Attachment 1
List of Service Locations – First District – Westminster Area
HCA offers a number of service locations for services that the CountyCommunityServicesCenter would not be equipped to provide. These include:
California Children Services – two Medical Therapy units are located within Garden Grove at 6202 Cerulean and 7200 Trask Ave.
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Clinics - two clinics are located within Westminster at 7200 Plaza Street, and 14120 Beach Blvd.
Pulmonary Disease Services – located at 14120 Beach Blvd., #104, Westminster; offers screening and prevention services to targeted high risk individuals and treatment to individuals with active TB
Refugee Health Services – located a14120 Beach Blvd., #104, offers health screenings and referral services to newly arrived refugees and asylees.
RegionWestCounty Clinic – located at 14140 Beach Blvd., Westminster and provides adult mental health services, alcohol and drug abuse services, and children and youth mental services.
Contract Provider – Pacific Clinics – located at 13950 Milton, #303, Westminster and provides outpatients and CalWORKS services.
HCA also provides specialized Public Health Nursing Services through classes/lectures through the Perinatal Substance Abuse Service Initiative.
The Community Investment Division operates the OrangeCountyOne-StopCenter at 540 Garden Grove Blvd., and the OrangeCountyBusinessServiceCenter at the same location.
The Office on Agingconducts extensive outreach concerning through health fairs and other special events
The Orange County Housing Authority operations are located at 1770 N. Broadway, Santa Ana.
The Veterans Service Office is located at 1300 S. Grand Ave., Santa Ana. Client assistance is also provided at alternate locations including the VeteransAdministrationMedicalCenter in Long Beach and the SeniorsCommunity center in Laguna Hills; when staffing levels permit services at V.A. Community Clinics in Santa Ana or Anaheim.
Office on Aging/Homeless Prevention – services include the City of WestminsterSenior Mobility Program which offers trips to the congregate care nutrition site, shopping, and other locations. Additionally, Abrazar and the VietnameseCommunity Center provide outreach, activities, and meals for seniors.
Primary SSA countywide service locations include:
- Garden GroveRegionalCenter, 12912 Brookhurst, Garden Grove Services include Medi-Cal, Food Stamps, and CalWORKS.
- Hoover Facility, 12661 Hoover St., Garden Grove. Services at this location include CalWORKS, Medi-Cal, and Food Stamps.
- Santa Ana Regional Center, 1928 S. Grand Ave., Santa Ana. Services provided at this location include CalWORKS, Medi-Cal, and Food Stamps.
- Medi-Cal SpecializedRegionalCenter, 1200 N. Main Street, Santa Ana. Services at this location include Medi-Cal/Long Term Care.
- Santa AnaWorkCenter, 1000 E. Santa Ana Blvd., Santa Ana; services provided include CalWORKS
- Central Regional Office, 2020 W. Walnut, Santa Ana. Services provided include General Relief, Food Stamps, Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAP), and Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
- CalWORKS West Regional Office, 6100 Chip Ave., Cypress. Services provided include CalWORKS, Welfare to Work, Medi-Cal, and Food Stamps (this is the service office for Westminster residents. Services at this location offered include
- FamilyResourceCenter, located at 8102 Westminster Avenue, #E, Westminster. Services provided at this location include a comprehensive array of services and support systems for families designed to help families build the capacity to be self sufficient.