Labeling Insects Using Clipart and Pictures

  • Any type of object or topic can be substituted for this activity. In the instructions I have chosen to use insects.

Activity Options:

  • Students can use the computer to draw the picture of the insect they will label.
    Drawing can be done either in Paint or in software such as Kidpix.
  • In place of drawing an insect students could locate a picture of the insect they wish
    to label. Clipart could be used or pictures from a website such as
    (this URL link
    can be placed in a shared folder so students do no have to type in the address –
    speak with your building tech to see if this is an option).

Using a drawing program to draw an Insect:

Refer to the Lesson “Labeling the Parts of a Plant” for instructions on drawing and labeling
using paint software.

Labeling using clipart or a picture:

Open: MS Publisher

Click: Blank Publications

DoubleClick on: Full Page

Inserting Clipart of an Insect:

Click the Clipart Tool located on the

left side of the screen.

Once the clipart tool is selected the cursor will turn into a + sign, have students move to the center of the page where they would like their insect to be, have them click down on the mouse button and hold it down, while doing this have them draw a box. When students have the desired size have them release the mouse button (should the box not be where they exactly want it that is ok as it can be moved later).

The Insert Clip Art box will open. Students can type the name of their insect in the “Search for Clips” box. Next press: Enter

Clip Art choices will be brought up.

To insert a piece of clip art click on the picture, click on the top button of the clipart tool to insert picture.

Close the “Insert Clip Art” box using the X in the upper right corner.

Inserting a picture from a website:

Prior to this activity review websites that students can use to copy pictures from. Remember to discuss with student that information including text and pictures that are found on the internet are copyright protected and must be sited (you can discuss educational use of copying pictures). Before going to the computer lab place the Internet link you wish to use to a shared folder so students do not have to type in the URL to access the site (see your building tech for help with this).

Have students open the folder with URL links (the link I provided above is a great source). Double click on the link to open the site (the internet will open). Have students select the insect they will be diagramming by clicking on the name.

When the page opens have students select the picture they wish to copy. Have students move their cursor over the picture, right click the mouse, click Copy.

Move back to MS Publisher by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page.

Have students move their mouse to the middle of the blank page in MS Publisher, Right Click your mouse, click Paste

Moving Clipart: The clip art students’ choose will now be on their page. To move pictures have students move their mouse into the center of the picture. A moving truck will appear, click the mouse and while holding down on the mouse button move the clipart picture to its desired location on the page.

Resizing Clipart: To resize the clipart picture have students move their mouse onto one of the black square place holders on the corners of the picture.
The cursor will turn into a white square with 2 arrows. Once the resize tool is activated the
picture may be resized my dragging inward or outward to desired size (if you resize the
picture using the top, bottom, left or right place holders the picture will become distorted).

Labeling the Picture: To label the picture students will have to draw text boxes. Click on
the Text Tool (the capital letter A on the left hand toolbar). The
cursor will turn into a + sign. To draw a text box move to where you
would like the box, click down on the mouse, hold the mouse button
down and draw box. When students have the desired size have them
release the mouse button. Now students can label their insect by
typing in the text box (text boxes can be resized or for these directions
refer to “Moving or Resizing Clipart). Text can be resized and
font style can be changed using the formatting toolbar. Text needs to
be highlighted to make these types of changes (this can be done by
placing your mouse in the middle of the word and double clicking it). After highlighting text use the down arrows to change font style and font size.

Change Font Style Change Font Size

(if formatting toolbar is not visible on the top toolbar click on View, Toolbars, Formatting).

If students wish to place their text boxes on top of their picture they can make their text boxes transparent by clicking on the text box and holding down on the Ctrl key and pressing the letter t at the same time. Keyboard Shortcut to make Text Box Transparent = Ctrl + T

Directional arrows can be added by clicking on the line tool on the drawing menu (if the drawing toolbar is not visible on the bottom of the page click on View on the menu toolbar, click Toolbars and click Drawing). After clicking on the Line Arrow Tool place your mouse next to the text label, click down on the mouse, hold mouse button down and draw line to the place on the picture that label applies to.