Yoga in Schools

Community Interest Company

15 St Mary’s Road

Oxford, OX4 1PX

01865 437307

Form for Associate Staff

Thank you so much for taking the trouble to find out about us. Sorry to ask you to fill in a form, but once it’s done, it’s done.

In completing some of the questions, it may help you to know that by ‘Yoga’ we mean all eight steps/limbs of Raja Yoga and all four paths of yoga. If you have a particular interest in meditation or mindfulness, yoga philosophy, the practice of karma yoga or more devotional aspects of the path, we are just as interested to hear about this as about your regular asana practice. It may be that you do not have a RYT 200 or 500 hours qualification but are qualified to teach mindfulness and have a regular mindfulness/meditation practice. Perhaps also you have an interest in scientific approaches to understanding and demonstrating the benefits of yoga. Do please tell us about anything you think relevant.

We’ll take all opportunities to become familiar with your work to try and match you with teaching that reflects your preferences, experience and preferred location.

Telephone numbers
Email address
Number of years’ regular yoga and/or mindfulness practice
200 hours Yoga Teacher Training Qualification, date and provider.
Additional Yoga and/or mindfulness qualifications.
Details of any training related to safeguarding or first aid attended with dates.
Experience of teaching yoga and/or mindfulness to adults, children or young people.
Experience of working with children and young people in any capacity.
Are you registered with the Disclosure and Barring Service (used to be CBS) and have you subscribed to the updating scheme?
Have you completed Channel Training on-line as part of the government’s Prevent Strategy?
Do you have liability insurance and if so, with which provider?
Now please write something about what yoga means to you and why you would like to contribute to Yoga in Schools.
What age group would you prefer to work with?
What is your preferred geographical area?
Names of two referees you are contacting to ask them to send us a reference. If you want to work with children/young people one of these should be related to this kind of work, but not necessarily teaching yoga.


Signed……………………………………………………………………. Date…………………………………………………………….

Please return this completed document to or Yoga in Schools, 15 St Mary’s Road, Oxford, OX4 1PX



