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Winfall news

Pastor’s Perspective

If you hadn’t been here to see it for yourself, then you might find it hard to believe where our church has come from, and where it is today. A year ago, one of our deacons told me that this church had gone almost 4 years without seeing one person baptized, this Sunday we will celebrate seeing our 12th person being obedient in baptism. At the beginning of the year, our average attendance was around 35 people, this past week we had 85. To say that God has been good to us is an understatement of biblical proportions.
We truly thank and praise God for all He has done, but we will not simply live on past victories. We will build on what God has done in 2017 and allow those victories to propel us into the new future He has for us. Our mission will not change. Our vision of being “A place where people come to feel love, acceptance, and find God’s will for their life” will not change. We do, however, want to change the world with the gospel of Jesus. We would love for you to join us in that endeavor. Who knows where our “little” church will be at the end of 2018! Come and see for yourself… /

Mid-Week BIble Study

Starting January 3rd at 7 p.m. (1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month) we will be starting our Mid-Week Bible study. A time for us to get together as believers and spiritually mature as we dive into God’s Word. Come and join us…

Men’s group

We are truly excited to start this group beginning on January 10th at 7 p.m. (meeting every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays). Our focus is not only to lead our homes but lead in our church as well. Our next surge of growth is going to come when our men step up, find God’s will for their life, and live it for His glory.

Upcoming events

January1st– Happy New Year!
January 3 – Mid-Week Bible Study
January 10 – Men’s Group
January 17 – Mid-Week Bible Study
January 25th—Men’s Group
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