
Date Issued:10-09-09


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Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout)


This procedure covers the servicing and maintenance of equipment in which unexpected energization or start-up of equipment, or release of stored energy could cause injury to employees.


This standard establishes requirements for the lockout and tag-out of equipment energy isolating devices to protect personnel from injury, in, on or around machines, equipment, piping, vessels, etc., during repair, maintenance and associated activities. It shall be used to ensure that equipment is isolated from all potentially hazardous energy sources before employees perform any servicing and/or maintenance activities where the unexpected energization, start-up or release of stored energy could cause injury.

The following practices are excluded from this procedure:

  1. Normal production operations including repetitive, routine minor adjustments, filter element changes, pump screen changes where the operator is in visual sight of the Energy Isolation Device during his/her personal work, and maintenance which are covered under OSHA machine guarding standards, provided the work DOES NOT require the employee to remove or bypass a guard or other safety device; or place any part of his/her body into an area on a machine or piece of equipment where work is actually performed upon the material(s) being processed (point of operation) or where an associated danger zone exists during a machine operating cycle.
  1. Work on cord and plug connected electrical equipment where the unplugging of the equipment is under the exclusive control of the employee performing the servicing or maintenance. The plug or cord connected electrical equipment is considered under the exclusive control of the employee ONLY when that employee is located with the equipment and the plugging device is immediately adjacent to that equipment. If the employee performing the servicing or maintenance leaves the equipment for any reason prior to completion, he/she shall affix a personal tag to the plug.
  1. Hot tap operations when evidence shows that continuity of service is essential, shutdown is impractical and documented procedures are followed that provide proven effective protection for employees.
  1. For work on Firewater line valves (Pratt valves) the valves shall beisolated for maintenance work by means of Tag Out only. Valves will be closed, depressured andtagged out by Qualified Employee (unit operator). Once line isolation is completed and hazardous Energy is controlled all valves will be tagged With a DANGER DO NOT OPERATE tag. Tags will besecurely fastened to the energy isolating deviceand properly identified by the Qualified Employee. Before work is to begin, a hydrant or monitor located between isolation points will be opened to relieve all line pressure between the isolation valves. When the job is complete, tags shall be removed by qualified employee, valves opened and line pressured and returned to service.


AUTHORIZED EMPLOYEE: A person who implements a lockout/tagout system procedure on machines or equipment to perform the servicing or maintenance on that machine or equipment. An authorized employee and an affected employee may be the same person when the affected employee's duties also include performing maintenance or service on a machine or equipment which must be locked or a tagout system implemented. This authority will be vested in qualified employees, upon successful completion of a comprehensive training program in "Control of Hazardous Energy".

AFFECTED EMPLOYEE: An employee whose job requires him/her to operate or use a machine or equipment on which servicing or maintenance is being performed under lockout or tagout or whose job requires him/her to work in an area in which such servicing or maintenance is being performed. If such affected employee is actually performing work on, or in, the affected equipment, he or she shall be an authorized employee, authorized/required to apply a lockout device.

DEPARTMENTAL LOCKS: Each Department has been assigned colored coded locks to be used to isolate equipment during the LOTO process. The following color schemes will be assigned to:

Teal:Chief Operator/Pumper Gauger


Blue:Maintenance Craftsman

Orange:HF Alky Unit



ENERGY SOURCE: Any source of electrical, mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, thermal or other energy.

ENERGY ISOLATING DEVICE: A mechanical device that physically prevents the transmission or release of energy, including but not limited to the following:

  1. A manually operated electrical circuit breaker
  2. A disconnect switch
  3. A manually operated switch by which the conductors of a circuit can be disconnected from all ungrounded supply conductors and, in addition, no pole can be operated independently
  4. A slip blind(Refer to Maintenance Policy MPS-PF-0001)
  5. Valve(Refer to Maintenance Policy MPS-PF-0001)
  6. Any similar device used to block or isolate energy. The term does not include a push button, selector switch and other control circuit-type devices.

LOCKOUT: The placement of a lockout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an established procedure, ensuring that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled cannot be operated until the lockout device is removed.

LOCKOUT DEVICE: A device that utilizes a positive means such as a lock to hold an energy isolating device in the safe position and prevent the energizing of a machine or equipment.

TAGOUT: The placement of a tagout device on an energy isolating device, in accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.

TAGOUT DEVICE: A prominent warning device, such as a tag and a means of attachment, which can be securely fastened to an energy isolating device in accordance with an established procedure, to indicate that the energy isolating device and the equipment being controlled may not be operated until the tagout device is removed.

DRAIN/DEPRESSURE: The process that relieves stored energy, pressure or liquids that when released could cause injuries or illnesses to exposed employees.

HOT TAP: A procedure used in repair, maintenance and service activities which involves welding and drilling a piece of equipment under pressure. (Reference current MOUSA maintenance procedures for details.)

TRY: Upon completion of lockout and tagout, a deliberate attempt to energize the equipment being isolated shall be tried by all means possible (i.e., manual, DSC controlled, time delayed, etc.). Only upon attempted and failed energizing process shall the equipment be considered "Locked Out-Tagged Out and Tried".

QUALIFIED PERSON: A person who, by experience or training, has the knowledge to implement adequate methods to control and isolate hazardous energy. This definition is listed under “Authorized Employee” but is not the same.

LOCK BOX: A hinged box approved by the Safety Department equipped with a lockable clasp to prevent opening and removal of the contents when a lock is applied. All Lock Boxes shall be numbered.

  1. Isolation Lock Box - the lock box used to contain the key to the isolation lock(s) used by the Authorized Employee (Equipment Owner/Operator) to lockout or tagout the Energy Isolating Devices required for the specific job to be performed. These lock boxes will normally be kept in control rooms.
  1. Craft Lock Box - the lock box used to contain the key to the craft lock when used by the lead worker for the craft to ensure security of the isolation lock box. This lock box may be kept in a location convenient for the craft group.


Each authorized and affected employee shall be instructed in the purpose and useof the "Control of Hazardous Energy" procedure.

The Safety Department shall be responsible for:

  1. Initial training.
  • 2.Annual training
  1. Additional training if there is a change in the energy control procedures.

Departmental supervision shall be responsible for retraining in the following situations:

  1. A change in job assignments.
  2. A change in machines.
  3. A change in equipment or process that present a new hazard.
  4. When a periodic inspection reveals, or Murphy Oil has reason to believe that there are deviations from or inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use of the energy control procedures.


Maintenance Supervisors, Operations Area and Shift Supervisors, Chief Operators and Safety Supervisory personnel shall conduct annual audits on SSP-0001 to assure the effectiveness of this policy. The Joint (Union/Company) Health and Safety Committee will conduct monthly audits on SSP-0001, LOTO. Results of these audits will be posted on the refinery intranet. A periodic review of these audits will be conducted by the Safety Department.


  1. All personnel (MOUSA and contractor) shall comply with the provision of the lockout/tagout system.
  1. Supervision must enforce the use of personnel locks/tags to insure protection when personnel are performing tasks where exposure to unexpected energization may occur.
  1. Locks and tags shall not be used for any purpose other than personal protection, LOTO.
  1. Where equipment is lockable, use of a lock is required by all exposed personnel.
  1. Where equipment is not lockable, tagout application shall be utilized.
  1. The lockout/tagout of electrical energy sources shall occur at the circuit disconnect switch.


  1. Affected employees shall be notified of the application of lockout devices.
  2. The Chief Operator/Pumper Gauger, Chief Operator, shall survey and identify all energy sources that must be isolated before the equipment can be serviced.
  1. The qualified employee(Unit Operator)shall shutdown the equipment in accordance with standard shutdown procedures. Lockout each energy source with an operation's department lock and attach a "DANGER - DO NOT OPERATE" tag at each lockout point. The attached tag will be identified with the name of the employee that applied the tag and dated. Lockout devices shall hold the energy isolating devices in a "Safe" or "Off" position.

The equipment isolation description shall be recorded on the lockout/tagout log sheet.

  1. All potentially hazardous stored or residual energy shall be relieved, disconnected, restrained and otherwise rendered safe.
  1. Once the equipment is shut down and the hazardous energy has been controlled, the authorized operations personnel, together with Maintenance/Contractor/Servicing personnel, shall verify that the isolation of the equipment is effective by attempting to start the locked out equipment. If the equipment does not start then the lockout is complete.

Note:Maintenance/Contractor/Servicing Craftsman shall verify, with Unit Operator, that all LOTO isolation points have been secured and sign Equipment Isolation Log form.

If the equipment DOES START, then all energy sources and lockouts must be rechecked.

No work may be performed on the equipment until a successful lockout has been confirmed.

Controls must be deactivated or returned to the neutral mode after the test.

  1. The Qualified Employee(Unit Operator) will place the key/keys to the Isolation Lock(s) for the energy isolation devices into the Isolation Lock Box.
  1. The Chief Operator/Pumper Gauger, shall verify all LOTO energy sources/points have been isolated and secured then sign the Equipment Isolation Log.

  1. The Chief Operator/Pumper Gauger shall then affix the Custody Lock, "FIRST ON/LAST OFF" to the Isolation Lock Box to ensure control of the contents. This lock must remain affixed to the Isolation Lock Box at all times until completion of the job. The Chief Operator/PumperGauger,or designated Qualified Person, shall transfer custody of the Isolation Lock Box key to the subsequent designated Chief Operators/Pumper Gauger. The custody transfer shall take place by transferring the key to the "FIRST ON/LAST OFF" custody lock to the designated chief operator for the subsequent shift. The key to the custody lock shall be kept in the control of the Chief/OperatorPumper Gauger on the Area Peg Boards.

NOTE: Maintenance task or activitiesonly requiring minimal LOTO can be performed in the field at the task site, without utilizing Lock Boxes. LOTO at field locations will require the operator to apply a “FIRST ON/LAST OFF” tag. Task involving multiple crafts/contractors and craftsmen will utilize LOCK BOXES.

  1. All Murphy employees and contractors actually performing work on, or in, the equipment shall be "authorized employees" and shall attach their personal lock to the lock box in order to ensure that the keys to the Operations Department's lockout devices are not available until all work is completed.

NOTE: Contractors shall apply a "CONTRACTOR LOCK APPLIED" tag with their personal lock.

  1. Closed valves will not be depended on for isolation purposes when a confined space entry permit is required or if the equipment is to be left open and unattended. Blinds will be placed in flange joints as closely as possible to the vessel or equipment. See SSP-0015, "Confined Space Entry" procedures.
  1. The following information shall be recorded on the lockout/tagout permit sheet: (See attachment 1)
  1. Name of the individual initiating the lockout
  2. Date
  3. Time
  4. Area
  5. Unit
  6. Lockbox number
  7. Equipment name and number
  8. Job description
  9. Equipment isolation description,
  10. Signatures of both the Unit and Chief Operator
  11. Date the job was completed and the name of the individual terminating the lockout.

All Murphy Maintenance and Contractor Craftsman applying or removing a personal lock from the lock box shall record the following information on the lockout/tagout log sheet:

  1. Date
  2. Department or company name
  3. Name of the individual applying the lock
  4. Time the lock was applied
  5. Time the lock was removed
  6. Indicate "Yes" or "N/A" for group lockout, and
  7. Indicate "Yes" or "N/A" for work not completed tag.

All completed log sheets shall be forwarded to the Area Supervisor.


When an "Authorized" Craftsman is temporarily called off the project or still has work remaining at the end of a shift, he or she shall remove their personal lock and tag from the lock box and replace it with a tag labeled "WORK NOT COMPLETED". Upon returning to the project, the employee shall replace the "WORK NOT COMPLETED" tag with their personal lock and resume work on the equipment.

All locks attached and removed must be recorded on the lockout/tagout log sheet.

NOTE: The lock that is tagged "FIRST ON/LAST OFF" must never be removed if any personal locks or "WORK NOT COMPLETED" tags are attached to the lock box.


  1. Each Murphy and contractor employee working on, or in, the equipment shall remove their personal lock from the lock box and inform the authorized employee (chief operator/Pumper Gauger,or designated Qualified Person), when their work has been completed on the locked out equipment.
  1. When all of the personal locks and "WORK NOT COMPLETED" tags have been removed from the lock box, the chief operator/Pumper Gaugershall open the lock box by removing the "FIRSTON/LAST OFF" lock. The chief operator can then retrieve the keys to the Operations Department's lock(s).
  1. Prior to removing the Operations Department's lockout devices, the authorized employee shall check the equipment and the area around it, to ensure that all work materials have been removed, the equipment is operationally intact and that all employees have been safely positioned or removed.

NOTE: The authorized employee shall verify that all Start/Stop or On/Off mechanisms are in the "Safe" position before removing the Operations Department's lockout devices.

  1. All affected employees shall be notified that the lockout/tagout devices have been removed and all personnel have been safely positioned or removed from the area.

  1. After all lockouts have been removed and the equipment is ready to be placed back into service, the Operator shall record the date, time and his/her name on the lockout/tagout log sheet.


In situations when lockout or tagout devices must be temporarily removed from the energy isolating devices and the machine or equipment must be energized to perform service testing, the following steps shall be followed:

  1. Notify the Area Supervisor/Shift Supervisor and Maintenance Supervisor and inform them of the intentions to remove isolation locks for the purpose Service Testing.

Note: For equipment that requires service testing on weekends and evening hours, the Maintenance Supervisor with duty will be notified of the re-energizing of equipment for testing.

  1. The Area Supervisor/Shift Supervisor along with the Maintenance Supervisor shall visit the work site and inspect the equipment and area for potential hazards to personnel and adjacent equipment.
  1. Following the site safety inspection and the Area Supervisor/Shift Supervisor and Maintenance Supervisor agree that the work can be performed safely, the craftsman/craftsmen can proceed.
  2. Notify the Chief Operator/Pumper Gauger to unlock the lock box holding the "FIRST ON/LAST OFF" keys.
  3. Assure that the machine or equipment is free of tools and materials.
  4. Check the work area to ensure that all employees have been safely positioned or removed and barricade or caution tape the affected area.
  5. Using the lockout/tagout log sheet for reference, the authorized employee shall remove any needed lockout or tagout devices.
  6. Cautiously energize the equipment and proceed with testing.
  7. Immediately following testing, de-energize all systems and reapply the energy control devices and complete all lock out/tag out permits.