ChorusSyllabus, Chamblee Charter High School
Teacher: Ms. Linda Lirette
Room Number: Chorus Room
Semester: Fall 2013 – Spring 2014
Textbook: Choral Octavos/Choral Connections/Experiencing Choral Music
Textbook price: in-classroom use
Tutorial Days: mornings or by appointment
Tutorial Hours: 7:30 am – 7:50 am
Tutorial Location: Chorus Room
*** preferred form of contact
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Welcome to Chorus! The joy of making music is available to anyone who puts forth effort and dedication. Like any expressive art form, singing requires discipline, listening, awareness, andempathy. Whether you choose to pursue music as a career, pursue it as a hobby, or never sing another note after this class, singing will help you develop these four habits—habits which will serve anyone well in any aspect of their lives.
Department Philosophy:
Choral music education’s purpose is to assist learners’ musical growth and development. Using the voice as the primary medium, students will develop expression, tone, reading skills, historical knowledge, self-confidence, and aesthetic appreciation of cultures and music.
Course Description:
Chorus is a performance class. Some outside performances are part of the curriculum and are required. In this course, students sing music in a variety of choral styles, singing with each other in 1-8 part(s) simultaneously. You will learn fundamentals of music history and theory, including how to read music and sight sing. You will analyze and create music. You will learn healthy vocal technique, so that as you discover your unique voice, you can support that voice, regardless of which genres you choose to sing.
Classroom Expectations
Chamblee’s Choruses have a fantastic reputation in DeKalb County. By giving 100%, you make it true.
The rule / What it includes1)Be prepared. / Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings.
Pencil and binder in hand.
Assignments complete and ready to hand in.
2)Be present. / Participate! Actively listen and learn while other sections are learning parts, mark music as appropriate.
Be willing to try new things and to make mistakes, and support your fellow singers when they do the same.
Respect yourself: present your best self.
3)Be your best. / Respect others: peers, teachers. Raise your hand to speak.
Respect our space: No food, gum, or drinks. Water is welcome in a closed container.
Most materials will be provided for in-class use. If students take music out of class, they will be expected to have it with them for the next rehearsal. Students who lose music will need to pay to replace it. Replacement costs for materials vary from$5-$50.
The first materials grade will be on Monday, August 19, 2013.
In class every day:
1black,3 ring binder, 1 inch thick, with lined paper and at least 3 section dividers. This binder must be used for this class only.
2 sharpened pencils.
For performances:
Formal concert attire–Ladies: Black dresses, opaque black stockings. Gentlemen: Black vest and slacks, white tuxedo shirt, black belt, black socks and black tie. Closed-toe, black dress shoes for all. (Approximately $60).
Informal concert attire (Details TBA)
Course Fees: Throughout the year, there are expenses such as new music, licensing fees, transportation to field trips, master-class fees, etc. A separate letter discussing these in detail will be forthcoming.
Course Outline (Rough Draft)
Week 1: / Introduction to singing/staff reading / Week 10: / New literature for winter concert/continue sight-singingWeek 2: / Song literature for Fall Concert/sight-singing / Week 11: / Continue from previous week
Week 3: / Continue from previous week/ Spivey Hall Auditions / Week 12: / Continue from previous week
Week 4: / Continue from previous week / Week 13: / Continue from previous week/Honor’s Chorus
Week 5: / Continue from previous week / Week 14: / Continue from previous week
Week 6: / Continue from previous week / Week 15: / Continue from previous week
Week 7: / Continue from previous week / Week 16: / Continue from previous week/Community Concert
Week 8: / Continue from previous week / Week 17: / Winter concert
Week 9: / Fall Concert/All-State Auditions / Week 18: / Final exam
Grading Scale A = 90–100, B = 80–89, C = 71–79, D = 70, F = 0–69
Based on system-wide grading percentages established by the DeKalb County School System.
Grading Percentages
Area / %Performance / 30
Classwork/Homework / 20
Quizzes and Tests / 20
Participation/ Work Habits / 20
Final Exam / 10
Late Assignments Policy
Late assignments will be graded according to the same rubrics and standards as punctual assignments. Thus, it is possible to earn 100% on a late assignment. However, for every day the assignment is late, you will receive a 0 for participation.
Afterschool Rehearsals
Afterschool rehearsals are called as needed in preparation for concerts. Notice of rehearsals will be given at least TWO WEEKS in advance. Afterschool rehearsals count as part of the participation grade and attendance is mandatory.
Make-Up Policy
Classroom absences: Students who are absent from school on the day an assignment is due will need to turn that assignment in on the day they return. They will need to complete any new assignments they missed or submit an approved make-up assignment (to replace in-class assessments that can’t be made up) within three school days of their return. After that point, students will begin to lose participation points according to the late assignment policy unless they have made extension arrangements with Ms. Lirette in writing.
Performance Absences: A performing group depends on people committing to attend performances. A performance schedule is being shared along with this syllabus.A thorough calendar will be sent home and will beon the class website no later than September 6, 2013.
An unexcused performance absence will result in a grade of 0 for that performance.
Performance absences may be excused in the case of personal sickness, death in the family, or other extenuating circumstances approved by the Director and/or Principal in writing.
Students with an excused performance absence will be required to complete a make-up assignment assigned by Ms. Lirette (usually a 3 page typed paper on an assigned topic) in order to receive a grade for the missed performance.
If you anticipate any schedule conflicts, notify Ms. Lirette of these conflicts in writing (preferably email) right away.
Re-Do Policy
When assignments are not satisfactory, students may be invited to correct material and resubmit for second consideration.
Calendar(Additional details will be filled in here and online )
Date / Time / Event / Location / Notes9/5/13 / Allstate Chorus Applications Due
Solo/Ensemble Applications Due
Allstate Reading Chorus Aps Due
Spivey Hall Auditions
Spivey Hall rehearsal and concert dates
October / Fall Choral Concert / This first concert of our season will feature songs of varied backgrounds. Each group will perform several selections.
Nov. 2 / All-State Reading Chorus Auditions
Nov. 5 / LGPE Applications Due
Nov. 14 / All-State Chorus Acceptance Forms Due
December / Daytime Community Concert(s)
December 11 / Dress Rehearsal
December 12 / Winter Concert
Jan 9-11 / GMEA District Honor Chorus Event
Jan. 16-18 / All State Chorus Final Auditions
Jan 22 / Zone 1 Cluster Music Festivals / Chamblee High School, Middle School and Feeder Elementary Schools
Jan. 30 – Feb 1 / All State Reading Chorus Event
Feb. 5 / Spring Solo/Ensemble Applications Due
March 11-14 / District Choral Large Group Performance Evaluation / Perform 2 selections and sight reading. During the school day
April/May / Spring Choral Concert / Incorporates songs from throughout the year, including new material.
April/May / Spring Musical Rehearsals and Performances
April/May / Johnny Mercer Radio Show Project
Family Survey
Please complete and return no later than Friday, August 16, 2013.
□We completed this survey online via a private Google doc found at
Student’s Name: ______
Primary Caregiver(s): ______
Name(s) you would like me to call you: ______
Relationship to Student: ______
Address: ______
Home Phone: ______Cell Phone(s):______
Work Phone(s) (if I can call you at work): ______
Student Phone:______Student email:______
Family E-Mail: ______
Languages Spoken at Home: ______
What is the best time to call you? (Check one)
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□3pm – 6pm
□6pm – 9pm
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□Other: ______
Please check if you would like to volunteer with our class in any way:
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□Chaperoning Field Trips
□Helping with Projects / Concerts
□Fundraising (Booster Club)
□Other: ______
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My child has home access to the following technology: Home access to technology is NOT required.
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□Laptop or Desktop Computer
□Internet access
□Cell phone with internet capability
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What are some of your child’s interests and academic strengths? ______
Anything else you’d like to tell me (Allergies? Habits? Questions?)
The dates above may change. If they do, students will receive written notice as soon as Ms. Lirette is aware of the change and as early as possible. Ms. Lirette also reserves the right to change any other part of this syllabus in order to better meet the needs of students.
Parents and students are encouraged to use the website stay informed of changes to this syllabus and class news and to use the official online portal to track student grades in this class. Link:______
Please keep pages 1-4 in your music binder at all times. After signing below, detach this page (5-6) and turn in to Ms. Lirette by Friday, August 16, 2013 for a work habits grade.
□I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies outlined in this course syllabus.
□I understand that this course requires participation in performances that take place outside of the school day.
□I have added all dates to my calendar.
Student Name: ______
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
Parent/Guardian Name: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Chorus Class: ______
Period: ______
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