2011 Southwest Oral History Association Annual Meeting
Visualizing Oral History…Final Cuts, Many Uses
Los Angeles, CA – March 31-April 3, 2011
Registration fee must accompany this form. All participants and panelists are required to register.
Please provide complete and readable information for the following:
First Name Last Name
City, State, Zip Code
Work Phone Home Phone E-Mail
Institutional Affiliation (if any)
REGISTRATION FEES: Please check those applicable to your registration.
Full Registration fee includes the annual meeting sessions, Friday Reception, awards luncheon and business meeting continental breakfast. Workshops/Tour require separate fees.
SOHA Member _____$95
Student (full conference) Copy of student ID with registration required_____$45
One day participant "(Circle Saturday or Sunday, that day's meal is included.)_____$60
Donations – Always appreciated by struggling oral historians$______
for further information
JAPANESE AMERICAN NATIONAL MUSEUM, 369 E. First Street, Los Angeles, 90012
Free General Admission on Thursdays from 5:00-8:00 p.m.
COMPUTER WORKSHOP, Thursday, March 31, 2011
DISkovery Center,
Digital Audio Production – 9:00 a.m.– 5:15 p.m.$100 members/$125 nonmembers
Instructor Susan A. Kitchens will lead this hands-on workshop which will introduce you to basic digital audio editing workflow from sound-in, processing, to output. Using a sample audio interview, you will conduct basic edits, create an interview index, an audio CD, and an MP3 file which you will post to a web page.(lunch on your own) Seating is limited and offered on a first come, first served, basis."
WORKSHOPS: Friday, April 1, 2011
From Transcript to Script to Performance – 9:00 a.m.-5:15 p.m._____$45
Using live performance of scripts in different stages of development, the workshop will both demonstrate and analyze, in a practical way, the range of techniques and possibilities in Oral History and Performance.
Registration limited to 15 people. [food service catered. Order and pay for your own lunch. Fruit and snacks provided during workshop]
COMPUTER WORKSHOP, Friday April 1, 2011
Digital Video Production – 9:00 a.m. – 5:15 p.m.$100 members/$125 nonmembers
Instructor Richard Kinney will lead this introduction to normal workflow of editing a video project. Using a sample oral history video Interview, you will be led through importing, processing and editing to create a short excerpt of an interview, which you will then export, upload to YouTube, and post in a web page{lunch on your own} Seating is limited and offered on a first come, first served, basis.
Introduction to Oral History - 9:00 am-12:00 pm _____$40
Expert oral historian Virginia Espino, UCLA Center for Oral History Research, leads "how-to" workshop which
covers essentials such as planning, research, equipment, interviewing techniques, and legal and ethical issues.
Self Publishing a Hardbound Book (With Color Photos) – 9:00 am-12:00 pm_____$40 Randy Sakamoto presents a how-to, beginning to end; pros/cons, details and tips on: digital photography, cameras and scanners, software for family trees and editing photos, ink/paper/printers, storage, composing a book, various internet printing services,.He will address researching family, church, and Japanese American history in the process.
The Essentials of a Well-Recorded Interview – 1:30-3:15 pm_____$30
Veteran sound professional Bob Wayne will discuss setup procedures and equipment for recording and archiving oral history interviews including room acoustics, tape format, compression and equalization
Using Project Management for Successful Projects – 1:30-3:15 pm_____$30
Marie Chung, a certified project manager , presents a framework to help you develop a plan which addresses scope and goals, stakeholders, project tasks and schedules, managing resources, assessing risks---includes discussion and interactive exercises
Project Management for Community Oral History Projects – 3:30 pm-5:15 pm_____$30
Led by oral and community historian Nancy MacKay, builds upon the Project Management I workshop
applying those principles specifically to individual or small community oral history projects.
Alternative to Transcription: The Summary Method – 3:30 pm-5:15 pm_____$30
Developed by Sherna Berger Gluck for the Feminist History Resource Project, the Summary Method is used by the Oral History Program at CSULB and the VOAHA at CSULB. This method emphasizes the narration as the primary document while providing searchable content summaries of oral histories. Session is led by
Kaye Briegel, Co-Director of Co-Director of Virtual Oral/Aural Archives, California State University Long Beach,
AWARDS LUNCHEON, Saturday, April 2Free for conference registrants _____$10
Japanese American Cultural & Community Center, Garden Room
Register for three (non-computer) workshops on Friday (one in the morning and two in the afternoon)
and receive a discounted rate of $80 ($100 value)
TOTAL FEES $______
Make Registration with Payment payable to SOHA/2011 Meeting
Mail to Tom Walsh, 285 W. Bruce Ave. Gilbert, AZ 85233 OR Pay on line at our website –
**Any questions ???, call or email Alva Moore Stevenson at 310-825-4932/
Make your Hotel Reservation at the Miyako Hotel before March 1, 2011 to avoid increased charges. The Miyako Hotel Los Angeles offers SOHA attendees a $99 + tax rate which can be upgraded free of charge to an Executive Room on an upper floor. The hotel is located in Downtown Los Angeles at 328 E. 1st Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. Send an email to <mailto:>; on the subject line, Attn: SOHA reservation. include: name as it appears on credit card, dates of arrival and departure, your contact phone #, and your credit card info. The reservation desk will call back to finalize the transaction.
For planning purposes, please circle if you plan to attend – Friday Reception - Saturday Lunch - Sunday Breakfast