10th March 2015


Present: -Responsible for: -

Chief Superintendent J. Ward (JW)Area Commander

Superintendent M. Wiggins (MW)Operations – Zone 1

Detective Superintendent M. Guinness (MG)Crime Support

Chief Inspector M. Morgan (MM)Operations – Zone 1

Chief Inspector R. McGregor (RMc) Operations Support

Chief Inspector C. Hitchell (CH) Operations Support

A/DCI Ephgrave (AE)CID

Simon Traverse (ST)Finance

Mrs. K. Monks (KM)Admin Team Leader

Mr S. Evans (SE)Admin Team Leader

Stella ScrivensMinutes

Apologies: -

Superintendent P. White (PW)Operations – Zone 2

Detective Chief Inspector A. O’Connor (AO’C)CID

T/Chief Inspector G. Lambert (GL)Partnership Development Officer

Mr. K. Aldridge (KA)Senior Op Support Accountant

Mrs. T. Tomlinson (TT) HR Officer

The minutes are recorded as Open under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Items for Discussion

Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The minutes from the previous meeting were agreed as a true and accurate account.
Completed Actions
There were no actions carried over from the previous meeting
Ongoing Actions
There were no ongoing actions.
JW gave a brief overview of year to date performance in respect of the Tier 1 and Tier 2 performance indicators that combine the Crime Reduction and Detection performance.Burglary and robbery are showing a good picture.
D/Supt Guinness to speak with DCI Perishine to ensure all positive outcomes within the CID portfolio have been used by the end of the performance year.
There were no issues raised.
There were no issues raised.
Citizen Focus
There were no items for discussion. There is to be a citizen focus meeting held next week to scrutinise any CF issues.
There were no items for discussion.
Corporate Meeting Update

This was discussed at length in the closed session.

Health & Safety

Accident stats and near misses were shared. There had been a radio battery failure on duty and new batteries have been ordered to combat this issue. Estates to look at doors in one of the sub stations to ensure they are fit for purpose after an Officer opened a double door and the adjoining door swung open also and hit the Officer. There were no further issues to discuss.


Individual sickness records were discussed in detail during the closed section.
Equality & Diversity
There are currently no further requirements for the BCU to progress.
Finance was discussed in detail during the closed section.
There were no bids.
Any Other Business
There were no further items.

Date of Next Meeting:

24th Marchat 10.30am in St Anne Street Police Station

Definition of terms and abbreviations:

ASBAnti Social Behaviour

BCUBasic Command Unit


Minutes prepared by:

Stella Scrivens – PA to the Area Commander Liverpool North