Eastern NC Shag Club Business Meeting
March 4, 2015
President Donnie Hudson called the meeting to order. He asked if there were any additions to the agenda. Service for Gaye Wood Eaton, ad on John Moore's Sock Hop, and phone tree was added to the agenda.
Minutes: A motion for approval of the minutes for February was made, seconded, : and approved.
Treasures's Report-Helen: No report
Vice President's Report-Phyllis Nixon: No report
Standing committees
E-mails-Edna Denton had no report
Ways & Means-Janet Rhodes/Billy Layton: No report
Social Committee-Jane Haislip: We will have a Mardi Gari Party on March 28,2015.
Remembrance-Cynthia Cox: A card was sent to Ron Webb. It was decided that if there was no burial for a member that passes away we would as a club give a montary gift of $100.00 to the family.
Membership-Mike Folk: No report
Special Committees
Website-Enda Denton: Good job on pictures taken at Tiebreakers.
Newsletter-Cynthia Cox: Need information
DJ Report-Jackie Haislip: The line up for Tiebreakers for this month will Be Jackie Haslip, Robbie Leggett, Bill Layton, and Fred Tetterton. Jackie will be playing at Jack's Tavern on Wedesday nights and at the Civic Center. Billy will play at the Waterfront and at Memories on March 21, 2015. Robbie Leggett will play at the Gathering of Trash in Raleigh, Memories on March 13, 2015, and the Mardi Gari.
Old Business
Addie Lou Leggett gave a thank you to Edna Denton. Bass lake sent decorations for our shag club to use for Mardi Gari party. Committees have been set up to make everything easier for the party. Tickets need to be sold before party. If there are any tickets left over they will be sold at the door until 8:00. Addmission will still be $10.00 after 8:00 but no one can buy a raffle ticket. Jana Haislip will be at the door.
John Moore has done the ad for us being at Tiebreakers for the past month for $200.00. A Motion was made, seconded, and approved to do it for 1 more month. The DJ calls on Friday night and John records it . He plays it 4 times during his show.
New business
SOS Thursday Party-The party will be 1-5 at Pirate's Club, each club will donate $175.00 for the party. A motion was made to do the party, seconded, and approved.
There will be nomination committee for new officers. The nomination committee is Alonza Gray, Ann Ricks, and Ron Webb.
Phone tree- Leo is working on the phone tree to see if it can be fixed.
Respectfully submitted,
Deborah Linton, Secretary