TITLE: The Stroop Interference Effect and Gender
I. QUESTION: Will there be a difference between males and females when testing color recognition times and word reading times using the Stroop interference effect?
10 male subjects, 10 female subjects, 1 stopwatch, 1 notebook to record results, 1 pen, 34- 3"X5" index cards, 1 purple marker, 1 green marker, 1 red marker, 1 orange marker, 1 yellow marker, 1 blue marker, 1 black marker, 1 calculator
STEP 1. Count out two separate sets of 17 cards. Take one set of cards and use the black marker to write the names of the following colors on 16 of the cards. Write one word on each of the 16 cards. Write the following words: red, yellow, blue, orange, green, purple, red, yellow, blue, yellow, blue, red, green, purple, orange and green. The extra card is a cover card. This is the control set of cards.
STEP 2. Using the second set of 17 cards and the six different colored markers (purple, green, red, orange, yellow, and blue), prepare the second set of cards. Write a color word on each card according to this list. The other card will be a cover card.
red / yellow
yellow / blue
blue / red
orange / green
green / purple
purple / orange
red / green
yellow / purple
blue / orange
yellow / red
blue / yellow
red / blue
green / orange
purple / green
orange / purple
green / red
STEP 3: Each set of cards is read separately. Have each subject read the set of black and white cards first. Use the cover card to prevent the subject from starting too soon. Tell the subject when to begin reading the cards and time with a stopwatch. They must correct any mistakes that are made in reading. Stop the stopwatch when they have finished reading the set of cards and record the results. Do not allow the subject to repeat the test because the subject can learn to read the cards faster with practice. This skill can be learned.
STEP 4: Then use the colored set of cards for recognition of the color of the word written on the cards. The subject must state the color of the marker not the word written on the card. Use the cover card to prevent the subject from starting too soon. Tell the subject when to begin reading the cards and time with a stopwatch. They must correct any mistakes that are made in reading. Stop the stopwatch when they have finished reading the set of cards and record the results. Do not allow the subject to repeat the test because the subject can learn to read the cards faster with practice. This skill can be learned.
STEP 5: Have the subject read the colored set of cards for the word written on the cards. The subject must read the cards as quickly as possible. Use the cover card to prevent the subject from starting too soon. Tell the subject when to begin reading the cards and time with a stopwatch. They must correct any mistakes that are made in reading. Stop the stopwatch when they have finished reading the set of cards and record the results. Do not allow the subject to repeat the test because the subject can learn to read the cards faster with practice. This skill can be learned.
STEP 6. Separate the reading results into male and female categories. Average the results of each test for males and females. Then compare the results to determine whether males or females performed each test most efficiently.
STEP 7: Graph the data and write your hypothesis.
TITLE: Which Liquid Evaporates The Fastest?
I. QUESTION: Do liquids evaporate at different rates?
II. MATERIALS: six clear plastic cups, Sprite, milk, orange juice,
rubbing alcohol, and water.
STEP 1: Place each of the six liquids into separate 300 mL plastic containers.
STEP 2: Put 200 mL of each liquid into the containers.
STEP 3: Put them in the same place.
STEP 4: Check the volume of each liquid each day, and record the data.
STEP 5: Graph the data and write a conclusion.
Title: Preventing Apple Oxidation
I. QUESTION: What is the best way to prevent cut apple slices from turning brown?
II. MATERIALS: lemon juice, vinegar, water, Sprite, and Milk, cut apples, plastic cups.
STEP 1: Cut apples into 10 slices.
STEP 2: Place one slice in each of 10 cups.
STEP 3: Label 2 cups vinegar, 2 lemon juice, 2 water, 2 Sprite, and 2 Milk
STEP 4: Place 200 ml of each liquid on the apple slices in the cups.
STEP 5: Leave the apples in the liquid for 1 minute and remove.
STEP 6: Place the slices on pieces of paper towel labeled with the name of the liquid.
STEP 7: Check apples every 15 minutes, for one hour,
STEP 8: Photograph each cup and record your results.
STEP 9: Write your conclusion.
TITLE: Temperature and Floating Objects?
I. QUESTION: Does the temperature of water affect the buoyancy of a floating object?
II. MATERIALS: 3 plastic bowls which hold 2 liters of water each, microwave, freezer, 3 plastic lids from margarine containers (all the same size)
STEP 1: Heat 1 liter of water in the microwave for 5 minutes and pour into a plastic
STEP 2: Pour one liter of cold tap water into a second bowl.
STEP 3: Pour one liter of water that has been in the freezer for one hour into the
third container.
STEP 4: Take the temperature of the water in all three containers and record it.
STEP 5: Place a margarine lid in each container at the same time.
STEP 6: Add pennies to the discs, one at a time, until the discs sink, and record the
number of pennies needed to sink each lid.
STEP 7: Repeat the process two more times, Recording the water’s temperature
before each trial.
STEP 8: Graph your data and write a conclusion
TITLE: The Effect Of Gender On The Amount Of Time It Takes A Mouse To Get Through A Maze.
I. QUESTION: Does the gender of a mouse affect how long it takes to go through a maze?
II. MATERIALS: a maze, 3 female mice and 3 male mice, rodent food.
STEP 1: Put some rodent food at the end of the maze. Then put a female mouse in the maze and let it try to get to the end.
STEP 2: Time how long it takes the mouse to get to the end of the maze and record it.
STEP 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 with the rest of the female mice and then the male mice.
STEP 4: Continue running mice through the maze until every mouse has had 3 turns.
STEP 5: Average the times for all of the female mice and all of the male mice.
STEP 6: Graph the data, compare the results and write a conclusion.
TITLE: Tasting The Difference Between Regular and Fat Free Foods
I. QUESTION: Can people really taste the difference between fat free and regular foods?
II. MATERIALS: bread, regular mayonnaise, fat free mayonnaise, fat free ice cream, regular ice cream, fat free ranch dressing, regular ranch dressing, plastic spoons, plastic knives, carrots
STEP 1: Select 20 people to participate in the test.
STEP 2: Place fat free ice cream, mayo, and dressing in plain containers. Put a red dot on the fat free foods and a blue dot on the foods with fat.
STEP 3: Have each subject taste each of the foods and tell you if they think they are fat free or regular. Record their responses. (When feeding mayonnaise, put it on a small piece of bread. When feeding dressing, have people dip a carrot into it.)
STEP 4: After all 20 people have completed the taste test, Graph the number of correct and incorrect responses and write your conclusion.
TITLE: Growth of Carrot Tops
I. QUESTION: In what medium will carrot tops grow the best, soil, sand, gravel or water?
II. MATERIALS: 40 carrot tops, potting soil, sand, gravel, water, clear plastic cups
STEP 1: Plant 10 carrot tops in each substance and water them every three days with 30 ml of water. Add water to the carrot tops growing in plain water if the water gets low. You just want to maintain the water level.
STEP 2: Measure the growth of the roots every three days before watering the plants.
STEP 3: Continue to measure, photograph and record data for at least 3 weeks.
STEP4: Graph the data and write your conclusion.
TITLE: The Effect of High Protein Food on the Weight of Mice
I. QUESTION: What affect will high protein food have on a mouse's weight?
II. MATERIALS: Kitten chow with the highest protein, regular mouse food.
STEP 1: Take 10 mice and divide them into two groups and place them into two different containers.
STEP 2: Weigh all of the mice in the control group and record their total weight.
STEP 3: Weigh all of the mice in the experimental group and record their total weight.
STEP 4: Feed the control group regular mouse food. Keep the dishes full all of the time, and make sure they always have water.
STEP 5: Feed the experimental group high protein kitten chow. Keep the dishes full all of the time, and make sure they always have water.
STEP 6: Weigh each group once a week and record the total weight of each group.
STEP 7: Continue the experiment for at least 4 weeks.
STEP 8: Graph the data and write your conclusion.
TITLE: The Affect of Different Soil Types on Where Night
Crawlers Will Choose To Live
I. QUESTION: What type of soil do earthworms prefer?
II. MATERIALS: 1 ten gallon aquarium or a large, clear Rubbermaid container,
32 night crawlers, sand, potting soil, coffee grounds.
STEP 1: Dump potting soil in one half of the tank and sand on the other half.
STEP 2: Spread the thirty-two night crawlers along the center of the two soils.
STEP 3: Sprinkle 1/2 cup of coffee grounds and 1/2 cup of water across the top of the two soils.
STEP 4: Every other day, find the night crawlers, and record how many were in each type of soil.
STEP 5: Gather data for six days (every other day).
STEP 6: Graph your data and write your conclusion.
TITLE: What Substances Prevent Rust On Metal Nails?
I. QUESTION: Can nails be coated with a substance to keep them from rusting?
II. MATERIALS: vegetable oil, plastic wrap, Vaseline, nail polish, toothpaste, glue, 18 nails, paper towel, markers, water, cookie sheet
STEP 1: Line a cookie sheet with wet paper towel.
STEP 2: Coat each nail with a different substance: nail polish, toothpaste, glue, vegetable oil, and Vaseline.
STEP 3: Leave 3 nails uncoated.
STEP 4: Label each nail and lay it on the wet paper towel on the tray.
STEP 5: Cover the top of the tray with plastic wrap.
STEP 6: Let the nails sit in this humid place for 2 weeks.
STEP 7: Pour water around the trays often, so the paper towels do not dry up.
STEP 8: Record the amount of rust on each nail for ten days.
STEP 9: Analyze the data and write a conclusion.
Title: The Effect Of Different Liquids On Teeth
I. QUESTION: What affect do common beverages have on teeth?
II. MATERIALS: 8 real teeth from a dentist or veterinarian, 8 test tubes, Apple juice, Coke, Mt. Dew, Milk
STEP 1: Weigh each tooth and record its weight. Also make notes about its color and photograph each one.
STEP 2: Place one tooth in each of the 4 test tubes.
STEP 3: Put 10 ml of each liquid in the 4 test tubes with the teeth.
STEP 4: Use the other 4 test tubes to create a control group. Place a tooth in each one along with 10 ml saliva.
STEP 5: Keep all the test tubes at room temperature and watch the teeth for 10 days.
STEP 6: After the 10 days remove the teeth from the test tubes and looked at the color and record any changes.
STEP 7: Inspect the teeth with a dental instrument called an explorer. If the instrument sticks in the tooth, the tooth has started to break down. Record the number of teeth that have broken down.
STEP 8: Weigh the teeth and record the information.
STEP 9: Graph your data and write your conclusion.
Title: The Effect of Different Liquids On Plant Growth
I. QUESTION: How do different liquids affect the growth of plants?
II. MATERIAL: water, kool-aid, soapy water, vinegar, Mt. Dew, Dixie cups
STEP 1: Plant 15 bean seeds in potting soil.
STEP 2: Water 5 seeds with 30 ml of water, 5 seeds with 30 ml kool-aid, 5 seeds with 30 ml soapy water, 5 seeds with 30 ml vinegar and 5 seeds with 30 ml of Mt. Dew.
STEP 3: After one week, measure the height of each plant and record the data. Photograph the plants and water them with 30 ml of the appropriate liquid.
STEP 4: Continue to check plants once a week for 4 weeks, photographing them and recording their height.
STEP 5: Graph your data and write your conclusion.
Title: Which Brand Of Paper Towels Is Most Absorbent?
I. QUESTION: Which brand of paper towel absorbs the most liquid?
II. MATERIALS: School paper towel, Bounty, Sparkle, Spartan brand paper towel, water, measuring cup
STEP 1: Take one equal size sheet of each paper towel and 200 ml of tap
water. Then, starting with the School brand paper towel, immerse one sheet into the measuring cup of water for 10 seconds
STEP 2: Remove the paper towel from the measuring cup