581-022-1060 DRAFT

School and District Performance Report Criteria

(1) The Superintendent of Public Instruction will annually collect data from schools and school districts on student performance, student behavior and school characteristics and will annually produce a performance report for each school and school district.

(2) The Superintendent will notify the public and the media by January 30 of each year that school and district performance reports are available at each school and school district and at the Department of Education website and office. The Superintendent will include in the notice that Consolidated District Improvement Plans and School Improvement Plans as required in ORS 329.095 are available form the school and school district offices.

(3) By [March 31]December 15of each year, school districts shall send a copy of the state provided school and school district performance report to the parent(s) or guardian(s) of each child enrolled in a public school in the school district.

(4) School performance reports will include grades assigned by the Superintendent, based on valid scoring scales, in each of the following categories:

(a) Student Performance;

(b) Student Behavior; and

(c) School Characteristics.

(5) School grades shall be reported as:

(a) Exceptional;

(b) Strong;

(c) Satisfactory;

(d) Low; or

(e) Unacceptable.

(6) Criteria for a school grade in Student Performance will include [both overall] performance [and][improvement in performance]as measured by: Statewide assessment.

(7) Criteria for a school grade in Student Behavior will include performance as measured by:

(a) Student dropout rate; and

(b) Student attendance rate.

(8) Criteria for a school grade in School Characteristics will include performance as measured by: Percentage of students participating in statewide assessment.

(9) The school performance report will also include an overall grade based on a composite of the three categorical grades listed in section (4) of this rule and on improvement in Student Performance and Student Behavior over time and will be explained on the performance reports.

(10) A school receiving any grade of "Low" or "Unacceptable" shall file its revised school improvement plan with the Superintendent, the school board and the 21st Century Schools Council for the school by [June 30]March 31following the report.

(11) School performance reports may include information other than that listed in section (4). Such information will not be part of the calculation of the school grade in individual categories or of the overall grade.

(12) School district performance reports will be developed and must include the overall rating of each school in the district. The district performance report may include information other than that listed in section (4).

(13) School and school districts may include information in addition to that listed in section (4) in their locally prepared and distributed school and school district performance reports.

(14) School and school district performance reports, in conjunction with electronic supplements of the performance reports, will serve as the means by which the state meets the report card requirements of section 1111 of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001.

Stat. Auth.: ORS 326.051
Stats. Implemented: ORS [329.045]329.105
Hist.: ODE 36-1999, f. 12-13-99, cert. ef. 12-14-99

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