Doyle’s 1947 Diary

Wednesday Jan 1, 1947...Windy and cold and it snowed and I fixed a tire on Sids truck and pumped it up

Jan. 2...1 went to a sale a 1/2 mile east of Stage Beet Dump and I bought a mail box, wagon jack, 4 gals. of oil and some junk for $2.90 and a sack of bran $2.10

Jan. 3...Cold, we went to Nunn and got grocery

Jan. 4...Windy all day I made the kids a sled and I moved two duckfoots and a 5 section harrow to 14 from 13

Sunday, January 5...We went to Nunn and got the paper and to Cozads and got old Brownie and stayed for dinner

Jan. 6...1 moved some machinery from 13 to 14 the I.H.C. combine, buckrake and the land roller and some small tools

Jan. 7...We ground feed and I took a load of junk to 14 and Harry Boyd was here and got some chick feed and we went to a show at Nunn.

Jan. 8...1 made a sled to move junk on. Moved 2 loads of junk to 14. Ma went to club and Bobbie stayed with me.

Jan. 9...1 went to Ault and filed my Income Tax papers and got grocerys and old Ceil had a w. f. heifer calf and I got a sack of bran at Pierce $2.20

Jan. 10...1 moved some machinery to 14 from 13 and Frances went to Greeley with Sarah

Jan. 11...We cleaned out the shop and I hauled a load of junk over to 14

Sunday, January 12, 1947...We stayed home all day and Alfred and Norma was here and Bobby had a cold and stayed in bed.

Jan. 13...Cold and windy we cleaned the cellar took out the empty jars and tin cans.

Jan. 14...Cold and windy I went to Nunn and got grocerys and I loaded a load of junk to take to 14 and Charley and Sammy Sheller brought old Brownie back and they put 2 mares and a mule in on 12. makes 21 head in all - and Fenns and Bill Row was here

Jan. 15...Cold and snowy. I hauled 2 loads of machinery and junk to 14 from 13 and pulled a binder and a disc to 14.

Jan. 16 ...1 moved machinery and junk from 13 to 14.

Jan. 17...1 took 49 bales of hay to the McConnell place and went to Pierce and got 2500 Ibs of coal and groceries.

Jan. 18...1 moved some machinery and the old 29 Chev over to 14 from 13 and I went over to Kanodes and Russ and I set up a heater in the basement.

Sunday, January 19...Windy. I went to Nunn and got the paper.

Jan. 20...1 went to Ault and got groceries and meat, apples, oranges, bananas, and spuds, and I got a big locker box paid up until the 7th of Sept.

Jan. 21...We went to Nunn and got groceries and we went to Komma's and I fixed fence on 12 and we went to a show at Nunn.

Jan. 22...1 loaded 2 wagons with baled straw and pulled one over to 14 and Frances went to club at Kanodes and I sold Paul Barnaby a car body for $1.00.

Jan. 23...1 worked on the 28 Chev. truck and the wind blew.

Jan. 24...1 reseated and refaced the valves on my 28 Chev truck and Jerry Mirch came over on his bicycle and Kenneth learned how to ride it.

Jan. 25...Windy. We went to Nunn and got groceries and I put the transmission in the 28 Chev.

Sunday, January 26...We went to Kenneth Wickstram and I bought a bicycle from Carl Wickstram for $15.00 and we went to Nunn and got the paper and Edd Johnson was here.

Jan. 27...1 went over to Harry Boyd's and we pulled the pump and I went to Ault and got pump parts, $4.12 worth.

Jan. 28...We put the pump back in the well and I took 12 bales of hay from 13 to the McConnell place.

Jan. 29...Windy and snowy. I stayed home and worked on the bicycle.

Jan. 30...1 went to Greeley with Charley Cozad and I bought an 18 in. tire at Shedds for $5.66.

Jan. 31...Cold and windy. I butchered a black white-faced heifer, Dutchess, and I mounted a tire for the car.

Feb. 1...1 cut up the beef and took it to Ault and put it in the locker and I got a sack of bran at Pierce, $2.20.

Sunday, February 2...We went to Nunn and to Keenan's for dinner.

Feb.3...Cold, windy, and snowy. I ground hamburger and we sent Hynds a letter about 15.

Feb.4...1 took the telephone pole down, cleaned up around the place. We went to the show at Nunn.

Feb.5...Nice day. We wrapped meat and took it to the locker. We all went to the John Deere lunch and show. Got groceries and I took my deeds and bonds to the bank and left them.

Feb.6...Windy. I worked on my 12-20 tractor, on the main bearings and pistons.

Feb.7...Cold and windy. I fixed the piston rings on 12-20.

Feb.8...1 moved 2 wagons and some tires to 14 and I went to Nunn and got groceries.

Sunday, February 9...Cold. I took Edd some hamburger and Kenneth and I went to Nunn and got the papers.

Feb. 10...We took up the linoleum. I hauled a load of stuff to 14 and pulled the threshmachine over too. Went to the telephone meeting in Nunn.

Feb. 11...1 put a front end on Harry Boyd's hay rack and the wind blew and we went to a show at Nunn.

Feb.12...1 worked on my 1928 Chev truck, put the pistons in and head and pan on.

Feb. 13...1 worked on the 28 truck and I went to Greeley and got car license and went to see lawyer H. E. Man about my lease on 13 and Sheller paid me $40.00 for pasturing his horses and we went to Community Club at Nunn.

Feb. 14...We went to Pierce to the opening of Martins Store and Frances won a pair of nylons and we went to Ault and got groceries and Art was here and I worked on the 28 Chev.

Feb. 15...Kenneth and I took a load of wallboard and empty fruit jars over to the McConnell place and I put the 28 Chev together and Art was here.

Sunday, February 16...Art come and got the old Dodge and I started the 1928 Chev truck and let it run for about an hour.

Feb. 17...We went to Harry Boyd's and to Pierce and got gas, oil, and groceries, and it snowed.

Feb. 18...1 stayed home with Bobbie and Gladys and Frances went to Greeley with Sarah, and I refaced some tractor valves and we went to a show at Nunn and Patsy stayed all night with Mary.

Feb. 19...Cold, windy and snowy. I stayed home.

Feb.20...We took down the wind charger, vise and post drill, and we went to Nunn and got groceries.

Feb.21...We ground feed and loaded the wind charger tower and went to a M. M. (Minnesota Mining) show at Nunn.

Feb.22...1 felt tough and Glen Lewis was here and I paid him my telephone bill, $2.23, and Kenneth and I took a truck and trailer load of mixed goods to the McConnell place and loosened a rod in Sid's truck and Harry brought us home.

Sunday, February 23...Snowy. We stayed home and packed fruit in boxes.

Feb.24...Snowed all day. I helped Harry Boyd move. Alfred borrowed my ridge reamer.

Feb.25...Cold and snowy. I helped Harry Boyd move 2 loads.

Feb.26...Cold. Seldon and Harold came back from Arkansas and I went to Nunn and got them and got groceries and Kenneth and Mary's report cards.

Feb.27...Harold and I went to Nunn and got 3 new linoleums at the depot and took them and a water tank to the McConnell place and put 2 linoleums down.

Feb.28... Cold, windy, and snowy. I worked on the bicycle and Bill Row, Norman, and Bud was here but we did not sign any contract.

March 1...Roads was drifted full of snow and Harold and I went to Nunn, Pierce, and Ault and got coal and groceries.

Sunday, March 2...Nice day. We stayed home all day and set the motor on the 69 combine.

Mar. 3...Nice day. Charley and Keenan helped us move 3 loads from 13 to the McConnell place and we stayed all night at the McConnell place.

Mar. 4...Cold and snowy. I took the kids to Pierce to school and Harry and Charley helped me move 4 loads of grain, machinery and fruit.

Mar. S...Harry Boyd, Harold and I hauled 2 loads of barrels, chickens, and miscellaneous stuff.

Mar. 6...Harold and I went to Pierce and to Ault and I got Lester Lesh to haul 11 head of cattle from the Brandner place to the McConnell place.

Mar. 7...Harold and I went to the Brandner place, helped Lester Lesh load 2 of my cows and he hauled them to the McConnell place and I paid him $12.50 for hauling 3 loads of cattle and we went to Pierce, got groceries, and Harry Boyd come and got his cattle.

Mar. 8...We cleaned the chicken house and put in a partition for a barley bin and I painted the bottom of my water tank inside and out with tar. And a lot of the snow melted.

Sunday, March 9...1 branded 33 head of cattle for Harry Boyd with my (drawing of brand - a cross with a backwards "L" above it) brand on right side and I sold old Sarah for $100.00 to Lowell White.

Mar. 10...Charlie Cozad hauled 2 loads of barley for me and Harry Boyd hauled a load of oats and got stuck and Harry took his rack and sheep panels and gas engine home.

Mar. 11...Charley Cozad hauled 2 loads of junk and cane to the McConnell place from the Brandner place and Edd hauled a pickup load of junk for me, and it snowed a little

Mar. 12...Charley hauled 1 load of grain from Brandner place and a load of coal from Pierce and Vanwhys brought one 365 gals of gas, $60.78.

Mar. 13...1 pulled 2 wagons, 2 cars, MM combine, and my Chev truck from 13 to 14 and Charley hauled 2 loads from the Brandner place to the McConnell place and Edd hauled my 20-30 Wallis to the McConnell place and Billy Wilson started with my 12-20 Wallis and Harry Boyd was here.

Mar. 14...Cold and windy. I fixed a tire and Billy Wilson brought my 12-20 Wallis and Harold and I went to Ault and I got my Income Tax papers fixed up and got groceries.

Mar. 15...We put down the linoleum in the kitchen and we went to the Brandner place and moved the horses to the pelk section and I sold 3 horses to Pete Hall for $50.00 and Harry Boyd came and got his sheep.

Sunday, March 16...Windy. I worked on the back end of the Olds and Charley Cozad was here and Shirley and Lawrence was here.

Mar. 17...We went to Ed Johnson's and moved the car bodies from 13. We got stuck at the corner and had to leave it all nite. Got a tank at Griffins.

Mar. 18...Nice day. We got the car out and went to Charley's and butchered a hog. Worked on a drill. It snowed.

Mar. 19...We went to Nunn and Frances went to club at Leman's and we helped Pete Hall load the 3 horses I sold him and we put a water tank on the pelk section.

Mar. 20...Harold and I went to Greeley with Charley and Harold bought a 1931 Chev for $150.00 and I bought Harold's truck for $100.00 and I went to Art's and got an old rear end and 2 springs and I paid my taxes, $118.08 and I brought Charley's truck home with me and left my car at Charley's.

Mar. 21...1 hauled a load of hay with Charley's truck for Campbell and Harold and I worked on Charley's drills.

Mar. 22...Harold and I worked on Charley's drills and truck 1/2 day, and we went to North 14 and got my 28 Chev and a load of post and truck parts and moved them to S. E. 14, and Seldon came out and stayed all night.

Sunday, March 23...Cool and windy. Charley Lloyd was here to sell me some buildings and Ola was here to see Harold about working for Hart.

Mar. 24...Harold and I went to Charley Lloyd's and I bought a bunch of buildings for $225.00 and we went to Nunn and the wind blew, and I sold 4 loads of straw for $10.00.

Mar. 25...We went to Keenan's and butchered a cow, and we looked for a place for Harold to stay and Wilmer was here.

Mar. 26...Harold and I helped Charley Lloyd load a load of lumber and junk at the place I bought the buildings, and the wind blew and we went to Pierce and got groceries.

Mar. 27...We went to Keenan and I cut up 1/4 of beef and took it to Ault and put it in the locker and Harold went to work for Hart.

Mar. 28...1 tightened the rods in my 29 truck and we went over to N. E. 14 and got my tractor, oneway, drill, and duckfoot.

Mar. 29...1 went to Pierce and got 10 gals. of oil and I worked on my 20-30 and changed oil and duckfooted some on W. 14 and Harold worked on his car.

Sunday, March 30...We went to Cozad's and to see about the horses and to Keenan's

Mar. 31...1 helped Charley Cozad all day with his tractor and drill. He drilled barley.

April 1...1 helped Keenan until noon. We cut beef and I duckfooted on S. 14. I took Harold to Nunn.

Apr. 2...Drilled oats and duckfooted on S.W. 14.

Apr. 3...We went to the Charley Lloyd place and got a load of junk and we cleaned up some old wire and junk and threw it in the ditches, and we went to a program at Pierce.

Apr. 4...We went to Nunn and got groceries and a feed grinder at Quaifs and I signed my AAA papers, and we ground feed.

Apr. S...Windy and dirty. We stayed at home and worked on the bedroom upstairs, and Harold went to Greeley with Ray.

Sunday, April 6...1 went to Nunn and got the paper and went to see the horses and Tessie had a colt, and Cozad was here, and Wilmer. Seldon and 2 girls was here.

Apr. 7...1 brought a load of baled straw over to this place. We went to the sale at Charley Lloyd's. Bought a wagon, lister, traps, 2 sacks of spuds & 1/2 bu. of apples, telephone.

Apr. 8...We went to Pierce and Ault and got groceries and we put part of the meat in Pierce locker out of the Ault locker, and we brought the lister and wagon home from Charley Lloyd place, and we cleaned barley feed.

Apr. 9...1 started drilling barley and broke the drill. We spent the rest of the day looking for the new piece to fix it. Harold Warren was here & I gave him $4.00 for a stack of wire.

Apr. 10...Windy. I put the car in the barn and re-lined the breaks. Campbell was here and got my trailer. We went to Community Club. Fay stayed here.

Apr. 11...Cold and snowy. I fixed the tail light and adjusted the brakes on the car. We got a brake light sticker at Tom Gallitan's. Went to Greeley and got drill parts and 148 baby chicks.

Apr. 12...We went to Pierce and got Distilate and groceries and Harry Boyd came and got $4.50 worth of barley, and I measured some land.

Sunday, April 13...1 went to Hobarts and we went to Nunn and to 14 and got chick feeders and Friday, and Keenan was here.

Apr. 14...1 worked on my grain drill and I blank listed and I drilled barley - got done.

Apr. 15...Windy and snowy. We went to Pierce and got groceries and I built a calf pen and hauled a load of manure and Betty and Joy both had white-face heifer calves.

Apr. 16...Cold. We hauled a load of manure to the field. I drilled oats in the south field, and started onewaying.

Apr. 17...1 onewayed.

Apr. 18...Wind blew and it rained. I onewayed and Aggie had a white-face heifer calf.

Apr. 19...1 went to Hobarts and cut pigs and we went to Pierce and got groceries and I dehorned 4 calves for Stephens and I onewayed on home place. Got done. Harry Boyd come and got his chicken fence.

Sunday, April 20...We went to Nunn and got the paper and looked at my horses and we brought the Rockne home.

Apr. 21...Brought a load of baled straw over to the barn and ground feed and worked on the grinder. I went down to Camels to see about renting some ground. Ett had a white-face heifer.

Apr. 22...Foggy and cold. Packed the water pump on the 20-30. Sonyia had a roan heifer. I half-soled my shoes.

Apr. 23...Cold. I fixed the governor & fan belt for the 20-30.

Apr. 24...Cool and snowy. I went to Pierce and got groceries.

Apr. 25...1 fixed fence and onewayed on Campbell's, and I had a headache.

Apr. 26...1 onewayed on Campbell's and I went to Decker and got 31 ties.

Sunday, April 27...We went to Nunn and got the paper and took Fred Pomeroy my corn sheller. I had a flat tire and it rained.

Apr. 28...1 went to Decker and got 37 ties, and I onewayed on home place and it rained a little.

Apr. 29...1 changed oil and tightened 2 rods in my 20-30, and I duckfooted and drilled oats on Campbell's place, and Campbell brought my trailer back and got my saddle.

Apr. 30...Windy and dirty. We fixed 2 drill disks, went to Pierce and got groceries, and we cleaned oats and barley for seed. I fixed a flat tire.

May 1...1 drilled oats and barley on Campbell's. Got done. And I onewayed on the home place. Got done.

May 2...We shelled seed corn and put my lister together, and I listed 72 rows of corn, and Campbell came and got my tractor. We pasted the calves horns and clipped brands and marked their ears and I got my AAA check for $277.70.