Chairman: Dan Attry MRPharmS, Clin. Dip., MIoD Secretary: Wyn Wattley

4, Cherry Orchard Crescent


West Midlands, B63 3RU.

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13 July 2011

Minutes of the LPC Committee Meeting on 13th June 2011.

Present :- Dan Attry; Diane Walker; Dinesh Patel; Matthew Cox; Alison Castle; Mohammed Mahroof; Lynne Standley; Julie Sheldon and Stephen Noble

In attendance:- Michelle Dyoss and Wyn Wattley

1)  Welcome - Dan Attry welcomed the members and introduced Julie Sheldon as our new AIMp rep replacing DM.

2)  Apologies –Apologies received from Sarah Baig and Vijay Lad.

3)  Declarations of interest – There were no declarations of interest for this meeting.

4)  CPDO Report – MD presented her report (see attached notes) on her activity over the past month and highlighted the key points which were:

a)  Healthy Living – MD had supported the CPPE vent run by Sharon Warren on Weight Management and now needed a conversation with Sally Cornfield about the “Counter Weight” program. There is also a workplace health day planned in Pensnett which she hopes contractors will support between 08.30 and 13.00 on 20th July. W/c 4th July Dudley are running “Health Information week” with events in all the public libraries between 10.00 -14.00 each day. She is looking for local CPs to support at each library.

b)  Young people – Three page article is scheduled to be published in the C&D on our “Think Pharmacy campaign. The next roadshows are planned for w/c 4th July.

c)  Health Checks – The software test has been postponed again due to difficulties in the IT dept at the PCT. A further test date of the 7th July has been scheduled. DA & KJ have met to discuss the 15 pharmacies that will commence phase 1 of the service on 1st August after the training (staff 12th July & Pharmacists on the 18th July). Phase 2 consisting of a further 15 sites will commence in Oct/ Nov. Recommended that CRB checks would demonstrate good practice.

d)  Alcohol – MD has a meeting with Joy Boyes to design Dudley oriented poster and leaflet resources for the campaign. There will also be a factsheet for use by pharmacy staff.

e)  Homes – MD has sent out letters to all contractors to gain expressions of interest to cover those homes not already receiving a service (approx 40).

f)  EHC – A number of HAG accreditations are expiring and MD is able to refresh these for contractors who self certify. **ACTION – include in newsletter to contractors.

g)  Relationship Training – MD reported that the two meetings were very well attended and some really constructive material came out of the event.

h)  MD is now following Twitter after attending a PCCC event where it was promoted. She is also about to undertake her project management qualification exams – committee wished her good luck with these and anticipate a successful outcome after all her hard work.

5)  Committee reports

a)  Functions – DJ had put in an advice document for approval of the boundary for the LPS @ Priory. After discussion the committee revised the boundary to include Tipton Rd in line with previous pharmacy contracts. The application for four new pharmacies offering 100 hrs + were approved after some discussion and advice that there will be a new monitoring policy adopted in the next few weeks. **ACTION – Raise the question of the need for re-tendering as this current LPS contract is nearing its end. WW to pursue with DJ at the PCT.

b)  PEC- The committee agreed to pilot 10 pharmacies during this Autumn subject to resolving a number of issues in the mechanics of the service delivery. The major one was around payment of the CPs. Prompt submission of data is vital to the success of this process. **ACTION – WW to write out to contractors for expressions of interest and give some basic details of the service.

c)  SMSG – see VL’s report. AC reported on her audit of uncollected supervised doses –see attached report. Following a meeting with the team at CRI there was a suggestion of doing a trail for daily reporting on a 3 CP pilot in the autumn of 2011 to measure the improvement in communication. A re-audit will be required to measure the effect of daily reporting on all parties as it needs to be both beneficial and low impact on all concerned.

d)  Prescribing Sub Committee – the next meeting will be on the 19th July, which WW will attend.

e)  AMMC – See WW’s report attached. WW asked for a volunteer to cover the August meeting which he is unable to do. DW agreed to represent the LPC on that occasion.

6)  NHS Health & Wellbeing Boards – WW reported that the letter to councillors had been circulated and a few members confirmed they had written with AC reporting an almost immediate response from Ian Kettle. We need everyone to pursue their designated councillor to lobby for a place on the board or advisory panel. **ACTION – all members need to follow up with their councillor if no response received before the next meeting.

7)  AOB.

Comments by JH were discussed by the committee as she appraised us of actions being taken by the PCT. Key points were:

·  Repeat Rx services – there is need for better audit trails /client permissions, etc. as there were issues in some of the newer CPs all chasing the same Rxs.

·  EoL team are still trying to get a meeting arranged which has been held up by work on the QOF.

·  QUIPP agenda is a major driver with 14 indicators being ranged across Meds Mgt and QOF. Dudley is focussing on 3 indicators for GPs ( ARB to ACE for initiation for hypertension @ 75%; Switch from Simvastatin/Pravastatin to Atorvastatin once off patent; 98% target to switch to generic Clopidrogel).

·  GPs were looking for more evidenced based guidelines and peer reviews.

·  Ibuprofen and Naproxen were being promoted in favour to Diclofenac.

·  Switching to Venlafaxine MR Tabs from capsules. Lamictal will possibly follow the same route.

·  Doxazosin MR will be switched to plain in the push to save money.

·  A new policy document is being prepared for the monitoring of CPs particularly 100 hrs. Quality has generally improved with the exception of the new 100hr pharmacies which are receiving close attention at present. Bottom third of CPs in 2010 report will receive and automatic visit in 2011 whilst the remainder will be judged on the Contract workbook supplied from PharmaBase. **ACTION – WW to check all contractors have received their logon credentials. The major irritations were no complaint reports had been received by PMcG from Boots stores and the 1st Sept was set for revalidation of service accreditation certificates. If no certificates are supplied then enhanced service payments would be withheld.

Signed by the Chairman: ......

Date:...... 11th July 2011......