Reports relating to the General meeting of the Parish Council of Moulton held on 7th July 2015

Clerks Report

1. Both cradle seats at the play area in Moulton Seas End have been replaced under warranty.

2. Concerns have been raised with SHDC regarding the weeds and general appearance of the car park near garages at Cekhira Avenue in Moulton Chapel.

3. Cllr Burling has been registered to attend the vacant induction sessions at SHDC those being Finance on 15th June, Governance & Audit on 22nd June & Media Skills on 6th July. Cllr Wright has been registered to attend the ‘Councillor Training’ on Wednesday 24th June in Kirton.

4. Confirmation has been received from the agent for the old Gardman site that a tenant will be making partial use of the site shortly and that the site will be tidied up.

5. A total of £663.46 has been raised to date for the Moulton Chapel defibrillator fund including a private donation of £100 and £203 from the quiz night and our 3 District Councillors have agreed to donate £200 each from their ward budgets towards the defibrillator fund.

6. The outstanding 2010 rent review is now complete for Kevin Goatcher and the back rent of £1,139.40 has been settled with The Crown Estate (TCE) in line with the surrender agreement with TCE.A copy of the memoranda have been sent to Chris Longstaff to complete the review files. Mr Philip Ambrose of Cheffins, acting as the arbitrator for the review, has been notified of the completion of the memoranda and advised that any costs incurred by the arbitrator will not be settled by the Parish Council and should be submitted to the tenant via his land agent Richard Frisby of Hix & Son.

7. The annual Rospa inspection is due to take place during the month of August at the play area in Moulton Seas End.

Cemetery & Churchyard Report

1. Request for Burial of Ashes for Paul David Clegg on Wednesday 10th June.

2. Request for memorial for Andrew David Dawson.

3. The unstable headstone for Elsie & Edgar Holland has been removed for repair courtesy of Mick Coates (Stonemason). New pins have been drilled into the base and the headstone has been re-sited and is totally secure.

4. A Pecuniary legacy of £500 has been received fromCalthrops acting for the Executors of Montague Frederick Gordon Marsh for the upkeep of the graves of both Montague and Joyce Marjorie Marsh and the upkeep of the village cemetery in general.

5. Request from William Kent (Memorials) Ltd to clean, knock back, tighten the existing lead inscription & replace missing lead letters for the memorial in respect of Philip David Lambert.

6. Interment for Neville (Tim) Clay on Wednesday 8th July.

7. Terry Marriott will be attending to the cemetery for the interim following the death of Bob Marriotts son Simon and the hospitalisation of his wife. It is hoped that he will return to work very shortly.

Police Report

1. A leaflet is due to be produced by SHDC in an attempt to encourage gang masters and their gangs to help reduce litter by taking it home following their work in our rural areas.

2. A provisional date for the next Community Policing panel meeting is Monday 21st September in the village hall, Moulton Seas End.

3. A letter has been sent to the Chief Inspector of Police & the Lincolnshire Police & Crime Commissioner with concerns about Community Policing.

4. Minutes of the Community Policing Panel meeting held on 1st June have been circulated to members for reference.

5. The data recorded from the Speed Indicator Device (SID) for both the site at Fengate, Moulton Chapel and Roman Bank, Moulton Seas End, has been forwarded to the police for analysis.

Highways Report

1.Oxcroft Bank – Resources are not available at County Highways to maintain hedges or vegetation. They suggest residents & landowners are contacted.

2. River Lane – The percentage of HGV’s recorded at this location is well below 10% so therefore a weight limit will not be pursued in line with the LCC policy.

3. Long Lane – This road would not satisfy the current criteria for a reduction in speed limit. The new speed management policy is due to be implemented later this year and may change if the policy criteria changes significantly.

4. Roman Road, Moulton Chapel – Loose chippings on the footway are from residents gravelled driveways which will cause deterioration to the footway surface through abrasion and should be swept by residents responsible. Due to the current economic climate there are no plans at present to resurface the carriageway at this location.

5. The parish ward walk took place on Tuesday 2nd June with Cllr Richard Davies Portfolio holder for Highways, Cllr Richard Fairman and a number of Parish Councillors. All the areas of concern which have been raised at Council over the last few months were discussed and viewed and whilst some roads are in the process of being improved there are many areas such as River Lane, West Cobgate leading to Beggars Bush, Clapton Gate, Bakestraw Gate, Long Lane, Roman Road (MC), Roman Bank & Seas End Road (MSE) which unfortunately are not likely to have any changes or improvements implemented due to drastic reductions to the County Highways budget. It was agreed that many of the rural roads are being used more by HGV’s and larger agricultural machinery which are a vital part of the rural economy, however, it is unlikely that any road tax will be sought for agricultural machinery by Central government. There will only be emergency repairs to existing footpaths and it is likely that many of the less utilised ‘C’ roads will become unclassified. Richard Davies was very supportive of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership (LRSP) and believed that it was important for all parties to work together to help reduce speed in all the villages through the Speed Indicator Devices (SID).

6. Overnight resurfacing work is due to be carried out on the A17 between HolbeachGedney (18/7 to 24/7) & the A16 between Spalding & Peterborough boundary (13/7 to 21/7).

7. Temporary road closure for essential maintenance by Western Power Distribution on B1357 Moulton Chapel Road/Roman Road between Broad Gate & Woodgate Road between 6/7/15 & 17/7/15.

8. Highway Maintenance schemes for 2015/16 for the parish of Moulton include:

a. Surface Dressing on Common Road & Middle Marsh Road.

b. Roadmaster Surfacing on Eaugate Road, DawsgateOxcroft Bank.

c. Footway Slurry Sealing on Ashby Gardens & Fengate.

d. Drainage works on Engine Bank culvert repairs.

General Correspondence

1.RSN Newsletters.

2. Community Lincs News & Updates.

3. Transported Arts projects throughout South Holland & Boston Borough.

4. Healthwatch Lincolnshire Enews.

5. Making Parishes Better Places survey.

6. Healthcare survey for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transexual.

7. NALC Summer magazine.

8. Commonwealth Flag Day – 14th March 2016.

9. Clerks & Councils direct newsletter.