/ AAPB Board of Directors Meeting
Thursday, July 25, 2013
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM Eastern Time


Materials for this meeting have been posted on the AAPB Board-Only Website at:


Item / Action / Who / Deadline /
Welcome and Call to Order

Present: Elizabeth Bigham, Stu Donaldson, Richard Harvey, Jan Newman, Richard Sherman, David Stumph and Michelle Cunningham

Absent: Jeff Bolek, Louis Csoka, Kathleen Riley and Arnon Rolnick
The meeting was called to order at 7:11 pm (EDT).

Approval of Minutes

The May 23, 2013 meeting minutes were presented for discussion and approval.
MSC to approve the meeting minutes as presented.
President’s Report
Social Media Update
Dr. Sherman reported that Jennifer Stephens has been selected to spearhead the AAPB social media project. She is extremely experienced in the medium (from both the content and technical perspectives) and is a biofeedback practitioner who wished to give back to the organization.
Discussion followed on the need for clear communications and instructions to ensure that members are empowered to submit content. Dr. Bolek’s insightful comments were shared. Once Jennifer has developed the sites and we will tailor communications for all user levels. Examples of blogs will be included and a survey collector will be developed to capture and organize submissions for review and approval. Ongoing consideration will need to be given to the approval process.
ISNR Liaison Relationship – Letter of Invitation to Collaborate
Dr. Sherman reported that the version of Dr. Harvey’s letter will be disseminated to ISNR. He commented that if a favorable response is not received, he and Dr. Donaldson have discussed not spending their presidencies on this issue.
Dr. Harvey reported that the broader community interested in advancing the science, would be best served by a concurrent AAPB meeting is held in conjunction with ISNR meeting in the fall of 2015. (as many like-minded groups meet during this time – inclusive of sports performance, research groups).
He recommended that a taskforce be convened to develop a poll to determine AAPB member opinion on moving the timing of the meeting.
He shared that ISNR leadership (Leslie Sherlin, Cindy Yablonski and Randy Lyle) is supportive of this possibility and have not finalized the 2015 meeting location. The ISNR Board will be meeting on August 4, 2013, and is expecting formal correspondence from AAPB on its position in working together to support the larger community and willingness.
Discussion followed on risk and rewards. Dr. Donalson reported that the 2015 Program Planning Committee has been convened and it would be difficult to garner keynotes if a decision on a concurrent conference with ISNR is pending.
MSC to express the interest of the AAPB Board in exploring the rescheduling of the Annual Meeting to the fall timeframe so that the society can explore options to meet concurrently with like minded groups.
It was determined that the communications will be sent at the direction of Dr. Harvey, with approval from the Board. It was determined that consideration will only be given to a joint meeting for 2016.
Locations were discussed. Harvey requested that consideration be given 2015 considerations could include Austin, Denver, Seattle or Reno. Dave reported that he has just received the proposals from Austin and San Antonio that are reasonably good for the Spring 2015, with ample concessions. Dave reported that room fees proposed are between $169 and $175 excluding taxes.
It was determined that Texas will be the location of the 2015 AAPB Annual Meeting. Ongoing consideration will be given to moving to the fall pending the outcome of the AAPB membership poll – it would be moved in Fall 2016 at the earliest.
Dr. Harvey requested opinions on selecting Orlando as a location consideration in 2016 due to reasonable lodging fees.
Standards Development document
Dr. Sherman reported that the standards document has been sent to the Board for review. He requested feedback and the Board thanked him and his committee for their extraordinary and favorable efforts in the development of this document.
MSC to send the standards document as presented to the AAPB attorney and membership concurrently.
Virtual meeting initiative update
Dr. Sherman reported that as technology advances with directional microphones and session capture cameras, research and equipment procurement is ongoing. Linda Walker, AAPB’s virtual meeting consultant, will be responsible for carrying out this initiative at the 2014 Annual Meeting and testing has begun. She is acquiring the equipment and will be conducting a test in August. Dr. Sherman will notify the Board as to when the test has been scheduled so that they may participate.
Discussion followed on the potential fiscal impact of the reduced attendance at the in-person meeting. It was recommended that the registration fee for virtual attendance remain the same as the conference registration fees. The Board was directed to comment directly to Dr. Sherman on the feasibility of charging the same rate registration for the in person vs. the virtual meeting.
None. / Develop a communications and approval process for AAPB’s social media efforts
Send the approved interest letter to ISNR
Development membership poll to assess response to a shift in the timing of the AAPB Annual Meeting to Fall 2016
Develop and disseminate the poll
Move forward with the procurement of a 2015 meeting location in Texas
Send document to membership for review
Send document to attorney for legal review
Advise Board and appropriate individuals of the virtual meeting testing
Email comments to Dr. Sherman on recommended pricing for virtual meeting registration / Board, Jennifer Stephens and AAPB staff
David Stumph
Dr. Rick Harvey
Michelle Cunningham
David Stumph and staff
Michelle Cunningham
David Stumph
Dr. Sherman
Board Members / Ongoing
August 19
July 31
Early August 2013
August 29
President-Elect’s Report
Dr. Donalson reported that he had a great conversation with Theresa Dugwell, the current membership services committee chair. She remains very enthusiastic about the social media development for future membership recruitment and retention activities. Dr. Donaldson reported that the membership committee will meet on August 12.
He announced that the 2015 conference committee has a theme, “The many faces of biofeedback.” Dr. Howard Hall has agreed to chair the committee and is in the process of assembling this group. They are seeking to add a committee member who is local to Austin/San Antonio to assist with local arrangements and contacts.
Dr. Donaldson reported that ISNR is recognizing Joe Kamiya at its upcoming meeting and Brain Master is sponsoring his travel. Brain Master did the same for the AAPB Neurofeedback section meeting at the 2013 AAPB Annual Meeting.
Past President’s Report
No report.
Financial Review
June 2013 Statements Review
Dr. Harvey presented the financial statements for June 2013. He reported that the cash flow analysis is almost complete – renewal activity will be taken into account. The expected completion of this document is mid-August. Currently, AAPB is in a favorable cash position as a result of the conference.
He reported that the primary area of concern remains the ongoing decrease in membership. He recommended the need evaluate demographics on why they individuals are not renewing. Possible reasons include retirement, lack of organizational or personal funds to support membership and lack of perception of benefit in exchange for the price of dues. He reported that membership dues are 75% of annual budget and the bulk of the membership renewals occur at the beginning of the year. At the half-way mark during this fiscal year.
Dr. Sherman reported that, anecdotally, as a result of Bolek’s personal calls to non-renewing members, it appears that non-renewal is based on retirement and emphasized the importance of a social media to invigorate new blood.
Executive Director’s Report
Outcome of Bylaws Vote
David Stumph presented the Bylaws vote results – which were favorable for ratification. He reported that seven individuals were opposed. Thereby, the Bylaws ratification is completed and the revised bylaws will be placed on the website.
Outcome of vote to approve CE Application Packet
David Stumph reported that the CE application packet was disseminated to the Board for approval. This packet was developed to organize chapter requests to utilize AAPB’s APA CE credit provider status to offer CE credits at various events. He reported the Board approved of the packet and it has already been used by Bea Haskins for the MASBBM Fall Conference 2013.
2015 Annual Meeting Update
David reported that this item was covered in the president’s report.
Webinar Schedule
Michelle Cunningham reported that the May 2013 webinar, presented by Dr. Jan Newman, had 14 attendees whom found the webinar to be high quality. The next webinar will be held on August 1. Dr. Erik Peper will present on Autogenic Training: An Integrated Approach with Biofeedback. She reported that to date 30 individuals have registered – which is great attendance. She reported that Dr. Chris Gilbert has identified Dr. David Sievers to present on Audio-visual Entrainment – Physiology, Clinical Outcomes & Latest Research in Sept/Oct. He will be back in to country and the webinar will be scheduled at his availability. Dr. Rich Sherman has volunteered to present on pain in Oct/Nov on Pain. Dr. Donaldson has volunteered to present a webinar; and Michelle will send him the APA required presenter form.
Discussion followed on marketing to the extensive contacts that Jennifer Stephens (AAPB social media consultant) has developed. DR. Sherman reported that this list is available to AAPB for $250. All agreed this was a worthwhile investment. All AAPB events will be promoted to this list as well as through social media – pending development of the social sites.
APA Proficiency Petition Update
David Stumph reported that the APA has granted another extension on AAPB’s proficiency application. He reported that this is the third extension and this matter needs to be handed over to a committee of practitioners, as RC does not have the expertise to get this passed through. Davis sent a plea to the Board and received no response to the solicitation. The deadline is December 2013, which is AAPB’s last chance to ensure biofeedback is recognized as an APA proficiency.
Biofeedback Magazine
David reported that Allen Press, current publisher of Biofeedback Magazine, has informed him that they are no longer interested in renewing our contract at the current rate. The publication is not profitable and they will no longer entertain a co-publisher agreement. They want a fee-for-service approach – which is very costly. He reported that the current cost to produce this publication is over $25,000 per year. Going to a fee-for-service agreement would raise expenses to approximately $58,000 annually (and that figure is based on several variables).
David reported that Dr. Don Moss, current editor, has been informed.
David reviewed the following options with the Board:
1)  Self publish
2)  Seek a less expensive publisher
3)  Transition to a digital only version – no print
David was directed to email the Board with the full details and action items. Discussion followed on the past history of AAPB publications transitions. Self publishing is not a favorable option. / Place approved Bylaws on website and indicated approval in next issues of E-News
Send Dr. Donaldson the webinar presenter for Dr. Gilbert’s consideration on the webinar schedule.
Get Jennifer Stephen’s marketing list
Develop an committee or taskforce to resubmit the APA proficiency application
Send full details on Biofeedback Magazine options and recommendations / Michelle Cunningham
Michelle Cunningham
Rich Sherman and Michelle Cunningham
AAPB Board
David Stumph / August 20
August 20
Committee Updates/Action Items
The following items were tabled in the interest of time. A brief summary of reports provided was offered by David Stumph.
·  Student Council Structure
·  Establish AAPB Committee succession plan
·  Proposal to Combine the Performing Arts and Optional Function into One Section Under the New Name of Optimal Performance
·  Review AAPB Strategic Plan to Determine Appropriate Assignments and Timelines
·  General Committee Updates:
a.  Membership
b.  Website
c.  Program
d.  Education
e.  University Outreach Task Force
f.  Communications/Publication
Unfinished Business
New Business


There being no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 8:46 pm (EDT).
Next meeting: September 26, 2013 at 7:00 pm (EDT) – GoToMeeting log-in information will be sent prior to the meeting.