Briefing paper for Landowners and Major Businesses Group
Item 4a – Tottenham Green and 2014 Winter Festival
Monday 1st December 2014
Winter Market and Festival 2014 – Saturday 6th December 2014, 12-6pm, Tottenham Green
Following on from the Tottenham Summer Festival held from June and September 2014,a one day festival on Saturday 6th December will be held on Tottenham Green, in part celebrating‘Small Business Saturday’ and also promoting small local retailers and creative performers in the borough. This follows previous Winter festivals that have been held in Tottenham.
Running from 12-6pm, it will feature family-friendly entertainment, live music and stalls selling crafts, food and drink, and the switching on of the tree lights by Cllr Alan Strickland and a guest.
The Council is running an open call for stall holders closing on Friday 28th November and has promoted the opportunity to local traders.
Flyers for the festival and the call for stall holders are attached at Appendix 1.
Tottenham Green
-Market: next steps
The operator who ran Tottenham Green market during the summer has now found another site (Tottenham Chances car park, High Road). Thenew market has been running for 2 weeks since 15th November and feedback has been positive so far.The Councilwill continue with the planning application to hold regular markets on the Green, as well a pursuing a change in licensing policy to make trading easier in this location. The decision to hold a regular market on the Green, and the appointment an operator, will follow the planning and licensing decisions in Spring/Summer 2015.
-Design competition- Leisure Centre Car Park
The Council recently met Tottenham Green stakeholders including CONEL, Fusion, LBH Libraries, Bernie Grant Arts Centre, and Lee Valley Estates. The stakeholders received an update on the Tottenham Green public realm scheme, the customer service move from Apex House to Tottenham Green, redevelopment of the leisure centre car park site, and agreed to the preparation of a masterplan for the surrounding land and buildings. A design competition will be launched in January to appoint an architect for the redevelopment of thissite.
-Food and beverage uses
The Council is currently developing proposals for a former nursery building on Tottenham Green to be used as a park cafeand workspace, and for another buildingto be converted into a restaurant.
Appendix 1 – Winter Market Festival flyer and Call for stall holders flyer