Paediatric Audiology Interest Group (PAIG)
Minutes of the AGM PAIG Steering Group held at
Hilton Hotel, Sheffield
on Wednesday 16th May 2012
Present: Sebastian Hendricks (SH) (Chair) (Chaired this meeting), David Canning (DC) (Vice Chair), Kelvin Wakeham (KW), Kinjal Mehta (KM) (Minutes), Rosie Kentish(RK), Sam Lear (SL), Vicki Kirwin (VK), Claire
Apologies: Sheena Hartland (SHa) (Any others to add?)
1 Welcome and apologies for absence
Apologies recorded above.
2 Minutes of the previous meeting
Minutes of March meeting will be agreed at the next meeting.
3 Matters arising
None that are not covered by agenda.
4 Remit of the PAIG within BSA Structure
i. Terms of reference not out waiting for them to be circulated in June 2012
ii. Finance any surplus to reduce next year’s conference delegate rate
Action: SH to look into the finance & balance the books.
iii. Guidelines
iv. Consultations
v. Conference
5 Suggestions & Planning of PAIG Conference 2013. Venue, date, theme, speakers
i. The proposed 2 day conference discussed. Day 1: Complex Needs Day 2: Duel/multisensory
ii. SH created a survey on tinyurl to see if delegates would be interested in 2 day conference which was distributed at the conference.
Action: SH will collate the information from the survey and distribute it to the PAIG committee.
iii. Suggested topics -
a. Autism-hyperacusis – Norrie Syndrome –vision and hearing
b. Sensory integration – fuzzy wiring
c. sensory needs – developmental needs, non co-operative – non-verbal – non-language
iv. Suggested speakers-
a. Heather Murdoch from Birmingham
b. Dianne Lim from RNTNE
c. Phonak to sponsor – Committee agreed that speakers could be sponsored.
d. Jane Madeell – has written good blog’s.
Action: ALL to look up Jane Madeells blog’s and give opinion on what they think.
e. Discussed speakers from Sense but will need to look into communication aids if required.
f. Elizabeth Hodges
g. David Brown (Ealing) – Ruth Mcconville
h. NDCS - Wendy McCracken has written the document on Complex Needs & Complex Challenges
i. Lindsey Edwards - CI & complex talked in conference Mar 2012 in Switzerland
j. NDCS- x.c NDCS pathfinder for single, education, health & social care plan report will be out in September to invite speaker to the conference.
v. Discussed having Poster Presentations at the conference which could be sponsored poster prize. Those that present could come to the conference at reduced fee.
vi. Proposed joint conference with Exeter or Manchester schools of deaf.
vii. Venue – Decided that it maybe better to keep next years conference in Sheffield.
Action: ALL 2 weeks to think and suggest structure of the conference.
6 Discussed what PAIG work for 2012/2013 and beyond will be.
i. Groups aim: to educate and circulate information not be a conference organising group.
ii. Members of the committee suggested that we should be a Central resource for developments in paediatric audiology – have links on our web page.
iii. Have information sharing of specialist expertise; suggested topics that came up were BC aids, BAHA, complex needs, APD, advice on accreditation.
iv. Review Guidelines:
a. To support the PPC committee and to give input/advice on any paediatric aspects of protocols/guidelines.
b. Support ex NHSP documents and to review them every 2 years.
c. IQIPS & paediatric accreditation information to be circulated to BSA members.
7 BSA VRA Document
i. Comments regarding VRA documents collected.
Action: SH to circulate VRA document & for the committee to rate the statements made. SH to agree the circulation with Tracy.
Action: SH & DC invited to a meeting organised by the PPC to discuss the VRA document.
8 VRA discharge Criteria
i. At last PAIG meeting SH raised questions regarding what is the best practice for VRA assessment and minimum discharge criteria for a child in a clinic.
Action: Attached is the results of the VRA assessment discharge criteria survey circulated by SH. All additional comments to go to SH.
9 BSA website and PAIG information update
Not discussed today.
10 Retirement of Officers
i. Kelvin Wakeham: Leaving in June 2012, will be moving onto the advisory panel.
ii. Julie Hare & Sara have moved to the advisory panel.
iii. Still lacking representatives from: ToD, Clinical Psychologists & Research Psychologists.
Action: DC to pass on details of Lindsey Peer (Educational Psychologist) to SH to invite onto the PAIG committee. RK to find out if any Psychologists from the RNTNE CI programme would be interested in joining.
iv. Try to recruit ToD at the conference.
v. Discussed if it was advisable for parents to join the advisory panel. Committee decided that NDCS represent families and organisations such as Cics.
11 Forthcoming events
Not discussed today.
12 AOB
Not discussed today.
13 Dates of next meetings
Action: SH to look into the possibility of the next meeting to be arranged at the BSA conference in October 2012.