The following table forms a checklist of actions aimed at ensuring a smooth transition into the new role. Please note that the responsibility falls to the department to ensure that the tasks within the checklist are carried out.

Please tick the box when tasks are completed

Action / Line Manager / New Employee
Before the first day:
Regular contact should be made to ensure XX has the required information for:
Relocating to the area (if relevant), arrangements for the first day
Ensure XX has Workspace/equipment allocation in place on first day eg:
Office Space
Computer for eInduction & communication
Telephone plus working extension
Building Access
XX to complete and return the following forms:
Acceptance of appointment (slip at bottom of contract letter) which includes occupational health statement
Employment health questionnaire (If applicable)
Equality and diversity monitoring form (If applicable)
On the first day of employment:
No later than 9:30am XX must visit Human Resources and Payroll, A Floor HR Building bringing:
During the first working day they must also provide:
Bank & Superannuation details form (enclosed with contract)
P45 (if available)
Copy of highest educational / professional qualification(If applicable)
Proof of membership of the relevant professional organisation(If applicable)
Marriage certificate (if applicable)for pension purposes
Disclosure and Barring Service form or your current valid DBS certificate (If applicable)
Criminal records disclosure form(If applicable)
Please note that failure to bring proof of eligibility to work on the first day of employment will result in the start date being postponed. No work can be undertaken prior to the evidence being seen.
In the first week:
Departmental Orientation/introduction to colleagues eg:
Tour of department/campus
Lunch with colleagues
Introduction to departmental colleagues
Introduction to key liaison staff outside department
Job role eg:
Explanation of job description
Expected standard of performance
Identification of initial training/development needs
Role of mentor/buddy as support mechanism
Formal Review/feedback for both sides
Departmental structure eg:
Role of department in faculty/service
Staff structure (who reports to whom)
Department's strategic plan and operating objectives
Departmental standards
Departmental policies and procedures eg:
Security and confidentiality of information including Data Protection Policy:
Absence, sickness and holiday leave procedures
Performance and Development Review (PDR)
Expense Claims
Postal arrangements
Access to departmental folders and systems and inclusion on relevant mailing lists
Photocopying and printing
Ensure XX is aware of Career Development Support for Research Staff
Free professional development & career management training
Contact OED for advice (If applicable)
In the first month:
Complete ‘Health & Safety checklist’:
The Health & Safety checklist forms part of the overall induction process and once completed should be retained within the department. This activity will be monitored by the Safety Office as part of the Departmental Safety Audit.
Display Screen Assessment
Draw up Probationary Agreement for member of staff (If applicable)
Draw up initial PDR for member of staff(if applicable)
Ensure departmental website is updated with contact details(If applicable)
Within three months:
Ensure XX undertakes or attends the following mandatory training:
Diversity in the workplace online module which is accessed:

Information Security which is accessed at: