine, identify, comprehend, interpret, analyze and evaluate, predict, generate predictions, infer, apply, design, analyze and critique / food web, energy pyramid, competition, cooperation, social hierarchy, territorial imperative, producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, prey, symbiosis, niche, habitat
Biomes and Ecosystems
Adaptations for Specific Ecosystems / LS.9 a-c / Biomes of the World
Heat Loss from a Fur-Insulated Animal
A Designed Organism / differentiate, comprehend, compare and contrast, recognize and give examples, observe and describe, analyze, predict, design, analyze and critique / biotic, abiotic, ecosystem, community, population, organism, biome, habitat
Environmental Issues / LS.10 c, LS.11 a-e / Changes in Ecosystems
Ecosystem Dynamics / identify, describe, explain, debate, compare, observe, design, analyze and critique / eutrophication, climate change, catastrophic disturbances,habitat, competition, water quality, air quality, pollution,
Seventh Grade Science Pacing Guide
Second 9 weeks
The student will plan and conduct investigations in which:
a)data are organized into tables showing repeated trials and means;
b)variables are defined;
c)metric units (SI — International System of Units) are used;
d)models are constructed to illustrate and explain phenomena;
e)sources of experimental error are identified;
f)dependent variables, independent variables, and constants are identified;
g)variables are controlled to test hypotheses, and trials are repeated;
h)continuous line graphs are constructed, interpreted, and used to make predictions;
i)interpretations from a set of data are evaluated and defended; and
j)an understanding of the nature of science is developed and reinforced.
Unit / SOL by number and letter / Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection / Essential
Skills Vocabulary
Characteristics and Needs of Living Things / LS.3 b / identify, explain, understand, relate, create plausible hypotheses, design, analyze and critique / stimulus, DNA, response, respire
Cell Theory and Structure of Cells / LS.2 a-c / Plant and Animal Cells / describe and sequence, identify, distinguish, correlate, compare and contrast, analyze and critique / cell membrane, cell wall, cytoplasm, vacuole, mitochondrion, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus, chloroplast
Cellular Organization / LS.3 a / Levels of Cellular Organization / differentiate, compare and contrast, model, analyze and critique / cells, tissues, organs, systems, respiration, cellular transport
Cell Processes and Cell Division / LS.2 d, LS.3 b / Cell Division
Osmosis, Diffusion, and Active Transport
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration / differentiate, design, sequence, identify, demonstrate / mitosis, meiosis, diffusion, osmosis
Seventh Grade Science Pacing Guide
Third 9 weeks
The student will plan and conduct investigations in which:
a)data are organized into tables showing repeated trials and means;
b)variables are defined;
c)metric units (SI — International System of Units) are used;
d)models are constructed to illustrate and explain phenomena;
e)sources of experimental error are identified;
f)dependent variables, independent variables, and constants are identified;
g)variables are controlled to test hypotheses, and trials are repeated;
h)continuous line graphs are constructed, interpreted, and used to make predictions;
i)interpretations from a set of data are evaluated and defended; and
j)an understanding of the nature of science is developed and reinforced.
Unit / SOL by number and letter / Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection / Essential
Skills Vocabulary
Genetics / LS.12 a-f / DNA Extraction from Strawberries
Building a DNA Model
Passing Traits to Offspring / recognize, explain, demonstrate, differentiate, distinguish between, identify, predict, analyze / double helix, genotype, phenotype, dominant, recessive, gene, chromosome, traits, inherited,
Evolution and Adaptations / LS.13 a-c / Owl Family Natural Selection
Evidence of Evolution / explain, comprehend, describe, analyze and evaluate, interpret, describe and explain / mutation, adaptation, natural selection, extinction, fossil record, genetic variation, diversity
Classification / LS.4 a / Animal Phyla and Plant Divisions
Classification of Organisms / compare and contrast, classify, arrange, categorize, recognize / domain, kingdom, phyla, binomial nomenclature, hierarchy
Seventh Grade Science Pacing Guide
Fourth 9 weeks
The student will plan and conduct investigations in which:
a)data are organized into tables showing repeated trials and means;
b)variables are defined;
c)metric units (SI — International System of Units) are used;
d)models are constructed to illustrate and explain phenomena;
e)sources of experimental error are identified;
f)dependent variables, independent variables, and constants are identified;
g)variables are controlled to test hypotheses, and trials are repeated;
h)continuous line graphs are constructed, interpreted, and used to make predictions;
i)interpretations from a set of data are evaluated and defended; and
j)an understanding of the nature of science is developed and reinforced.
Unit / SOL by number and letter / Enhanced Scope and Sequence connection / Essential
Skills Vocabulary
Fungi / LS.4 b-d / compare and contrast, classify, arrange, categorize, recognize / kingdom, phyla, binomial nomenclature, hierarchy
Animals / LS.4 c-d, LS.10 a / distinguish, identify, explain, relate, explain, create, design, analyze and critique / hibernation, dormancy, population
Plants / LS.4 c-d, LS.5 a-c, LS.10 a / Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration

A-Mazing Plants

/ identify, explain, describe, understand, relate, create, design, analyze and critique / photosynthesis, phototropism, dormancy, divisions