OpenMRS Wiki Documentation



Propose introductory message:

Welcome to the OpenMRS Wiki page, the home of the most important OpenMRS resources.

We are glad to see you here! As you embark on the journey towards exploring OpenMRS, it's capabilities and impact, we have put together some of our favourite macros on this homepage to assist you get started.

As you start creating pages, blogging and commenting you'll see the macros below fill up with all the activity in your space.

Link to OpenMRS developer manual is broken, replace with, (check out the manual here)

Under Demo Data Section, I suggest we combine both OpenMRS Installation | Demo Data Download (Provide the latest OpenMRS war files and core modules) plus link to demo data, hence giving new users option for both testing OpenMRS as well as updating the database with demo data. Hope this makes sense…

Update Google Summer code info since it's outdated, can be replaced with

Need to update OpenMRS Weekly meeting with latest information

Is there need to provide child pages on the main page? Seems a duplication since it's also appearing on the left menu?

"Implementation" is the process of gathering requirements, installing the server and modules, and doing the initial customization to make OpenMRS collect your data and run your reports.

Propose we change to, Implementation is the process of requirements gathering, system customization, server setup and configuration, user training and support, with the aim of collecting data for analysis and decision making purposes

1.  Heading: Primary implementer
Include report design skills for implementers and provide trhe link below

2.  Heading: Data entry clerks
Many health facilities have information management staff who can be trained as data entry clerks. Some implementers train cleaners to enter data.

Change to, Most health facilities have health records information staff who maintain data in the facility. Some facilities lacking such personnel opt to train casuals equipped with basic computer skills to perform these duties

3.  Include System Users
System users such as clinicians and nurses need to have basic IT skills to assist in data entry process. For illiterate computer users, it is recommended they attend IT training in preparation of adoption of the system.

4.  Heading: Infrastructure Requirements

Machines for entering, storing, and accessing data,
Change Machines to Devices, since it also includes mobile devices.

Also add:

Data Back up Devices - Low cost external backup devices such harddisks and flashdisks are advised for backing up data incase of server / system failure. Scheduled backups is recommended(daily basis) to make it easier to perform system recovery

5.  Heading: Implementation Process
Install Windows Server 2003 on server along with supporting software (e.g., antivirus, firewall),

Change to: Install the most preferred OS, windows or Linux operating systems are both recommended(Provide Link for windows / linux installation)

6.  Set up client workstations for data entry
Include both firefox and chrome browsers

7.  Heading: Implementation Process, add the following sections:

I.  Training - Create a training plan, that may include both classrom and departmental training depending on nature of your implementation
It is advisable to create an OpenMRS test instances for user training purposes before actual go-live use of system

Issuing simple tests for your users after completion of each training session

Training of trainers(TOT’s) approach is recommended especially for larger implementations and largely contributes to sustainability of system especially if the TOT's are actual system users

II.  Stake holder Engagement

Successful OpenMRS system implementation largeley depends on top down involvement of all stakeholders in the implementation process. Involve the users, managers, sponsors and relevant stakeholders in all processes right from requirements gathering to project implementation. Top-down collaboration tends to provide avenues for providing solutions to challenges that may be experienced during the implementation process

8.  Heading: Ongoing Support

IncludeProvide disaster recovery plan sush as providing standby servers / recovery disks to provide backup incase of system failure

Access to modules updates

Access to sofware updates such as tomcat, MySQL




For the above links, suggest we involve and implementers in the community to provide FAQ'S so that we can post in this section

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