Borough of Poole

Planning Committee

List of Planning Applications



Planning Committee

DATE: 15 July 2004 at 10.15 am


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2.   Applications can be determined in any manner notwithstanding the recommendation being made.

3.   Councillors who are not members of the Planning Committee but who wish to attend to make comments on any application on this list or accompanying agenda are required to give notice by informing the chairman or Head of Planning Design & Control Services before the meeting.

4.   Councillors who are interested in the detail of any matter to be considered should consult the files with the relevant officers to avoid queries at the meeting.

5.   Any members of the public wishing to make late additional representations should do so in writing or by contacting their Ward Councillors prior to the meeting.

6.   Letters of representation referred to in these reports together with any other background papers may be inspected at any time prior to the Meeting and these papers will be available at the Meeting.

7.   For the purposes of the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985, unless otherwise stated against a particular report, “background papers” in accordance with section 100D will always include the case officer’s written report and any letters or memoranda of representation received (including correspondence from all internal Borough Council Service Units).

8.   Councillors are advised that if they wish to refer to specific drawings/plans which are not part of these papers to contact the relevant case officer at least 24 hours before the meeting to ensure these can be made available.


Planning Committee

15 July 2004 at 10.15 am



2 / 324 SANDBANKS ROAD / 04/07222/016/P / 29
3 / 13 RAVINE ROAD / 04/19348/011/C / 34


HERBERT AVENUE / 04/11790/026/W / 38
5 / LAND REAR OF 1-7 LAYTON ROAD / 04/03478/004/F / 43
6 / 52 WHITCHURCH AVENUE / 04/13292/003/F / 49
7 / 21 TUDOR ROAD / 04/18114/004/F / 55
8 / REAR OF 21-23 TUDOR ROAD / 04/18114/005/F / 59



*All times are approximate

Item No: 1

Case Officer: Mr D Evans

Site: Former Pilkington's Tile Factory, Shapwick Road, Poole, Dorset

Application No: 03/04518/031/F

Date Received: 15th October 2003

Agent: Morgan Carn Partnership Blakers House 79 Stanford Avenue Brighton East Sussex BN1 6FA

Applicant: Taylor Woodrow Developments Ltd

Development: Residential development consisting of 297 flats, 85 houses all with associated parking and landscaping. Access from Blandford Road/Norton Way. (Amended plans received 11.11.03, 26.11.03, 17.5.04, 23.6.04 & 28.6.04).

Ward: B 020 Hamworthy East

This application is brought before the Planning Committee because of the scale of the proposed development.

Site Description

The application site comprises 4.2 hectares of level land south of Blandford Road and Shapwick Road in Lower Hamworthy.

The site has a narrow frontage onto Blandford Road opposite the entrance to the Pilkington tile factory and the Sydenham’s timber yard complex and incorporates the junction of Norton Way with Blandford Road. The south side of Blandford Road comprises two storey homes, a number of ground floor commercial properties with flats over, and the locally listed Potters Arms Public House. Many of these properties benefit from rear access off Shapwick Road, which comprises two storey terraced and semi-detached homes. The northern boundary of the application site abuts the rear gardens of the properties in Shapwick Road and Blandford Road.

The Port railway line forms the southern boundary of the site and separates it from Hamworthy Park, the Poole Yacht Club and the Harbour beyond. Its western boundary abuts the playing fields of the recently built Hamworthy First School and the sheltered housing of Old Rope Walk. To the east the application site abuts the premises of James Bros (steel fabricators) that accommodate a range of industrial buildings up to 3-storeys high.

The Pilkington factory premises that previously occupied the whole site were demolished during the early 1990’s and the site cleared. A new access into the site from Blandford Road together with drainage works and service roads associated with the proposed redevelopment of the site for industrial use were constructed during the late 1990’s. The site is otherwise undeveloped.

Planning History

·  1994: Outline planning permission to demolish the existing buildings and redevelop the site with the equivalent floor space (17,650 sq. m) of Industrial and Storage and Distribution uses. (4518/24)

·  1996: Applications made to renew the 1994 outline permission (4518/25) and seeking to extend the time for submission of Reserved Matters in respect of the 1994 outline permission (4518/26). Both applications were the subjects of appeals, against non-determination in the case of the renewal application. Both appeals were subsequently withdrawn without having been determined.

·  1998: Resolution to grant outline planning permission for a mixed use development comprising residential, commercial/industrial and outdoor leisure uses (4518/27). The proposals would have provided rear access to the existing properties on Blandford Road and Shapwick Road. The illustrative scheme included 0.9 ha of land in the southwest corner of the site, corresponding with where important Roman archaeological features were believed to exist, to be used for water-based and outdoor leisure purposes. The necessary Section 106 agreement was never completed.

·  2000: Planning permission granted for the construction of access roads and sewers to serve the redevelopment of the site. Access was from Blandford Road and was also to serve Shapwick Road, the existing junction of Shapwick Road with Blandford Road being stopped up. These works have been implemented (4518/28)

·  2001: Outline application for residential redevelopment on the majority of the application site, approximately 4 hectares, refused on appeal (4518/29). The Inspector concluded that the application was premature and would prejudice the outcome of the Development Plan process in relation to the overall development of the Hamworthy area. At that time the adopted Poole Local Plan did not identify the site for residential use, although the deposit version of the First Alterations to the Plan did. The application was supported by a planning obligation that would have provided 20% affordable housing, 1hectare of land for leisure and recreational use; a contribution of £150,000 towards providing access to Hamworthy Park; and would have secured access from Blandford Road to the adjacent James Bros site.

·  2001: Outline application for residential redevelopment on the remainder of the application site, an area of approximately 0.2 hectares fronting Blandford Road, allowed on appeal (4518/30). This permission remains capable of implementation.

Planning Policy

The application was initially advertised as a Departure from the Poole Local Plan (1998). Following the adoption of the Poole Local Plan First Alteration (adopted 2004) the proposals no longer represent a departure from the Development Plan.

Policy H1f (Housing Allocations) of the Poole Local Plan First Alterations (Adopted 2004) identifies the application site for residential use and capable of accommodating a minimum of 250 dwellings.

The application site together with the adjoining James Bros site is the subject of Policy CA7a. This policy would permit:

i)  Residential (a minimum of 250 units)

ii)  Watersports

Provided that development takes account of the potential noise generating activity on adjoining land; that development has regard to any archaeology; and that access to the eastern part of the site (James Bros) should link with access being provided off Blandford Road.

The text supporting policy CA7a recognises the site as a significant opportunity to meet the housing needs of the borough in a location in close proximity to the town centre and on the edge of the Poole Bridge Regeneration Initiative. The plan also recognises that internal and external site constraints may preclude the delivery of a water sports facility in this location.

The following policies of the Plan are also relevant to this application:

·  H2a (Affordable Housing);

·  H7 (High Density Housing);

·  H9a (Security through Design);

·  H11 (Purpose Built Flats, Bedsits, Hostels and Sheltered Housing);

·  BE1 (Design Code);

·  BE2 (Landscaping);

·  BE9 (Public Art);

·  BE25 (Archaeology -nationally important sites

·  BE26 (Archaeology - locally important sites)

·  E19 (Contaminated Sites);

·  L21 (Provision for Recreational Facilities);

·  T13a (Traffic Generated by Development);

·  NE28 (Development adjacent to Open Space)

·  T11b (Car Parking Maxima)

·  T1d (Cycling Provision in new development);

·  T8a (Enhancement of Rail Freight)

·  CF5b (planning obligations – Community facilities)

Policy L13 of the Poole Local Plan previously identified the northwestern part of the site for a watersports facility with access to the water and the provision of a slipway while policy TO6 made provision for a tourist car park.

These policies are not included in the Poole Local Plan First Alterations (adopted 2004).

Current Proposal

Planning permission is sought for the erection of 382 residential units. These would comprise:

·  For sale: 185 flats and 85 houses

·  Affordable rented: 112 flats

The 112 flats that would be made available by Housing Associations as affordable rented and shared ownership homes represent approximately 29% of the total scheme.

The proposals represent a density of approximately 93 dwellings/hectare.

There is a single access to the site off Blandford Road via Norton Way and the proposed road layout incorporates the existing drainage and road infrastructure of the site. Provision is made for future access to the adjoining James Bros site. As the required capacity of the roads declines westwards across the site the proposals incorporate a hierarchy of road designs to reflect this. Increasing traffic calming measures and lower traffic speeds culminate in an extensive ‘homezone’ like environment that extends across much of the western half of the site and incorporates much of the family housing.

A footway/cycleway across the site would link Blandford Road with its southern boundary. This route is mostly separated from vehicular traffic. While the proposals make provision for extending the footway/cycleway link across the port railway to Hamworthy Park, this does not form part of the application. Provision is made for pedestrian access to Hamworthy First and Middle Schools

Building heights vary from 3-storey houses and flats where the site abuts existing homes in Shapwick Road, Blandford Road and Old Ropewalk to predominantly 5 and 6-storey blocks fronting the James Bros site and the Port railway, and also including 7-storey and one slim 8-storey landmark tower in the south-west corner of the site. The proposals indicate a variety of materials including brick, block, render and panelled elevations with reconstituted slate roofs to the houses.

The proposals form four distinct character areas:

1.  Adjacent to the site entrance:

·  Five similar apartment blocks of 3-storey (block A), 4-storey (block B) and 5-storey (blocks C, D and E).

·  Blocks C and D incorporate some undercroft car parking.

·  Blocks C and D have windows mainly to non-habitable rooms and to circulation space in the east elevation (towards James Bros)

·  There are windows to habitable rooms in the south elevations of block D. (towards the Port railway)

·  There would be no windows to principal rooms in the west elevation of Block A (towards Shapwick Road)

2.  South of Shapwick Road:

·  A decked-over car parking/utilities area with a single vehicular access and enclosed by apartment blocks of 5/6-storey (block F) and 6/7-storey (block G) to the south and east and by 3-storey terraced houses to the north and west (blocks H and I)

·  The enclosed decked area would form a landscaped communal amenity space that would incorporate a LAP (Local Area for Play)

·  The terraced houses would incorporate ground floor integral car parking with access from the decked over carparking/utilities area and first floor principal living rooms with direct access to private amenity space on the decked area. The north elevations would incorporate small 1st and 2nd floor balconies.

·  There would be at least 30m. separation between the rear elevations of homes in Shapwick road and the front elevations of the proposed houses.

·  Both blocks F and G include some ground floor accommodation fronting onto the adjacent footway/cycleway.

3.  South west area of site adjacent to the Port railway and Hamworthy First School:

·  A larger decked-over carparking/utilities area with a single vehicular access and incorporating apartment blocks of 6-storey (blocks J, K and L), 7-storey (blockM1) and 8-storey (blockM2) and also 3-storey terraced houses to the north and west elevations.

·  The decked area would form two landscaped communal amenity spaces partly separated by block L. These would incorporate a LAP and a single storey communal ‘gym’ for residents

·  Blocks J, K and M2 all include some ground floor accommodation

·  There is no accommodation fronting onto the footway/cycleway as levels along it rise to form an embankment that will reduce the visual impact of the ground floor elevation and create a possible location for a future footbridge.

·  The terraced houses would incorporate ground floor integral car parking with access from the decked over carparking/utilities area and first floor principal living rooms with direct access to private amenity space on the decked area. The design incorporates 1st and 2nd floor balconies, houses with a westerly aspect incorporating a larger 1st floor terrace.

4.  North west area of site south of Blandford Road and adjacent Old Ropewalk:

·  A 4-storey apartment building (block V) and seven terraces of 3-storey houses (blocks O-U inclusive).

·  The houses would have an integral garage and a small 2nd floor balcony to the rear elevation off a bedroom.