NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, to the general public and to all of the Board of Directors of Associated Students of CSU Channel Islands, Inc., a California nonprofit public benefit corporation, that:
A meeting of the Board of Directors will be held on Thursday, November 3, 2011 at 7:40 a.m., pursuant to Education Code Section 89921 etseq., at California State University Channel Islands, Student Union Conference Room, located at One University Drive, Camarillo, CA 93012, to consider and act upon the following matters:
Elysse Farnell, Jason Barnes, Tanya Y, Ben, Chris, Ben, Missy, Veronica, Dulce, Damien, Richard Wagner
Members of the Public: Stephanie Bracamontes, Amanda Carpenter, Christine Thompson, Dr. Genevieve Evans Taylor
1)Call to Order: 7:40 am
2)Approval of Minutes:Mr. Barnes motioned to approve, Ms. Yancheson seconded motion passes to approve the minutes of the October meeting.
3)Public Forum:
- Amanda Carpenter, Coordinator of Career Development Services& Hank Lacayo Institute Workforce Fellows Program: Next week hosting the 8th annual graduate and professional school fair week. The fair has 38 graduate school representatives and will be a great way to meet with grad professionals and obtain additional information. All the Career Development Services programs are geared towards students. Ms. Carpenter would like to collaborate with the ASI Board for information, opportunities, and suggestions.
4)Financial Report:First report in the new PeopleSoft account. The report shows assets and liabilities. In essence shows how we are doing cash wise. Does not include fundraising money from Student Organizations. In the future, will be separating the Associated Student fee and Student Body center fee. Income Statement: September actual/budget review. Student Organizations show an incorrect posting that will be remedied by October reports. Would like to be around 25% spent, which as a whole we are well under. From these reports it becomes apparent why it is important to place money into the months they will be expensed so it accurately reports.
5)Entity and Community Relations Reporting
- Student Government(Dulce Lopez): Student Government asked Lieutenant Morris to present to the Senate regarding data mining which he did and the students obtained necessary information. Has also asked Sean Paroski to present the Republican viewpoint of the Oil Severance Tax and is working with Das Williamsto represent the opposite perspective.
- Polled the students regarding commencement; 66.8% wants split commencement.
- Student Programming Board (Veronica Palafox): hosted last event of the semester, Score for the Cure where they raised a little over $1,400 and President Rush will match that, will present the check during half time at Ventura College.
- Nautical Yearbook (Elysse Farnell): Planning a fashion show which will highlight a local designer as well as raise funds for the Nautical Yearbook. Is working with the Cove Bookstore, the designer and the boutiques for donations. Completed building the Nautical ladder which is a tool that organizes what goes on each page.
- CI View (Chris Carroll): working on the next couple of books. Focus on the website because it is getting more traffic
- Community Relations (Richard Wagner): Attended a committee meeting two weeks ago where they discussed welcome bags for Orientation. Mr. Wagner isseeking input from students of what type of bags they want to see.
6)Outstanding Business
- ASI Stole (Ms. Farnell): finished formal discussions, application process and will be meeting with Dr. Evans Taylor and Dr. Hoffman the Coordinator of Student Leadership to oversee all applications.
- Appointments to the BASC (Ms. Farnell): Budget Allocation and Spending Committee, would like to nominate Ed Lebioda, Tanya Yancheson, Spencer Keaster and David Ashley.
- Tanya- involved in organizations throughout campus, President of Rotoract where she manages their budget, and is an RA in housing and budgets for events.
- David Ashley- fourth year student majoring in Biology, has been a general Board Member of SPB for three years, is a Senator on Student Government and is a member in a few student organizations such as the Democrat Club.
- Spencer Keaster- is an RA in housing and the co-founder of Male Leadership Alliance.
- Ms. Lopez motioned to approve all recommended committee members, Dean Peña seconded, motion passes with unanimous consent.
- Reserve Policy – update (Dr. Evans Taylor): Dr. Evans Taylor met with Ms. Jarnagin, Mr. Lebioda, Mr. Keaster and Ms. Palafox regarding the reserve policy and obtained good feedback. Dr. Evans Taylor then incorporated their feedback into the new reserve policy and gave it to Mr. Lebioda and Ms. Jarnagin to look over; once recommendations and/ or comments have been received, will bring to the Board for review.
7)New Business
- ASI Credit Card Process (Dr. Evans Taylor): Starting to see more organizations asking for a credit cards therefore saw the need to create a policy but has decided it is more appropriate as a process.
- Secretary for December Board meeting: Dulce will take minutes
- Raise ASI and Student Body Center fees according to CCPI (Dr. Evans Taylor): two years ago raised asi and student body center fee according to consumer price index, our documents specify that the Board needs to vote on this it doesn’t happen automatically. As the ASI Executive Director advise we consider raising it, has seen where it doesn’t happen for years and then they have to make huge jumps. We would raise the fee $4 for the Student Body Center Fee and the Associated Student fee. The ASI Board approves it and then it goes to the President for approval.
- Missy: concern with ASI fee, due to the amount we have a large amount in reserves. Should think about the message we are sending to the students in order to increase. Student Body Center fee makes sense to raise it because we have a bond payment to make. Continue to look at our reserve policy for ASI and the Student Body Center Fee. Another reason we need to break out the two fees into two different funds.
- ASI Budget Requests (Christine Thompson): See Appendix A
- Recommend everything but the Student Body Center fee,
- Since ASI oversees all fees
- Motion to put in place Option 2 where the budget allocationand spending committee oversees all budget requests, second by ben, passed with unanimous consent.
- January Meeting:
- January 5th can push back to January 12 or 19th; suggest the 19th Friday the 20th
8)Adjournment 8:57am
Next ASI Board Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 8 AM in the Student Union Conference Room.
Agenda respectfully submitted by Christine Thompson.