January, 2018
Jamison High School Swimming Carnival
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Jamison High School will be holding its Annual Swimming Carnival on Wednesday, 14 February, 2018, at Penrith Pool. The carnival this year will include both competitive and novelty events throughout the day. House points will be awarded for participation in each event. There will be no free swimming permitted during the day.
Students will be expected to make their own transport arrangements to the pool where Roll Call will commence at 8.25am, before the carnival officially commences at 8.30 am. Students will be dismissed from the pool at the completion of the carnival at approximately 2.40 pm.
Four competitive events (200 metres freestyle, 50 metre butterfly, 50 metres backstroke and 200 metres individual medley) will be started as soon as possible after 8.30 am.
The cost of entry to the pool is $3.50 per student. The students are expected to wear neat casual attire (house colour) to the carnival and bring suitable protection from the sun. (No crepe paper is allowed in the pool) Canteen facilities will be available at the pool throughout the day.
In the event of wet weather once the carnival has commenced, a decision will be made by the Principal regarding the continuation of the carnival. Students will be expected to make their own transport arrangements if the carnival has to be cancelled.
This is a whole school event where all students are expected to attend, no classes will be held at school on this day.
If the weather is a concern, students need to check the Jamison High Schools website or Facebook page ( after 7.00 am on the morning of the carnival. If the carnival is cancelled students will attend a normal school day.
Please turn over for more information
If you have any questions regarding the organisation of the carnival, please feel free to contact us at school.
Your support of the carnival would be greatly appreciated and, of course, it is a normal school day at Penrith Pool for the students in terms of attendance.
Please complete the permission note below and return to your child’s mentor teacher by Friday 8th February.
Mrs J TegartMrs S Bryant
Acting PrincipalHead Teacher PD/H/PE
…………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………..
I give permission for my child, ...... of Mentor Group ……… to attend and participate in the Annual Swimming Carnival on Wednesday, 14th February, 2018.
In relation to the proposed water or swimming activities, I advise that my child is a:
(please tick one)
strongswimmer / average swimmer / poor
swimmer / non-swimmer
100m / 50m / 25m
(non-swimmers will not be able to enter the pool for any activities)
I advise that my child requires the following flotation device to assist him/her in the water:
I undertake to provide this device so that my child can participate in the carnival. Yes / No
Included below are details of any disabilities or medication required and I give the school permission to seek medical attention in case of an emergency.
Medical requirements / disabilities: .......
Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ...... Date: ......