Local Participation report

Lambourn Surgery 2011/12


We were asked this year by Berkshire West PCT to set up a patient group which could provide feedback on the service the practice is providing and respond to questionnaires and their results to enable us to make objective decisions about the future of the practice and influence any changes made as a result of survey results.

Current opening hours

We open Monday to Friday from 8-6.30. We also do extended hours on a Monday evening until 8.00pm and 2 Saturday mornings a month from 8-11 for pre booked GP appointments.

The telephone line is open from 8-6.30 Monday to Friday and the website is available to book appointments or make repeat prescription request 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The group

Lambourn surgery already has an active patient group which meets every quarter to discuss the surgery and the care it provides. In order to retain the valuable input from this group, we decided the best thing to do was to offer to our practice population the opportunity to join a virtual group. This would mean the group would receive communications from the practice, either by post or e mail, and could respond in the same way.

Setting it up

We began by discussing the new arrangements with our existing patient group. The practice manager presented at a meeting the requirements of the pct, for us to involve a wider representation of the practice population, and asked for ideas of how to reach out to all members of our community. As we are predominantly a racing village, it was important to reach these patients. One of the members of the group suggested she write to each of the stables enclosing a sign up form for any interested parties. We also put posters in the waiting room, posted messages on the website, and promoted the group through our local village magazine. The group also took the message back to their own localities to promote it.

This work is ongoing, and we are continuing to recruit new members. There are also cases where some who originally signed up have not responded when asked for feedback, so they have been removed from the list.

How did we decide what to include in our first questionnaire?

We were keen to include the usual questions on access (confirming that in general our patients are happy with our opening hours and with how quickly they can get an appointment with a Doctor). This has always been and still is of the upmost importance to us and our patients. We discussed with our staff at a full staff meeting what they believed should be included, and we were in agreement that it would be a good idea to include something on the facilities and the surroundings of the surgery as we had not asked about this before. The practice manager also sent an e mail or letter to the members of the virtual group and the existing patient group asking for suggestions of what they would like to see included.

Action plan

Following the publication of the survey, we discussed the results and informed the virtual group where they could see the results of the survey. The practice manager asked for feedback from the virtual group and the survey results were shown and discussed at the next patient group meeting.

We were pleased with the questions around access. The majority of our patients were content with our hours and the ability to see a Doctor or nurses quickly.

The areas mentioned were discussed with the group and the following decisions were made

What you asked for / What we will do / Who is responsible / When will it be done? / Outcome
Improve the ambience in the waiting room / To update the décor and de-clutter / Practice Manager and team / By September 2012
Improve the children’s area / Update the toys and put down a suitable surface. / Practice Manager / By July 2012
Improve telephone access / Improve the telephone system so it can announce what number the patient is in the queue / Practice Manager / By May 2012

The results of the survey are published below

PPG & Survey Results Report

Patient Reference Group

The patient group comprises 51 members

Distribution Details

/ Gender

/ Age

Survey Results

Lambourn Surgery 2011

Number of Responses: 88

We would be grateful if you would complete this survey about your general practice. Your doctors want to provide the highest standard of care. Feedback from this survey will help them to identify areas that may need improvement. Your opinions are very valuable.

Please answer ALL the questions that apply to you. There are no right or wrong answers and your doctor will NOT be able to identify your individual answers.

Thank you.

About Receptionists and Appointments

Q1 How helpful do you find the receptionists at your GP practice?

Very helpful80%

Fairly helpful15%

Not very helpful0%

Not at all helpful1%

Don’t know1%

Q2 How easy is it to get through to someone at your GP practice on the phone?

Very easy47%

Fairly easy38%

Not very easy5%

Not at all easy2%

Don’t know0%

Haven’t tried4%

Q3 How easy is it to speak to a doctor or nurse on the phone at your GP practice?

Very easy36%

Fairly easy28%

Not very easy9%

Not at all easy2%

Don’t know3%

Haven’t tried18%

Q4 If you need to see a GP urgently, can you normally get seen on the same day?



Don’t know / never needed to18%

Q5 How important is it to you to be able to book appointments ahead of time in your practice?


Not important13%

Q6 How easy is it to book ahead in your practice?

Very easy68%

Fairly easy20%

Not very easy3%

Not at all easy0%

Don’t know1%

Haven’t tried3%

Q7 How do you normally book your appointments at your practice? Please tick all boxes that apply.

In person15%

By phone67%


Doesn’t apply1%

Q8 Which of the following methods would you prefer to use to book appointments at your practice?Please tick all boxes that apply.

In person13%

By phone62%


Doesn’t apply1%

Thinking of times when you want to see a particular doctor:

Q9 How quickly do you usually get seen?

Same day or next day37%

2-4 days46%

5 days or more3%

I don’t usually need to be seen quickly6%

Don’t know, never tried1%

Q10 How do you rate this?


Very good36%




Very poor1%

Does not apply3%

Thinking of times when you are willing to see any doctor:

Q11 How quickly do you usually get seen?

Same day or next day62%

2-4 days22%

5 days or more0%

I don’t usually need to be seen quickly2%

Don’t know, never tried7%

Q12 How do you rate this?


Very good23%




Very poor1%

Does not apply9%

Thinking of your most recent consultation with a doctor or nurse

Q13 How long did you wait for your consultation to start?

Less than 5 minutes28%

5 – 10 minutes55%

11 – 20 minutes6%

21 – 30 minutes0%

More than 30 minutes0%

There was no set time for my consultation1%

Q14 How do you rate this?


Very good39%




Very poor0%

Does not apply1%

About opening times

Q15 Is your GP practice currently open at times that are convenient to you?

Yes - Go to Q1779%


Don’t know5%

Q16 Which of the following additional opening hours would make it easier for you to see or speak to someone?Please tick all boxes that apply.

Before 8am4%

At lunchtime3%

After 6.30pm11%

On a Saturday7%

On a Sunday5%

None of these1%

About seeing the doctor of your choice

Q17 Is there a particular GP you usually prefer to see or speak to?


No - Go to Q1918%

There is usually only one doctor in my surgery - Go to Q190%

Q18 How often do you see or speak to the GP you prefer?

Always or almost always42%

A lot of the time22%

Some of the time7%

Never or almost never1%

Not tried at this GP practice0%

How good was the last GP you saw at each of the following?

(If you haven’t seen a GP in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to Q25)

Q19 Giving you enough time

Very good68%




Very poor0%

Does not apply1%

Q20 Listening to you

Very good71%




Very poor0%

Does not apply0%

Q21 Explaining tests and treatments

Very good68%




Very poor0%

Does not apply4%

Q22 Involving you in decisions about your care

Very good64%




Very poor0%

Does not apply5%

Q23 Treating you with care and concern

Very good70%




Very poor0%

Does not apply0%

Q24 Did you have confidence and trust in the GP you saw or spoke to?

Yes, definitely79%

Yes, to some extent10%

No, not at all1%

Don’t know / can’t say1%

If you know the name of the GP you last saw, please write it here:

How good was the last nurse you saw at each of the following?

(If you haven’t seen a nurse in your practice in the last 6 months, please go to Q31)

Q25 Giving you enough time

Very good60%




Very poor0%

Does not apply1%

Q26 Listening to you

Very good55%




Very poor0%

Does not apply2%

Q27 Explaining tests and treatments

Very good54%




Very poor0%

Does not apply3%

Q28 Involving you in decisions about your care

Very good50%




Very poor0%

Does not apply10%

Q29 Treating you with care and concern

Very good54%




Very poor0%

Does not apply2%

Q30 Did you have confidence and trust in the nurse you saw or spoke to?

Yes, definitely62%

Yes, to some extent12%

No, not at all0%

Don’t know / can’t say2%

If you know the name of the nurse you last saw, please write it here:

About care from your doctors and nurses

Thinking about the care you get from your doctors and nurses overall, how well does the practice help you to:

Q31 Understand your health problems?

Very well78%


Not very well0%

Does not apply3%

Q32 Cope with your health problems

Very well75%


Not very well3%

Does not apply5%

Q33 Keep yourself healthy

Very well70%


Not very well0%

Does not apply11%

Q34 Overall, how would you describe your experience of your GP surgery?


Very good23%




Very poor0%

Q35 Would you recommend your GP surgery to someone who has just moved to your local area?

Yes, definitely82%

Yes, probably11%

No, probably not1%

No, definitely not0%

Don’t know0%

Q36 Are there any changes you wouldlike us to make to the waiting room?

Anti bacterial in the actual waiting room
Better music
decent music to listen to while waiting
Get rid of the piped music!
Impossible to get through by phone in mornings. Call waiting or queue desirable.
lower level of music
Needs some updating of decor and furnishings. Information boards would be more useful if leaflets etc were put into specific groups and regularly updated. Childrens corner could be more colourful and comfortable for little ones.
No background music
no,it,s fine.
None, totally adequate for a waiting room
Patient information leaflets on common conditions
Plants, to soften the room.
Repaint walls Dryclean/freshen upholstery Less clutter of booklets etc. Tidy and update notice boards. Designated area for communication from the practice, newsletters etc. Art work/pictures with a regular turnover More facilities for children Plants

Q37 Are there any additional services you would like to see at the surgery?

Alternative therapies
Either call-waiting or ringback. Impossilbe to get through in the mornings.
Facility to communicate with GP via email for consultation and advice
I am not aware of what services are offered at the moment
I think the surgery is excellent and from past experience from my families illnesses and mine they cater for all major illnesses - diabetes, blood clots and many more rather than having to travel to the hospital.
Is the acupuncture still available?[mORE PUBLICITY NEEDED] Is the practice aware of my West Berkshire Steady Steps or chair based exercise class at Harris Close, mainly for over 70s. It has been going now since 2005 and lasts 1 HOUR WITH tes and biscuits .[Iam officially qualified with Later life training] The class is free of charge. 01488 73224
More alternative therapy-sports massage etc
More health checks for women over 40
More physiotherapy.
More rapid dispensing. ie. while you wait.

It will help us to understand your answers if you could tell us a little about yourself

Q38 Are you?



Q39 How old are you?

Under 160%

16 to 4421%

45 to 6444%

65 to 7421%

75 or over9%

Q40 Do you have a long-standing health condition?



Don’t know / can’t say9%

Q41What is your ethnic group?


Black or Black British0%

Asian or Asian British1%



Other ethnic group0%

Q42 Which of the following best describes you?

Employed (full or part time, including self-employed)54%

Unemployed / looking for work1%

At school or in full time education0%

Unable to work due to long term sickness1%

Looking after your home/family10%

Retired from paid work27%
