Wellness for Women – W2

Call to all women:

On behalf of Hemophilia Ontario, I would like to extend an invitation to you and all women who are affected by inherited bleeding disorders.

The second edition of Wellness for Women – W2 is planned for the weekend of October 22-23, 2011, at the Delta Meadowvale Resort and Conference Centre in Mississauga, Ontario. The weekend is open to women ages 16 and up affected by inherited bleeding disorders. Wellness workshops will be presented throughout the weekend by dynamic experts from across the province. The exciting program and registration information have been included in this package.

Hemophilia Ontario and its partners are pleased to offer this opportunity to you for a minimal registration fee of $50.00. You registration and fee must be received by September 1, 2011.

We encourage you to register online at:


If you would like a paper registration form, please contact Terri-Lee Higgins or Matthew Maynard or call 519-432-2365.

We are very excited about the educational value and opportunity for networking provided by this conference. It will include carriers, caregivers, partners, and women with bleeding disorders. Please join us and invite others to benefit from participating in this life-changing experience.

For further information, contact your local Regional Service Coordinator or the conference coordinators, Robin Nobleman (1-888-838-8846 ext 12) and Teresa Genereux (1-888-838-8846 ext 36).

This is an event that you will not want to miss!


Paul Wilton

Conference Schedule

Saturday, October 22, 2011

10:00 AM -12:30 PM / Arrival and registration
12:30-1:15 PM / Lunch and Ice breakers
1:15-2:30 PM / Medical keynote address
Dr. Rochelle Winnikoff - Medical management of women and bleeding disorders provides an overview of women and inherited bleeding disorders, the role of the clinic team and how to get the larger medical community on board.
2:30-3:45 PM / Breakout sessions 1
o Aging with a bleeding disorder
Hematology physiotherapist Caroline Jones will speak about the unique challenges of aging with a bleeding disorder and how to prepare yourself.
o Raising a child with a bleeding disorder
Hear a variety of perspectives in a panel discussion including Karen Creighton, a mother of triplets with severe hemophilia, Stephanie Saur, the sister of a man with hemophilia, and Amy Griffith, a young woman with VWD.
3:45-4:00 PM / Snack/Fitness break
4:00-5:15 PM / Breakout sessions 2
o Young women – Transitioning to independence
Social worker and psychotherapist Larry Borins will facilitate a discussion with young women 16-24 on moving towards independence, disclosure of their bleeding disorder within relationships, and planning positively for the future.
o Psychological and physical stresses for carriers/caregivers
Although the focus often ends up on the child with a bleeding disorder, mothers have their own concerns as carriers and caregivers. Sue Gillespie and Barb Peters lead a group discussion exploring the issues.
5:30-6:45 PM / Gynecological management
Dr. Diane Francoeur, Obstetrician/Gynecologist at St. Justine Hospital, will
speak about options for managing gynecological symptoms, the role of
the Ob/Gyn and the establishment of “one-stop-shop” hematology-
gynecology clinics.
7:00-8:30 PM / Banquet Dinner
8:30-11:00 PM / Cocktails mixer, entertainment and genetics trivia

Sunday, October 23, 2011

7:00-8:00 AM / Yoga for wellbeing
Eliana Stein from Shine Yoga and Wellness will lead a Hatha yoga session to kickstart your day and teach you postures you can do at home.
8:00-8:45 AM / Breakfast
9:00-10:15 AM / Wellbeing keynote: Living well with a chronic illness
Rae-Anne Jammer has been through chronic illness and is a certified Wellness Coach. She will provide an arsenal of strategies to help you live happier and healthier with your/your child’s bleeding disorder.
10:15-10:30 AM / Snack and fitness break
10:30-11:45 AM / Breakout sessions 3
oBleeding disorders research updates
What’s new and coming down the pipeline in bleeding disorders research? Learn about cutting edge research on menstrual symptoms, bleeding questionnaires and longer lasting factor products from research specialist Dr. Natalia Rydz.
o Best practices for ER visits
What could be more stressful than arriving at the ER and knowing exactly what you need but meeting resistance on every front? Learn how to navigate the ER with emergency room nurse Sherry Purcell.
12:00 -1:00 PM / Lunch
12:30-1:15 PM / Patient Panel
Hear a wide spectrum of women’s perspectives on inherited bleeding disorders.
1:00-2:15 PM / Breakout sessions 4
o Mental health and wellbeing
There can be no health without mental health. Rae-Anne Jammer, certified Wellness Coach shares tips on stress relief through relaxation.
o Nutrition and anaemia
Blood loss and anemia often come together. Learn how to prevent and treat anemia and keep your family healthy through nutrition science. Registered dietician Stephanie de Maio shares practical tips on eating well.
2:15-2:30 PM / Snack and fitness break
2:30-4:00 PM / Closing Keynote: The other side of the mountain – Making the best of a crisis
Irene Becker will teach you how to use your IQ, EQ (emotional quotient) and SQ (spiritual quotient) to survive and thrive through incredible challenges; and, how you can use your Q power to engage your best in the face of life, career or leadership challenges, changes, even crises.


We would love to have you at Wellness for Women 2011!

There is a $50 registration fee which covers your accommodation, food and attendance at the entire conference. It’s a great price for a girls’ weekend away! The deadline for registration is September 1, 2011

Please note that this year’s W2 will be focused on affected women; to ensure space for all who wish to participate, we are unable to support the participation of unaffected support persons. The exception is women ages 16-18 who must be accompanied by someone over 18.

We encourage you to register online at http://events.hemophilia.on.ca.

If you would like a paper registration form, you can print it from the above website or contact Susan Turner at or 1-888-838-8846 ext 21 to receive it by mail.

Looking forward to seeing you at W2 2011!

Thank you to our generous sponsors