Church Truths Series

1. INTRODUCTION – TEXT: I Corinthians 11:1-16

a. The Old Testament contains symbols(symbolism) concerning the truths of God

(1) The offering of sacrifices is an example that is familiar to us

(2) We have New Testament symbolism in believer’s baptism and the Lord’s Supper

b “Headship and Glory” are symbolized in the practice of the covered head of the woman, and the uncovered head of the man during the meetings of the church

c. Although relatively few churches teach and practice this symbolism today, it is still a truth found in the Scriptures and is, therefore, God’s will for members of His Body, the church

d. Obedienceto God is an expression of love for Him

- I John 5:3 (NIV)“This is love for God: to obey His commands. And His commands are not burdensome.”

e. If we love Him, we want to please Him

f. When a sister covers her head for the meetings, she is pleasing the Lord by being obedient to Him

- I Samuel 15:22- “Behold, to obey is better than sacrifice.”

2. Most of the Scriptural Teaching Regarding Women and the “Head Covering” is found in I Corinthians 11

a. The basic truths involved are those of:

(1) “Headship”, which has to do with authority and subordination, and

(2) “Glory”, God’s and man’s

b. Since verses 7 through 10 say that headship and subordination are related to creation, even though some

claim otherwise, the doctrine was not based on the cultural practices of the apostle Paul’s day

(1) Paul was not teaching something that had application only to the culture of that day and place

(2)He was teaching that woman’s subordination to man in the church follows the order of creation

(a) “Adam was formed first, then Eve” (I Timothy 2:13)

(b) “For the man is not of (from) the woman, but the woman of (from) the man.” (I Corinthians 11:8)

(c) “Nor was man created for the woman, but woman for the man.” (I Corinthians 11:9)

c. There are three reasons given for the headcovering in this chapter:

(1) Headship

(2) Glory

(3) The angels


a. Verse 3 – There are three headships: God, Christ, Man

(1) God is the Head of Christ

(2) Christ is the Head of man

(3) Man is the head of woman

b.Headship is not a matter of superiority and inferiority

(1)Men and women are equalin Christ – “we are all one in Christ” (Galatians 3:28)

(2) God, the Son, is equal with God, the Father

c. It is about the positions of authority and subordinationwithin the church

(1) Christ submitted to God and came to do His will (Hebrews 10:9; John 5:30; Matthew 26:39)

(2) God’s divine plan for the church is that the woman submits to man’s authority

d.The Man’s Head Uncovered; The Woman’s Head Covered (Verses 4 and 5):

(1) Verse 4 – Man represents Christ in the Church and is in the place of authority under Him

- Christ would be dishonored if He were symbolically concealed by covering the man’s head

(2) Verse 5 – Woman is under man’s authority in the Church

(a) She acknowledges this subordination by wearing a head covering

(b) The apostle Paul says the woman’s covering is a “sign” or “symbol” of man’s authority over her (Verse 10)

(c) “Every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoreth her “head” (the man)”

e. So, the covering or uncovering of the head is a sign of acceptance or rejection of the order of headship and authority that God has ordained


4. GLORY – VERSES 7, 15

a. There are three Glories listed:

(1) The man is the image and glory of God (verse 7)

(a) Genesis 1:26,27 “Let us make man in our image”

(b) “Image” means “visual representation”

(2) The woman is the glory of the man (verse 7)

(3) The woman’s hair is her own, personal glory (verse 15)

b. As the glory of God, man’s own head should not be covered so that God’s glory may be manifested in the church

c. God’s glory alone is to be revealed in the church

(1) The man’s head is uncoveredin order to manifest (reveal) God’s glory

(2) The woman “puts on” a covering to veil man’s glory (which is the woman), and to veil her own glory (which is her hair)

(3) Summary:

(a) The glory of God (the man) must not be covered or veiled in the church

(b) The glory of man (which is the woman), and the woman’s own glory (which is her hair), should be covered

or veiled

(c) The result is that the only glory seen in the church is the Lord’s

d. The woman’s hair is not the covering that is required of her in the church:

(1) Paul speaks in this chapter of two different “coverings” for the woman. Two different words are used:

(a) Verses 4-13 – the word for “covering”or “cover” that’s used in these verses is the same in each instance, and it means anartificial coveringover the hair, such as a veil or hat

(b) Verse 15 - the word used for “covering” in this versemeans a “natural” covering, that is, “something flung around” the head, like a “hairdo”

(2) Therefore, verse 15 refers to the woman’s hair as her “natural” covering and her own “glory”, while the earlier verses refer to a “covering” that is placed over her head to cover man’s glory (the woman), and her hair, which is her own glory

(3) William MacDonald: “In verse 5 a veil, not woman’s hair, is in view. Otherwise verse 6 would be saying in effect: For if a woman does not have her hair on, let her also be shorn, but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her put her hair on. It must mean that a covering, other than her hair, is necessary.”


- That “sign of man’s authority” over her is a headcovering/veil placedover her head

a. The unfallen angels are in subjection to the Lord

b. They are watching the Church to see how it obeys the Lord in the matter of “headcovering”

c. God is teaching them (the angels), using us (the church) as an object lesson concerning the truth of authority and subordination (Ephesians 3:10)

(1) God wants willful obedience and conformity to His ordained order

(2) Man leaves his head uncovered and the woman covers her head in order to obey the Lord’s command

(3) What do we suppose the angels are learning about our obedience as they view the church today?


a. The headcovering isnot based on a local custom or temporary practice of an ancient culture

b. It is based on an important teaching of the Scriptures with great significancethroughout the church age

c. So when we meet with God’s people, and this directive from Him is obeyed, He is glorified

d. And, we have complied withwhat our Lord has requested in His Word:

“Do all to the glory of God.” (I Corinthians 10:31)