1. Objectives (maximum 3 pages)

Applicants shall describe the operational objectives for the specific grant, which shall be consistent with the aim of the call for proposalsand with the strategic work plan objectives (Form B1).

These operational objectives are concrete statements describing what the applicantorganisation is trying to achieve in order to reach its general and specific objectives.They must be defined at a level which allows them to be evaluated.They shall also be specific, measurable, realistic, andtime-bound (containing an indication of the time within which they must be reached). Objectives can be hierarchically and temporally structured, so that theachievement of some objectives is a precondition for another.

  1. methodology (maximum 3 Pages)

Applicants shall include a detailed description of:

(a)methods of implementation of the operational activities;

(b)reasons for the proposed methodology;

(c)description of assumptions, models and tools needed for the implementation of the proposed activities

(d)milestones or key points to help monitoring progress;

(e)how the project intends to build on a previous project or previous activities (where applicable);

The methods underlying the applicant organisation's activities should be explicitly linked to the objectives for the specific first grant.

  1. Detailed description of activities (maximum 9 pages)

Please include a detailed description of each activity as identified in the proposed methodology. Link between the main activities and the different work packages may be beneficial to the clarity and transparency of the proposed work plan.

Applicants shall perform a first preliminary iteration of the main activities identified in section 2.2 and section 4 of the Call in order to demonstrate the readiness to start the work. As a minimum the first iteration shall include a discussion of how to implement the activities of the SPMS project described in section 4 of the Call.

  1. Duration and plan of action

Please indicate the duration of the project in months.

The indicative plan of action should not mention actual dates, but should start with “month 1”, “month 2”, etc. Applicants are advised to foresee a security margin in the proposed plan of action.

The plan of action should not contain detailed descriptions of activities, but only their titles (please ensure that these match the titles listed in relevant section above).

  1. Organisational structure (maximum 4 pages)

Applicants shall include a detailed description of:

(a)role of each participant;

(b)level of involvement and activity of other participants in the project;

(c)team proposed for implementation of the project

The composition of the team implementing the project must be properly described. Team staff should be singled out by function (E.g. project managers, administrator, secretary, external consultant, expert, technical assistant).

For each member of the staff, it should be indicated whether they are "internal staff" or "external staff". "Internal staff" are individuals working for the applicant or partner organisation(s). "External staff" are external consultants, experts, etc. For external staff, indication should be given on the way of their selection (e.g. through a call for tender). The specific tasks which will be allocated to each function should be listed.

It is important that thorough thought be given to this point, as the composition of the team must be respected during implementation of the project in order that cost claims can be considered for funding.

  1. Tables: Planned Efforts, Work packages and Deliverables
  1. Planned Effort

Proposals must include an aggregated overview on planned efforts (person-hours). Please follow the structure below:

Planned Effort for the First Specific Grant
Work package ID. / Work Package Title / Co-ordinator / Partner 2 / Partner 3 / … / Total
WP 1
WP 2

  1. WorkPlan

Proposals must also include a major sub-division of the proposed project intowork packages, numbered 1 through n (this might include the indication of part of the activities subcontracted or carried out by third parties). Please follow the structure of the following table:

Start date/Event / End date/Event
Total person-hours for work package
Person-hours per participant for work package
Participant Role / Organisation / Person-hours:
Participant 1 Role
Participant 2 Role
Objectives and approach
Required inputs
List required input (e.g. deliverables linked with other work packages)to carry out the tasks of the work package
List results of the work package (e.g. related output deliverables)
Tasks to carry out
List foreseen tasks to perform in the frame of the work package
  1. Deliverables

Deliverable refers to a distinct and tangible output of the applicant organisation's annualwork programme, meaningful in terms of the overall objectives, generally related to aspecific objective and related set of activities and constituted by a report, tool, etc.The following table must list all planned deliverables with a short description of thecontent and its link with the applicant organisation's activities; the expected delivery periodicity. For each deliverable a dissemination level (public or confidential) shall beadded.

Deliverable ID / Title / Short description / Periodicity
(a) / Type
(b) / Distribution
(c) / WP Ref.


(a)Periodicity may include: Annual, Quarterly, Monthly, ad-hoc, etc.

(b)R = Report; SP = Specification, T= Tool, O = Other.

(c)P = Public, open for public dissemination (public deliverables shall be of a professional standard in a form suitable for print or electronic publication);

CO = Confidential, restricted under conditions to be set out in the Specific Grant Agreement. Irrespective of the status, all reports and deliverables must be made accessible to the other project participants, and to the GSA.

ER = External restricted (eg. Members, stakeholder groups or other particular target


(d)Corresponding to the specific WP ID they refer to.