Assignment #

Chapter 10: A Changing Nation 1815-1840

Study Guide

Section 1: Building National Identity:

Focus Question: How was the power of the federal government strengthened during the Era of Good Feelings?

  1. What happened to the Federalist Party after the War of 1812?
  1. Fill in the Chart Below.
Daniel Webster

John C. Calhoun

Henry Clay
  1. Look at “New Leaders Speak For Their Regions” on page 341. Which of the three leaders would you expect to be the strongest supporter of slavery? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER DO NOT JUST PUT WHO YOU THINK IT IS!!!!!
  1. DefineCharter:
  1. Define Dumping:
  1. Look at “Links to Economics” on page 342. Why was the cost of cloth higher in the United States than in Britain?
  1. According to Clay how would his American System benefit the economy?
  1. Do you think the American System offered a good solution to regional differences? EXPLAIN YOUR ANSWER!!!


  1. What did McCulloch v Maryland decide?
  1. What did the Supreme Court decisions in McCulloch v Maryland and Gibons v Ogden have in common?
  1. How did the Supreme Court ruling in Dartmouth College v Woodward support economic growth?
  1. Define the term Contract:
  1. Define the term Capitalism:
  1. Define the term Interstate Commerce:
  1. What was the Tariff of 1816? How did it affect the economy in the U.S.?

Section 2: Dealing With Other Nations:

Focus Question: How did U.S. foreign affairs reflect new national confidence?

  1. What effect did Andrew Jackson’s attack on Florida have on the government of Spain?
  1. Define the term Ceded:
  1. Describe who Miguel Hidalgo was and his importance for Mexican Independence.
  1. Describe who Simon Bolivar was and his importance in South American Independence.
  1. What was Adam’s advice to Monroe in regard to the issues in Mexico/Latin America and working with Great Britain?
  1. Would the United States have looked weak if it had jointly issued a warning with Britain?
  1. Look at the Map on Page 346.
  1. What parts of Latin America remained colonies of European nations?
  1. What was the Monroe Doctrine?
  1. Why did Great Britain grant some self-government to Canada?

Section 3: The Age Of Jackson:

Focus Question: How did the people gain more power during the Age of Jackson?

  1. What was Andrew Jackson’s nickname? Why was he called this?
  1. What was the “corrupt bargain”? Who benefited from accusations of a “corrupt bargain”?
  2. Why did Jackson’s supporters claim there had been a “corrupt bargain” in the election of 1824?
  1. Define the term Suffrage:
  1. How did voting rights change during Andrew Jackson’s presidency? Another words how did people gain more suffrage during Jackson’s Presidency?
  1. Which groups did not benefit from increased suffrage in the United States?
  1. How did the political party system change in the United States during the Age of Jackson? What were the new political parties?
  1. Define the term Caucus:
  1. Define the term Nominating Committee:
  1. Define the term Spoils System:
  1. How did Andrew Jackson justify the spoils system?
  1. What is the famous quote that came out of The Spoils System?

Section 4: Indian Removal:

Focus Question: Why did Jackson use force to remove Native Americans from the Southeast?

  1. Look at the map on page 356. Which five Southeast nations were affected by the movement?
  1. Use the scale of miles on the map to answer the following question: About how far did the Seminoles have to travel to get from Florida Territory to New Orleans?
  1. How did the Supreme Court rule in the case of Worcester v Georgia?
  1. According to Marshall, why was Georgia barred from applying its laws to Cherokee territory?
  1. Why do you suppose President Jackson objected to the Courts decision?
  1. Describe the removal of the Choctaws and the Cherokees? Why would the Cherokees be particularly opposed to removal from their land?
  1. What mistakes in planning did the government make before removing Native Americans?
  1. What was the long journey the Native Americans made called?
  1. Look at the painting on page 358. What do you think the owl in the main picture represents?

Section 5: State’s Rights and the Economy:

Focus Question: How did old issues take a new shape in the conflict over a national bank and tariffs?

  1. What were the arguments for and against the second bank of the United States?
  1. Look at the Political Cartoon on page 363 titled “King Andrew the First”.
  1. Name two negative images in the cartoon. Why do you think Jackson is shown stepping on the bank document?
  1. Would this cartoon have the same impact in Britain if, instead of Jackson, it showed a British leader? Explain your answer.
  1. How does the Tenth Amendment limit federal power?
  1. Define the term Nullification:
  1. Look at the “Links To Government” on page 365. How may Andrew Jackson’s views about nullification have been affected by his responsibility as President of the United States?
  1. What state threatened to secede from the Union in 1832 and why did they threaten to secede?
  1. Why did states’ rights become an issue in the 1820’s?
  1. What were John C. Calhoun’s and Daniel Webster’s positions on nullification?
  1. What did John C. Calhoun mean when he said, “The union- next to our liberty, the most dear”?

53. What was the main cause of The Panic of 1837? Who is president during this time period? Is he the cause of the panic or is some other president?