Special Called Meeting April 19, 2004
6:00 p.m. College Hill School Complex
Chairman Daniels called the meeting to order. The following members were present: Shaw Daniels, Whitney Seaton, Edie Sutter, Talvin Barner, Walter Dycus, Judy Vick, Ricky Sims, Richard Thompson and Vince Springer. Bill Muehlbauer and Charles Morrison were absent.
Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Mr. Sims, Board approved the Agenda.
The Board conducted individual interviews with Legal Counsel applicants Jason Golden, John Kitch, Larry Wallace and Thomas Peebles, IV. Chairman Daniels distributed ballots for voting and asked Board Members to circle their choice, mark the district they serve, sign, fold in half and pass to the Teller of the Vote, Ms. Vick. She in turn would tally the vote and pass along to the Chairman. The Chairman announced that Mr. Golden had received 6 votes and would be named Legal Counsel for Maury County Board of Education.
(Copy of ballots attached to minutes).
After additional information provided by Mr. McAdams and discussion regarding McDowell roofing, Board approved upon a motion by Mr. Sims, seconded by Mr. Dycus, an additional $15,249.91 funding for the project. A change order will be implemented and capital outlay funds used.
Upon a recommendation by the Director and with a motion by Mr. Thompson, seconded by Ms. Vick, Board approved Budget Amendment BA160-4 for Reading First Grant.
There was discussion regarding FY05 Budget. Ms. Vick’s motion to schedule a Saturday (preferably) or weekday morning budget meeting for 7 am did not receive a second. Upon a motion by Ms. Vick, seconded by Ms. Seaton, Board approved the preliminary budget as presented for presentation and publication to the County Commission. Budget Committee Facilitator Mr. Thompson stated he would like to schedule a Budget Committee meeting convenient for Mr. Morrison and will work with Mr. McAdams to schedule a meeting
for further review and updates on the FY05 Budget.
Chairman Daniels named Ms. Seaton, Ms. Vick and himself to the Director Contract Committee. They will plan to bring a contract draft to be reviewed by the Board as soon as possible.
Board Members were reminded of the Charlie Seaton Retirees Reception prior to the May 13, 2004 Board Meeting.
Upon a motion by Mr. Dycus, seconded by Ms. Vick, Chairman Daniels adjourned the meeting at 7:15 p.m.
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