Held at 10am-12pm on Thursday 2nd October 2014
Chair: / Kate Earnshaw
Minute: / Julia Rudram
Present: / Alex Jones, Meg Gillies, Kevin Lawley, Rena Macleod, Lachie MacDonald, Gill Brown & Alan Howson.
Apologies: / Peter Richell, Jenny Millington, Mo Hannah & Liz Williams





/ 1.  Welcome and introductions
2.  Review of previous minutes
3.  Matters arising
4.  Health & Social Care
5.  LSHA
6.  Voluntary Services
7.  Integration Update/Change Fund
8.  Public Participation Forum
9.  Communications
10.  AOB

1.  Welcome & introductions

/ Rena Macleod – New Integrated Team Lead for North Skye
Alan Howson – Senior Day Centre Officer & managing Oronsay Court.

2.  Review of previous minutes

/ Agreed by Lachie.

3.  Matters arising

/ None.

4.  Health & Social Care – Kate Earnshaw

/ ·  Integrated Team Leads – Rena for North Skye & Raasay. Jonathan Hanley for South Skye. Jonathan’s start date is 3/11/14, he has a Social Work background, Mental Health & Forensic, currently managing an Integrated Team. This means that Pat Matheson can be released to do her role as Advanced Practitioner for Nursing Services.
·  PoP: Trialling locally all cases requiring SDS. To go live and to be uploaded onto CF. Will be the assessment of choice in the start of the New Year for all new cases – main problem is a lot of Health staff cannot access CF therefore will need to do a paper form.
·  TAG: no update.
·  Children’s Services: The 3 Lead posts have been appointed to.
·  Out of hours: a large piece of work is in progress, most GPs have opted out. Looking at equality across West. Need to work at different models. Piloting the ‘Remote Support Teams’ of GPs, Nurses and Paramedics covering out of hours and in hours. Looking at utilising the different skill mix. They are in the process of recruiting. The RST will have a base & cover an area. Introducing First Responders in more remote locations.
·  Endoscopy Services: Unable to meet environmental and quality standards required for a no. of reasons. Washer needs replacing as it is unaffordable to maintain. Kevin expressed concern about people accessing services in Fort William. Various solutions are being investigated to manage these issues. Local surgical clinics will continue as before.
·  Finances: NHSS have a deficit of £400m. NHSH have a deficit of £20.5m, in addition £14m owed to Scottish Government to be paid back this year. N&W operational unit need to make a saving of £60k per week. Need to scrutinise all spending, and need to change how we do things.
·  TND/Oronsay – Alan.
The centre hosts a number of organisations: Alzheimer’s Scotland, Chest Heart and Stroke, Rag Tag&Textile, Social Work, Older Adults & Learning Disabilities. The day services numbers have declined since the criteria was tightened, supporting people with higher needs. LD is moving away from Day Care to Outreach. They are developing the Centre to in-reach/activities people want to come in for/drop in.
Outreach – integrated with NHS for Training and looking at new models of working.
Rag Tag & Textiles – Lachie expressed concern about the leadership & direction of the group since Pauline left. They have a link between the group and the government with regards to funding but is not sure who monitors the service. Alan to ascertain who is the contact person and Kate to discuss future plans with the service and pass contact information onto Lachie. / Alan/Kate /

5.  LSHA – Lachie MacDonald

/ ·  Development/Projects. Home Farm - 15 units completed & occupied. 17 units to move ahead. Broadford/Balmacara (34 units) to go ahead. Some joint with Council.
Some proposals in line for Dunvegan Road, Broadford, Kyle & Portree.
·  Universal credit – needs to deal with the implications and outcome of this. Areas that are dealing with this have seen delays in getting resolution.
·  Energy advice going well. To address fuel poverty through C&R. / /

6.  Voluntary Services

/ ·  Alzheimer’s Scotland – Kevin Lawley. Problems with respite for people with dementia. Limited EMI units available– only 2 in the Highland. People have had to go out of the area (Dundee/Glasgow).
·  There needs to be a forum for professionals to come together to discuss individual cases to explore options. Lachie is willing to look at property/accommodation issues on a case to case basis.
·  Kevin mentioned utilising Aird Ferry, not used to full capacity.
·  Kevin to attend the Annual conference in Glasgow.
·  Carers Group – good uptake for next month.
·  Discussion on MDT meetings to discuss cases & resources/service input. It may be something the Integrated Team Leads can set up so that there are not too many meetings with too many people.
·  SLCVO – Meg Gillies. Busy months with Older Adult Services mapping. To be complete by December. Involved with Community Learning & Development which is to be audited and inspected, to be in place Sept 2015.
Shopping services with Jean Macrae - trying to develop & come up with ideas.
Health Redesign Services.
Lochaber Hope are keen to look at starting something in Skye & Lochalsh.
Celebrate Skye week was successful.
Community groups needing advice to start groups/grants.
Community Planning element of strategic planning. OSCR – Meg attending meetings.
Highland 3rd Sector Interface – conference well attended. / /
/ ·  Am Fasgadh – Alex Jones. Major changes in board. Chair Shirley Potts. New Directors appointed.
Welfare reform – together with NHSH there is a pilot project to support vulnerable people.
Joint with CMHT, would take technology to client to enable them to skype to Portree to get advice/support. Working with community team – self-evaluation tool for Mental Health service to assess their services.
Meeting with NHSH – Choose Life scheme, training, Mental Health First Aid, etc.
Consultancy work with the furniture project. 1st stage feasibility study started. They have commissioned the 2nd stage (by end of 2014).
Continuing with everything else. / /

7.  Integration Update/Change Fund

/ ·  Liz Featherstone has been appointed to the District Manager post in Lochaber, therefore leaving post as Lead Officer for Social Work which will hopefully be advertised.
·  Change fund – freeze on funding & need to review all spending to reduce/stop. / /

8.  Public Participation Forum

/ October meeting has had to be cancelled.
Date to be rescheduled for November. / /

9.  Communications

/ Not discussed. / /

10.  AOB

/ Nothing noted.
Date of next meeting - to be arranged. / /