DanescourtPrimary School Food & Fitness Policy

Food and Fitness Policy

Consultation Document

7th June – 21st June 2013


Introduction / 2
Food and Nutrition / 4
Physical Activity and Fitness / 7
Other / 9
Policy Development Partners / 11
Further Information / 12


At DanescourtPrimary School we are committed to ensuring our pupils lead active and healthy lifestyles. We believe that healthy children are best able to take full advantage of the educational opportunities that the school provides. The partnership of home and school is critical in shaping how children and young people behave, particularly where health and well-being are concerned.

Healthy Schools

Schools are a key setting for promoting health messages with young people. As a member of the Healthy Schools Network, our aim is to think health in all aspects of the life of our school and its relationship with our community. We promotephysical and emotional health and equip pupils with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health. We encourage the active participation of pupils and are committed to on going school improvement by embedding health into the whole school ethos.


  • To improve the health of the whole school community by equipping pupils with ways to establish and maintain life-long active life-styles and healthy eating habits,
  • To ensure that food and nutrition and physical activity become integral to the overall value system of the school and a common thread of best practice runs through the curriculum, the school environment and community links.


To develop and communicate a positive ethos that reflects the school’s commitment to adopting a whole school approach to healthy eating and physical activity, which is embedded within and across the curriculum,

  • To develop partnerships with parents, the wider community and outside agencies to support health education and health promotion in the school.

Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation

This policy was developed in consultation with pupils, parents, staff and governors, through the work of the FAFWG. It is intended to be an evolving document which will change as the school develops, according to local and national priorities; and above all, in response to the needs of all members of the school community. Pupils will inform the ongoing evaluation process and continue to drive the future development of food and fitness activities. The school has committed to reviewing the policy in July 2013 and every two years thereafter. Updates on school food and fitness actions will be included in the Annual Report to parentsand may utilise data from the school meals providers. (Cardiff Catering supplies an annual report on school catering to all schools).

Food and Fitness Working Group:

  • The school has set up a Food and Fitness Working Group (FAFWG) with membership which includes Senior Management Team, key curriculum staff, healthy schools coordinator, pupils (from the School Council and School Nutrition Action Groups), parent/governor representation, catering manager/cook supervisor, midday supervisor, and Adults Other Than Teachers (AOTTs),
  • Meetings take place at least once per term,
  • The FAFWG has taken the lead in modifying and implementing the school Food and Fitness Policy and Action Plan,
  • The FAFWG will be consulted during the review of this policy and will inform changes and developments,
  • The FAFWG will enable all members of the school community to remain informed and participate in the decision making about the development of food and fitness initiatives within the school,
  • Minutes of meetings and action plans will evidence the above.

Food and Nutrition

Environment – Food Services

The school ensures that lunch time arrangements support healthy living in line with the Appetite for Life guidelines.

Dining Room Facilities:

  • There are adequate chairs and tables for all pupils to sit and enjoy a balanced school meal,
  • The dining hall is warm, clean, not overcrowded or excessively noisy and promotes healthy eating messages.


  • Queues are managed to reduce queuing time and promote positive behaviour,
  • The lunch time is staggered to allow sufficient time for each pupil to enjoy a healthy balanced school meal.

Food and Nutrition in the Curriculum:

  • Provision has been made for the introduction of practical food preparation skills at key stage 2,
  • Pupils are taught to understand the relationship between food, physical activity and short and long term health benefits,
  • Pupils acquire the basic skills in preparing and cooking food and understanding of basic food hygiene,
  • Pupils are given opportunities to examine the influences of food choices including the effects of the media,
  • Opportunity to learn about the growing and farming of food and its impact on the environment (food miles, CO2, carbon foot print, reuse, recycle, compost and waste).

Packed Lunches:

  • Suitable space is provided for consumption of lunches,
  • Information is provided for parents on nutritionally balanced packed lunches at the start of each new pupil intake and on the school website,
  • Pupils are taught the benefits of healthy packed lunches,
  • Packed Lunch policy is developed by FAFWG and distributed to parents,
  • Storage space is made available to store food or lunch boxes.

School Lunches:

  • The school works in partnership with Cardiff Catering to ensure compliance with nutritional standards for school meals and government recommendations on other food and drink in schools,
  • Pupils are encouraged to see healthy eating as an integral part of the whole school environment,
  • The dining experience provides pupils with the opportunity for social interaction and the development of social skills,
  • Menus and choices available are discussed with the FAFWG, increasing pupil participation in menu planning,
  • Clear and consistent information sharing to improve the uptake of paid and free school meals,
  • Healthy options are promoted with fruit and vegetables of the week.

Healthy Breakfast Club:

  • The school has an active WAG Free Breakfast Scheme,
  • The school supports and takes part in promoting the consumption of healthy breakfasts via newsletters, posters, school web site, etc …
  • Play activities have been developed for and utilised by the Breakfast Club.

School Milk:

  • Free WAG/EU subsidised milk is offered to all nursery and foundation phase pupils each day,
  • Milk packaging is recycled,
  • Refrigerators are cleaned and maintained regularly,
  • Milk is promoted in schools as a healthy drink option.

Drinking Water:

  • The school is developing and implementing a drinking water policy in the school in accordance with ‘Think Water’,
  • All children and staff have access to a free supply of fresh, clean water at school throughout the school day,
  • Pupils understand water is a healthy choice,
  • Hygienic water sources are available and maintained,
  • The school promotes ‘Water at Desks’.

Fruit Tuck Shop:

  • The school has set up a weekly Fruit Tuck Shop which designated members of teaching or support staff have assumed responsibility for maintaining,
  • The school actively takes part in fruit related events or initiatives throughout the year, such as Fruity Friday,
  • The school regularly holds taster sessions of seasonal fruit and vegetables,
  • The FAFWG influences decisions relating to the development of the Fruit Tuck Shop in partnership with the School Nutrition Action Group, Eco Committee and School Council.

After School Cooking Clubs:

  • The school is currently engaging members of the local community and parents to develop an after school cooking club,
  • Coordinators and helpers have received Basic Food Hygiene training and OCN Level 2 Food Hygiene training plus a two day ‘Cooking in the Classroom’ course which includes Appetite for |life compliant recipes.

School Nutrition Action Group:

  • The SNAG comprises pupils from each year group, catering staff, Healthy School Coordinator, and meets at least once per term to discuss food and drink provided in school,
  • The SNAG actively engages the whole school community in surveys, tasting sessions and healthy food promotion, with the aim of improving the provision and uptake of healthy food and drink in school and to develop a positive attitude to food and health.

Food Brought into School from Home:

  • The school supports healthy living and encourages pupils to bring only food and drink to school that is beneficial to health.
  • A packed lunch policy is being developed by FAFWG.
  • Information is distributed to parents on nutritionally balanced packed lunches at the start of each new pupil intake and is always available on the school website,
  • Suitable space is provided for consumption of food,
  • Classroom teaching takes place on the benefits of healthy packed lunch,
  • Storage space is made available to food or lunch boxes.

Physical Activity and Fitness

Environment – Sport and Recreation:

  • The school has developed the playground, indoor and outdoor areas to be welcoming, safe and secure,
  • The indoor PE facilities are welcoming and inviting,
  • The physical activity areas are clean and hygienic,
  • Display areas are utilised to promote and celebrate physical activity,
  • Staff and pupils are consulted through the FAFWG when improvements are to be made to physical activity areas,
  • Access to sporting facilities is available to all,
  • The school celebrates/displays welsh sporting achievements e.g. Shane Williams, David Davies, (Paralympian) Ellie Simmonds, Nicole Cook,
  • Equipment for P.E is stored so it is accessible to both pupils and teacher,
  • School allows pupil representation on sports/physical activity issues via the school council and FAFWG,
  • Different activities have been made available in the playground.

Physical Activity within the Curriculum:

  • The school is committed to providing 2 sessions of timetabled, quality physical activity per week for every pupil,
  • Pupils are dressed appropriately for physical activity,
  • Opportunities are provided to extend knowledge and foster talent through a range of timetabled physical education courses,
  • Opportunities for strong cross curricular links are explored and developed in Science, PSE, ICT and Food Technology/Cooking,
  • Opportunities of developing outdoor and adventurous education with a physical component are actively promoted: Orienteering, problem solving,
  • Opportunities to enhance the transition process through physical activity are explored,
  • The school is part of the PE and School Sport (PESS) projects,
  • Contexts for learning are driven by physical activity e.g. health fitness and wellbeing and Olympics.

Physical Activity – Pre-school, After-school and Lunchtime Clubs:

  • The Breakfast Club provides pupils with the opportunity of participating in active play/ physical activity,
  • There is a range of physical activity after school clubs appropriate to pupils’ entire age range,
  • Steps are taken to actively encourage physical activity during lunch/break-times. Boxes/equipment are made available to pupils to stimulate physical activity,
  • There is a range of supervised activities taking place at lunch times,
  • Sufficient time is allowed at lunch time to consume food and participate in physical activities.

Walking Bus / Walk to School:

  • The school has a school travel plan in place,
  • Parents or carers have received information regarding the school travel plan,
  • Parents are encouraged to walk to school,
  • Throughout the school year there is planned promotion of walking and cycling to school,
  • The school is involved in the Cycle to School initiative,
  • The school has cycle racks available for children and staff to use,
  • Pedestrian and cycle skills training are available for staff and children.

Other Areas

Oral Health:

  • The Community Dental Service has an active involvement with the school to promote oral health,
  • The school actively promotes oral health messages for example, healthy snacks, fruit, milk and water at break times,
  • The school has sourced teaching kits and other resources (available from your local health promotion department that can promote dental health in the curriculum.
  • The school will include oral and dental health in any health events in the school,
  • The school encourages links with the home through participation by parents and carers in oral health projects,
  • When appropriate the school sets up a ‘dental corner’ in the classroom to support a tooth brushing program.


  • The school promotes good personal hygiene and pupils are taught to wash their hands after going to the toilet and before eating food,
  • Toilet facilities are checked regularly; have adequate hand washing facilities, toilet paper and doors with working locks.

WholeSchool Community Events:

  • Healthy living day or week,
  • Environmental awareness day (Earth day),
  • Themed days in conjunction with the school caterer e.g. Italian, Indian, St David’s Day, Fruity Friday,
  • Sports day,
  • Sponsored events e.g. cycle, walking, ChildLine,
  • Cluster school events e.g. Sherman Dance,
  • Family or community Fun Days,
  • The school invites parents and carers to health events in the school.

Allotment or Gardening Project:

  • The school has designated a portion of the school grounds devoted to growing foods,
  • Pupils participate in decisions about what is grown,
  • The school looks to prepare and consume the produce as a way of developing interest.

Health Promoting Rewards and Treats:

  • School has developed a rewards policy which does not undermine healthy eating,
  • Non food rewards such as praise, stickers, games and star charts are used rather than confectionery.


  • The school will sustain the actions already completed as the FAFWG will monitor all aspects of this policy, taking a different focus area each term and adding additional areas for development as appropriate.
  • The partners and agencies the school will engage with include, SNAG, School Council, Eco Committee, the Governing Body, LA advisors, community groups (e.g. church and sports groups) and Leisure and Community Services (linked to the use of the Multi Use Games Area – MUGA)

Policy Development Partners

DanescourtPrimary School has consulted with the following to develop this policy:

Food and Fitness Working Group members:

  • Senior Management Team
  • Key curriculum staff
  • Pupils/studentsfrom the school council
  • Parent and governor representation
  • Catering Manager/cook in charge/ middaysupervisor
  • (In secondary schools) 5x60 officer
  • Healthy Schools Coordinator
  • PE Coordinator
  • PSE Coordinator
  • Adults other than teachers

Other possible partners and agenciesyou could get involved:

  • Local Authority advisors for school
  • PESS Coordinators
  • PSE Advisor
  • Leisure and community services
  • Community sports clubs
  • Health professionals –Dental Health Officer/ School Nurse/Environmental Health Officer
  • Sports Development Officers
  • Dragon Sports Coordinator
  • Public Health Community Dietitians

Further Information

Related Documents:

Developing a WholeSchool Food and Fitness Policy (WAG)

Food and Fitness – Promoting Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for Children and Young People in Wales. 5 Year Implementation Plan

Food in Schools Assessment Tool

Physical Activity in School Assessment Tool

Estyn : Food and Fitness is schools report

Appetite for Life -Information document No: 029/2007 Date of Issue: February 2008

WAG Primary Schools Free Breakfast -Information document No: 10/2006

Date of issue 24 April 2006

Further information from:

Additional Needs and Inclusion Division

Welsh Assembly Government

CathaysPark, Cardiff, CF10 3NQ

Tel: 029 2082 6038


Food and Nutrition:

Cardiff Catering

Sue Eakers, DSU Group Manager: Tel: 029 20788230

Allen Shaw, Senior Catering Manager: Tel:029 20788245

Christina Powdrill, Appetite for Life Coordinator: Tel:029 20788258

Judith Gregory, Senior Client Officer (Free Breakfast Scheme): Tel: 029 20788233

Rachel Willcox, Senior Administration Officer, KS1 milk scheme: Tel: 029 20788246

Dairy Farmers of Britain

Mid morning milk scheme for 7 – 11 year olds

For more information:Julie Davies

Tel: 07702 932905


Think Healthy Vending

Fruity Friday website

Cardiff Cooks

After school cookery clubs supported by Community Focused Schools (CFS) and Out of School Hours Learning (OoSHL)

Elaine Matta: telephone 029 20872723

Sian James: telephone 029 208702850

Nutrition and Dietetics Department

Public Health Schools Dietitian

Ali Gunn:telephone 02920 371221 ext 265


Dietetic Support Worker

Joanne Evans: telephone 02920 371221ext 265

Food Standards Agency

Sarah-Jane Rowles (Nutrition) and Hilary Neathey (Food Safety)

1st Floor Southgate House, Wood Street, CardiffCF10 1EW

Tel: 029 20678963 (Nutrition) Tel: 029 20678911 (Food Safety)

Physical Activity and Fitness:

Angela Rhodes,PESS Coordinator

Walking Bus

Cycle to School initiative

Teaching Ideas

Playground Fun

CoxhoePrimary School website

Frank & Mikes PE page

Yvonne Hughes Dragon Sports Tel: 029 20873924/ 20873929

Other Areas:

Community Dental Service

Dinah Channing: telephone 029 20211495

Dental Health Manager

CDS Office

Riverside Health Centre

Oral Health Promotion

The business Centre, TriangleBusinessPark, Merthyr Tydfil CF48 4QT

Tel: 01685 383169

CardiffSchool Health Nurses

Coordinators based at RiversideHealth CentreTel: 029 20371221

British Heart Foundation – Glenda Meakin

21 Cathedral Road, Cardiff. Tel: 0800 1693672

Healthy Schools Cardiff Network:

Lisa Marie Lewis, Healthy Schools Officer

Karen Trigg, Healthy Schools Officer

Food and Fitness

Working GroupPage 106/10/2018