Spanish 3Syllabus

Teacher: Jacqueline Palazzolo

Room: 14 Bldg 1

Tutorials: Set up with Mrs. Palazzolo

Phone Number: (706) 602-0320


Course Description: The Level III language course focuses on the continued development of communicative competence in the target language and understanding of the culture(s) of the people who speak the language. It assumes that the students have completed a Level II course and are at a Novice-Mid to Novice-High level of proficiency. By the end of Level III, the student will exhibit Novice-High level proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing and some may attain Intermediate-Low proficiency.

Course Objectives: The student will be able to exchange spoken and written information in Spanish, utilizing cultural references where appropriate.

…initiate, sustain, and close oral and written exchanges in Spanish.

…understand spoken and written language on newly acquired and familiar topics presented through a variety of media in Spanish, including authentic materials.

…Present information orally and in writing using familiar and newly acquired vocabulary phrases, and patterns.

…Present student-created as well as culturally authentic stories, poems, and or skits.

…Understand and discuss perspectives, practices, and products of the Hispanic culture and how they are interrelated.

…Reinforce and broaden knowledge of connections between the target language and other subject areas to reinforce one another.

…Investigate similarities and differences that exist between the Spanish culture and the students’ own culture.

…Strengthen knowledge of the English language through study and analysis of Spanish.

…Improve language skills and expand cultural understanding by use of information beyond the classroom setting, for recreational, educational, and occupational uses.

Text: En Español III

Materials: Three-ring binder with loose leaf notebook paper, pen or pencil, markers, composition notebook

Grading: 18 Week Grade: 50% Informal Assessments (Daily grades, quizzes, participation)

50% Formal Assessments (Tests, projects, presentations, etc.)

Semester Grade: 80% 18 Week Grade

20% Final Exam

Class Rules: Be prepared; Be respectful; Be responsible; Be your best; Speak Spanish.


Students should do their own work and complete all work assigned by the due date, in order to receive full credit. No translators (human/Internet) are allowed. If a student is absent or SA, it is his/her responsibility to get and make-up any work missed prior to the absence or no later than three days after an excused absence.

Tentative Course Schedule: (Items in bold are Formal Assessments)

Week 1Review of Spanish 2-Greetings, Present Tense, Adjectives, Pronouns, Numbers

Week 2Continued Review of Spanish 2, Present Tense, Conditional Tense

Week 3Test, Cosmos Presentation, Family, Verbs, Famous Hispanics

Week 4Verbs, Famous Hispanic Project/Presentation

Week 5Impact of Geography on Hispanic Culture Project

Week 6Benchmark 1, Impact of Geography Presentation, Spain Unit (Weather/Clothing, Shopping, Travel), Spain Store

Week 7Por vs. Para, Subjuntive tense

Week 8Subjunctive Board Game/Presentation

Week 9Spanish 3 Play,Relating other topics to Spanish, Leisure and Activities

Week 10Play, Tener que, Health, Commands, Body Parts, Sports

Week 11Play, Sports Demonstration Project, Make Scavenger Hunt

Week 12Benchmark 2, Play, Scavenger Hunt!

Week 13Play-Dress Rehearsal and Performances

Week 14Catch-up from any topics needed

Week 15Fashion, Fashion Show

Week 16Careers for Spanish Speakers, Foreign Language Festival

Week 17Foreign Language Festival

Week 18Final

I have read, understand, and will abide by the Spanish 3Honors syllabus.

Student Signature:______Date:______

Parent Signature:______Date:______