Health Notes

Ch 25

Treatment for HIV/AIDS

Lesson 4

  • Stages of HIV infection:
  • Considered ______immediately after contracting the virus
  • ______of people develop symptoms 3-6 weeks after infection
  • Symptoms: fever, ______, headache, body ______, ______glands
  • These symptoms disappear within a ______-->month
  • Asymptomatic Stage
  • A period of time during which a person infected with HIV has no ______
  • Could be for ______-___ years or more
  • Virus still ______and can still be ______
  • ______Stage
  • Stage where person infected with HIV has symptoms as a result of a ______drop in ______cells
  • EX: swollen glands, ______, yeast infections
  • AIDS
  • Presence of HIV infection
  • Severely damaged immune system measured by number of ______( less than 200)
  • Appearance of one or more ______infections (over 30)
  • Detecting HIV
  • EIA
  • Also known as ELISA
  • A test that screens for the presence of HIV ______in the blood
  • May be ______due to the lack of antibodies for the test to detect, it takes ______or ______for antibodies to develop test give false-negative
  • Other health conditions such as hemophilia, hepatitis, and ______may give false-positive
  • Western Blot Test
  • The most common confirmation test for HIV in the united States
  • If done properly this test is ______accurate

History of HIV in the U.S.

  • 1981- clusters of rare diseases noticed in LA and New York
  • 1982- collection of symptoms is named AIDS; 14 nations report cases of AIDS
  • 1984- 7,000 Americans have AIDS
  • 1986- AIDS causing virus is name ______; 1st drug treatment for AIDS ______
  • 1988- Dec 1st declared ______AIDS Day
  • 1989- New Drugs available to ______opportunistic diseases FDA approves 1st drug treatments for more than ______
  • 1990- World Wide AIDS cases ______
  • 1991- Scientists report drugs have linked use due to HIV ______
  • 1992- 1st ______drug therapy approved for advanced stages of HIV
  • 1994- Drug treatment greatly reduces ______from mother to baby
  • 1998- 1st trial of AIDS vaccine with 5,000 U.S. volunteers
  • 2002- AIDS is ______leading cause of death in World; Estimated that ______million people around the world are infected

______- a global outbreak of infectious disease


  • avoid situations and events where drug use or ______to engage in sexual activity is likely to occur
  • choose ______carefully
  • practice refusal skills