Cattails in the Meadow is a Judy Niemeyer pattern that is paper pieced with a touch of appliqué. The sample was done in my favorite colors but feel free to use any color palette you like. You will enjoy the simple paper piecing units using Judy’s method. It really does make the process go faster. The appliqué is minimal and simple but adds so much to the quilt.
I know you will enjoy the process and the finished product. You need not have done a Judy Niemeyer pattern before. We will learn this as a technique of the month. There will be a different component done each month. So, don’t be intimidated. We will take 5 months to complete the quilt which will finish at 70”x70”.
Fabrics Needed
Please use the yardage chart on the back of the pattern for your fabric selections. If you look at page 23 of the
pattern you will notice that colors 1-4 give you an idea of the value of your fabric choices. The other fabrics just
say green, brown, fall accent. Use fabrics with designs or prints that you like that will flow together. If you like
the sample I did choose two different backgrounds so that you have the contrast. If you prefer not to have that
contrast it will be just as beautiful using just one background fabric.
Cattails in the Meadow
Supply List
Cattails in the Meadow Pattern and fabric.
Sewing machine that you are familiar with. (Don’t forget the power cord) A regular sewing foot and a quarter inch foot.
Add-a-quarter ruler. (My personal favorite size is the 12” ruler)
A straight edge. Ex. A piece of template plastic at least 9” to 10” long.
A rotary cutter. A small cutting mat will be very helpful to keep by your machine.
A regular ruler will probably come in handy also. A 6”x12” will be plenty large enough.
Thread and needles for your machine.
Fabric glue stick.
Seam ripper. (Just for insurance purposes. )
Pre-Class Preparation
We will be doing the Thistle Patch at the first class. This is the center of the quilt.
Background Fabric #1: Cut (2) 9” by 42” strips.
Black Accent, Color #1: Cut (8) 1 ¾” by 9” rectangles.
Brown Accent, Color #7: Cut (8) 1 ½” by 9” rectangles.
Brown Accent, Color #8: Cut (8) 1 ½” by 9” rectangles.
Fall Accent, Color #13: Cut (8) 1 ½” by 9” rectangles.
Label a zip lock bag - #1. Place all these parts into that bag.
We will be cutting the template patterns and foundation papers in class. If you have done a Judy Niemeyer pattern before and wish to do this step, please feel free. But, we will be taking time in class for this process at the first class.
If you have questions prior to class, call Mt.Pleasant at 585-243-0767.