Owner:Chairman of TWN Area

(David Wells)

Deputy:Secretary of the TWN Area

(Honore Blenkinsop)




2.GENERAL FINANCIAL DECISIONS (not dealt with elsewhere below)






4.4Travel & Subsistence



5.2Bottom-Up (BU) Policy

5.3Organisation of Events and Administration of the Area’s Corporate Deals & Memberships

5.4Children Policy







11.1Management Committee (MC)

11.2Sports and Social sub-Committee (SSC)

11.3Finance sub-Committee (FC)







12.4Publicity Officer

12.5Membership Secretary

12.6Vice Chairman

12.7Assistant Secretary

12.8Assistant Treasurer



Appendix 1 CSSC Code of Conduct – Sporting & Social Events

APPENDIX 2 Digital etiquette

APPENDIX 3 Ordinary Common subsidy levels from 1st January 2014

Appendix 4 “Bottoms up” common subsidy levels from 16 October 2015 to 31 December 2015 and from 1 January 2016

APPENDIX 5 Annual memberships/health & wellbeing/lifelong learning subsidy levels from 1 January 2014

APPENDIX 6 Common organisers’ reward levels from 1 October 2013




‘v’ Date / MAIN REASONS FOR CHANGE / Location
07/10/16 /
  • 2.21 official reimbursements changed from quarterly to 6 monthly in June and December.
  • 2.27 added for data security purposes “All sensitive files and spreadsheets must be password protected.”
  • 2.28 added for data security purposes “All home PCs should have anti-virus protection installed.
  • 3.2 added that the volunteer recognition awards will be recommended by the working group at the away day.
  • Section 4 related to Sport, teams, individuals - costs incurred for travel & subsistence when representing the Area at national events, which is now no longer relevant as we pay a contribution to the Region so Areas are no longer helping Regional teams in National events – this is in line with the National travel policy.
  • 4 heading changed as only refers to local teams
  • 4.1 the full section deleted as not now relevant in line with the National travel policy.
  • 4.2 and subsections now renumbered to 4.1 as necessary.
  • 4.2.2 deleted now covered by national travel policy.
  • 4.3 – the full section deleted as no longer relevant all payments made in line with National travel policy.
  • 4.4 – the full section deleted as no longer relevant all payments for travel and subsistence are made in line with National travel policy.
  • 5.1 an Area subsidy is now only paid for events organised by a member of the Area, we do not subsidies events organised by the Regional or national CSSC, due to changes in national policy.
  • 5.1.2 Not keen on paying up front costs in case business goes bust etc. Happy to pay a deposit and settle by cheque on the day or after the event. Inserted “Any upfront cost must have SSC/Triage authority.”
  • 5.2 Bottom-up (BU) Policy – claims including local travel costs were proving difficult to administer. There were problems in quantifying the amounts and it was impossible to show who had incurred the costs i.e. member or guest. It was resolved to exclude local travel expenses unless they are integral to the event e.g. Mystery Beer Festival. As a result the wording at 5.2.5 amended.
  • 5.3.7 amended to reflect that payment is by BACs, not cheque
  • 5.3.8 (ii) deleted as we no longer receive cheques for banking.
  • 5.3.8 (iii) renumbered to (ii).
  • 5.3.9 –“For cheque events” deleted section as we no longer receive payment by cheque.
  • 5.3.9 – removed “For Bacs payment events” – as only method of payment.
  • 7.2 updated as per discussions and to clarify
  • 7.3 deleted as cup fixtures not offered.
  • 7.4 – 7.8 (incl.) renumbered as necessary.
  • Appendix 3 – 6 subsidy levels increased – see below under budget.
  • Lifelong Learning/Health & Wellbeing Subsidy levels from 1 January 2017 increased to 50% of cost up to a maximum of 2 times annual membership fee per annum.
  • Appendix 7 removed as subsidies no longer paid by the area.
/ Original held by DW
17/01/17 /
  • 2.27 updated as per discussion and to clarify
  • 2.29 new policy included
/ Original held by DW
05/09/17 /
  • Para 5.2.1 amended to give SSC discretion to allow non attendance by the HOP of a BU event…..
The Head of a 'Bottom-Up' Party (HOP) must be CSSC TWN Area member and should normally attend the event.If the HOP cannot/did not attend the event, the SSC will consider and decide each individual case.
  • Appendix 5 amended to read….
Lifelong Learning / Health & Wellbeing Subsidy Levels from
1 January 2017
50% subsidy of cost up to a maximum of one times annual membership fee per annum / Original held by DW





1.1The CSSC Tyne, Wear & Northumberland Area Association (TWN) will offer membership benefits to any CSSC member who works or lives within any of the NE, SR1-7 or TD12 & 15 postal districts or chooses to be a CSSC TWN member.

TWN will allow all CSSC members to participate in TWN events. Membership is deemed to begin as soon as the application for membership is submitted. In addition, members employed within the Area immediately prior to retirement and linked members of CSSC TWN members will have the option to remain or to be a member of the Area even if they live outside its boundaries.

1.2Complaints – the Sports & Social sub-Committee (SSC) has delegated powers to answer complaints. If the complainant wishes to pursue their complaint further, they can take it to the Management Committee (MC) of the Area and, if dissatisfied with the decision of the MC, they can formally appeal to the MC and then to CSSC Region and, if still dissatisfied, the MC of CSSC National.

2.GENERAL FINANCIAL DECISIONS (not dealt with elsewhere below)

2.1The Area will have a current account and a deposit account.

2.2Maximisation of interest should be maintained and approval to transfer funds between accounts obtained from an Officer of the Area (other than the Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer).

2.3No cash payments are allowed (either income or expenditure).Wherever possible BACs payments should be encouraged.

2.4The Area may choose to have a pre-loaded credit card.

2.5If, on behalf of the Area, an individual uses their own resources to pay for goods or services then, subject to the provision of appropriate receipt(s), he/she can reclaim the cost from the Finance Committee (FC) provided that the agreement of the FC to the expenditure had been obtained by e-mail beforehand.

2.6All costs must be agreed in advance.

2.7Day subsistence payments will not be payable to CSSC TWN Area members

2.8Re-imbursement of expenses will only be considered if receipts are produced.

2.9All business cheques will be made payable to the specific business name as shown on an invoice and not to a named person.

2.10Members of the FC can use internet banking to a limit of £500 per transaction. Transactions over £500 must be authorised by a second FC member.

2.11Acknowledgement of cheques should be obtained from outside companies/ businesses, e.g. NUFC, SAFC, Newcastle Brewery, etc.

2.12The FC shall have the discretion to settle claims where the actual expenses vary from what was estimated by up to 10%.

2.13All appropriate measures should be taken by the Area to risk assess events run by third parties to guard against insolvency of the third party provider becoming an issue. However, if an event fails because of insolvency, the Area may be liable.

2.14A financial report should be issued to the SSC and MC a week before each meeting.

2.15Accounts should be audited at Year-End (January/ February).

2.16Monthly bank reconciliations will be completed and available for audit on an Excel spreadsheet.

2.17Bank or postage charges for unpaid cheques or insufficient postage from members will be passed on to the members. Where there are two members or more in any given month then charges will be apportioned accordingly. Any failures to reimburse will be referred to the MC for consideration.

2.18MC and SSC expenditure should be noted in the accounts and visible to all Area members.

2.19All expenses,regardless of the amount, are to be paid by someone other than the claimant.

2.20If required, reimbursement of expenses will be paid to any committee member for official duties of CSSC TWN Area (full receipts to be provided).

2.21All small recurring official reimbursements will be made in June and December. Out of pocket expenses will only be paid on an exceptional basis and all such claims must be approved by two FC members before they are incurred, e.g. for meals.

2.22Where large purchases of £500 or more are required, e.g. PCs or laptops, the prior approval of the MC is required. The MC may agree to provide volunteers with PCs or laptops to assist them with work undertaken on behalf of CSSC TWN – only documents relating to CSSC business to be saved on TWN’s PCs and laptops.

2.23The FC will hold a register of the Area’s assets – to include identification details, purchase price and its likely zero value date.

2.24The Area’s Depreciation Policy for assets will take account of reasonable usage rather than industry standard, i.e. replacement will be ‘when necessary’ and not automatically when depreciation reduces the value of any asset to zero.

2.25Any FC member should be notified by e-mail or telephone of any valuables that are being sent to them via the post or courier.

2.26For security and data protection purposes, as soon as the payment for an event, together with any related spreadsheet, are received safely by the relevant FC member, the event organiser should be instructed by the FC to delete any bank details from their copy of the Event Summary Sheet and any other references to the bank details that they may hold, including within the contents of or attachments to e-mails.

2.27All sensitive files and spreadsheets containing financial details must be password protected.

2.28All home PCs should have anti-virus protection installed

2.29All payers must follow the CSSC TWN payers guidelines


Committee Members and Bottom up administrator

3.1The Area MC may decide to pay a token amount per month to cover additional expenses for heating/lighting, computer use etc. when working from home.

3.2The amount will be recommended by a Working Group and ratified by the MCat the away day on an annual basis but will be based on the amount of time taken to undertake their duties at their own expense.

3.3The Working Group will be set up to consider the amount of expenses due which will be based on criteria and evidence obtained to justify any amount agreed. A full audit trail should be provided to the Treasurer for the year-end accounts.

3.4Committee members and administrators will be able to claim actual expenses incurred whilst undertaking their voluntary duties – e.g. travel to and from volunteers meetings + expenses for paper/telephone/printing cost.

3.5Committee members and administrators will not be entitled to any form of financial reward or honoraria.

Event Organisers

3.6Where applicable the SSC may approve an additional subsidy for the Organiser of an event based on the sliding scale (see Appendix 6).

3.7However where the total subsidy would exceed the cost of the event, it will be capped at the cost of participation.

3.8This subsidy will be paid on an event by event basis and will be part of theevent budget.

3.9In addition, organisers can claim any out of pocket expenses incurred in organising the event.

Example 1: Organiser arranges theatre trip where tickets cost £30, subsidy is £14 per person. 26 members book the event - reward would have been £12 – organiser will receive £26 subsidy (£14 normal member subsidy and £12 additional organiser subsidy).

Example 2: Organiser arranges theatre trip where tickets cost £30, subsidy is £14 per person 51 members book the event - reward would have been £25, but now capped – organiser will receive £30 subsidy (£14 normal member subsidy and £16 additional organiser subsidy, as capped at cost of ticket).

Christmas party/ other events where there is no benefit to the organiser / Volunteers

3.10Organisers of Christmas parties or other events where a subsidy is not directly discerniblewill be rewarded accordingly to the value of thereward previously offered (as per Appendix 6).

3.11Prize Draw Administrators (PDA) of season tickets will be entitled to a pair of tickets per season to a home game of their choice.

3.12Subject to availability, as a reward, the Prize Draw Overseer (PDO) will be entitled to select one Prize Draw ‘prize’ in each of the years of their appointment following the Area’s AGM.

3.13PDA of Spa draw will be entitled to oneMatfen Spa treatment package per year.

3.14Two administrators of TWN’s corporate membership Spa will each be entitled to receive day entry 4 times per year, plus 2 spa packages to be used. Administrators may choose to use the award for themselves only or self + guest - their choice.


4.1All teams shall be known as “CSSC TWN”.

4.2The Area will support as many “CSSC TWN” teams taking part in recognised local league events as the budget will allow (capped at 2 x annual subscription rate per member in the team) by paying a percentage of their overheads; (e.g. Equipment, Annual Recurring costs League Fees etc., Rentals for League and Cup games if applicable. Referees/Umpires Fees may be paid if budget constraints allow);

4.3Only members of CSSC shall make up teams;

4.4All costs must be agreed by the SSC, preferably before the season starts; late applications will be subject to budget availability at the time the application is made;

4.5Each case to be considered on its individual merits;

4.6The CSSC Code of Conduct to be observed by teams & individuals representing the Area at all times.



The SSC will consider setting a subsidy for any member attending an event organised by a member of CSSCTWN Area. The subsidy will be based on the gross price the member will pay for the event. Each subsidy to be decided individually, however, the guidelines shown in Appendix 3 should be followed.

5.1.1Net anticipated expenditure over £2,000 on any one event must be approved by the MC before it is advertised.

5.1.2Up front costs or deposits for events will not normally be paid by the Area unless members taking part in the event have been required to pay a deposit.Any upfront cost must have SSC/Triage authority.

5.1.3Deposits from members may be due if the event costs more than £35. The deposit will only be refunded if the Area cancels the event or will not incur any extra costs by so doing.

5.1.4Each case to be considered by the SSC on an individual basis.

5.1.5Where a company provides insurance, this will be clearly stated and may be included in the price of the event. Otherwise, insurance will not be included.

5.1.6No subsistence will be granted to the organiser of a Social Event.

5.1.7Any member failing to attend an event for which a place had been booked will be asked to repay their subsidy unless ‘good cause’ is accepted by the SSC.

5.1.8Monies paid for a CSSC TWN event will not be refunded unless the event is cancelled by CSSC TWN or, in the case of individual cancellations, CSSC TWN is able to sell the place(s) on.

5.1.9Subsidies for ‘Cash back’ events will only be paid after the event has taken place.

5.2Bottom-Up (BU) Policy

5.2.1The Head of a 'Bottom-Up' Party (HOP) must be CSSC TWN Area member and should normally attend the event.If the HOP cannot/did not attend the event, the SSC will consider and decide each individual case.

5.2.2At least 5 CSSC members must be participating in the event.

5.2.3To be considered for a subsidy, the cost per person must be £10 or more.

5.2.4HOP’s do not have to pay for all event expenses themselves, however, they do have to organise the event and collate all receipts if members pay for event items separately.

5.2.5The SSC will consider setting a subsidy for members attending each event. A subsidy will be based on the average gross price (per person) for the event. Receipts for expenditure over £10 per person must be produced and these can only include alcohol-related expenditure when attending an event provided by a third party such as a beer festival or wine tasting, when an upper limit of 10 x ½ pint tokens or wine equivalent may be included in the application.Local travel expenses (e.g. taxi’s, metro and busses) cannot be claimed unless they are integral to the event e.g. Mystery Beer Trip. Triage to agree any difficult cases.

5.2.6An application must be requested no more than three months or less than seven days prior to the event. An agreed subsidy (per member) for each event is to be decided on its merits however, the guidelines shown in Appendix 4 should be followed. A post-event claim cannot be made for more than that which was agreed based on the original application.

5.2.7There is no limit to the number of BU applications a member can complete as HOP. However if the HOP has a previous application outstanding, the next application will not be considered until the fully completed claim pack has been received. Following settlement of the claim the HOP must confirm within one month, by email, that they have received payment into their nominated bank account.

5.2.8The funds for BU’s held in December will be kept separate from the normal BU Fund. A budget to be agreed by the MC each year will be available for the December BU applications provided: -

i) the minimum 5 members and £10 per person BU criteria are met

ii) the application is made for an event taking place before31 December of that year

iii) the post event claim, supported by receipt(s), is received by 31 January of the following year.

5.3Organisation of Events and Administration of the Area’s Corporate Deals & Memberships

5.3.1In principle, the Area will reward those who organise events for the membership of the Area (see 3.5).

5.3.2In principle, the Area will reward those who administer its corporate deals and corporate memberships. The arrangements for rewarding the Administrators will be decided by the MC with recommendations provided by the SSC, where appropriate.

5.3.3Those seeking to organise events must gain the agreement of the SSC for each event and its pricing structure prior to advertising it. For major events, a lead-time of six months is advised.

5.3.4Organisers’ out of pocket expenses will only be paid on an exceptional basis and all such claims must be approved by the SSC, wherever possible, before they are incurred.

5.3.5Organisers should agree with the SSC a closing date for bookings that will allow sufficient time for all payments to be banked and cleared prior to any CSSC TWN Area payments needing to be made in connection with the event (minimum FOUR weeks is advised).