Lincoln High School

Student Bulletin

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

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DISNEYLAND: Seniors, the second payment of $100 is due February 3rd to USA Student Travel-Lincoln, 5080 Robert J Mathews Parkway, El Dorado Hills, CA 95762. Make sure you write LHS in the memo section of your check. Any questions, please call USA Student Travel at (916) 939-6805. Remember, 3rd quarter eligibility determines if you can go to Disneyland (grades, absences, suspensions and tardies).

YEARBOOK PURCHASE: Buy your yearbook now! To order online, visit, and enterour school code#6556. To purchase on campus, please bring $80, either cash or check to room 1112 during Wednesdays at lunch. Deadline is January 11th. If you have any questions, seeMr. Muñoz.

SENIOR ADS: Attention Seniors, Senior Ad packets are due Wednesday January 11th.Last chance to purchase! Return packetsto Room 1112 during lunch on Wednesday. (Not during 4th Period) Please bring your completed packet and payment to purchase. Late packets will not be accepted.

PSAT EXAM SCORES ARE IN: If you took the PSAT in October, please come by the Student Service Center and pick up your score report and test booklet.


When:Saturday, February 4th at 8:30 am

Cost: $20.00 non-refundable(Checks payable to Lincoln PTSA)

Where: Lincoln High School

Enrollment form can be picked upfrom the Adminoffice.

TUTORING: After school tutoring is back in session.


Club meetings today during lunch:

Arpeggios Club—room 1201

Blue & Gold Leadership Club—room 2113

BSU Club—room 1322

GSA Club—room 1324

Japanese Club—room 2205

Mecha Club—room 1305

STEM Club--room 1514

SPEECH & DEBATE: Meeting at 3pm in room 1320.

FCA CLUB: They will be meeting this week on Wednesday, Jan 11 at lunch in Coach Greeno's room. FCA director Ron Nelson willbe our guest speaker and you won't want to miss! Get there early for free Pizza lunch!

ITALIAN CLUB: They are meeting on Thursday at lunch in room 1336.


SENIOR VS. STAFF VOLLEYBALL: Attention Seniors! Senior vs. Staff Volleyball is February 1st at 5:00 in the New Gym! Forms are available and are due January 12th by noon. There is a maximum of 15 players per team (2 teams), first come first serve!

TRACK & FIELD: There will be a track & field meeting on Thursday, January 12th in the Lecture Hall, room 1113. The meeting will begin at 3:30 pm. Any athlete that is planning to participate in track & field this spring should attend this meeting. You will meet your coaches and you will get dates and information for pre-season conditioning. If you plan on joining track & field this year at Lincoln High School, please plan on attending the meeting this Thursday, January 12th, in the Lecture Hall @ 3:30 pm.

Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance

“It’s a great day to be a Trojan. At Lincoln High School we promote human kindness and acceptance of all. Please pick up your trash.”