SECTION 035400
- This section specifies self-leveling underlayment applied to interior concrete surfaces.
A.Section 033000 – Cast in Place Concrete
- American Society for Testing and Materials:
- ASTM C-109 – Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2 in. or 50 mm. Cube Specimens).
- ASTM C-230 – Standard Specification for Flow Table for Use in Tests of Hydraulic Cement.
- ASTM C-266 – Test Method for Time of Setting of Hydraulic-Cement Paste by Gillmore Needles.
- ASTM C-882 – Test Method for Bond Strength of Epoxy-Resin Systems Used With Concrete by Slant Shear.
- Submit under provisions of Section 013300 – Submittal Procedures
- Product Data: Manufacturer’s literature to include surface preparation, application instructions, recommendations and storage and handling requirements.
- Test Data: Confirm compliance and performance with specified requirements.
- Applicator Qualifications: Applicator must have prior experience applying specified product or similar products, or have manufacturer’s representative on site ensuring that preparation and application are performed correctly.
- Mockup:
- Architect will select area for mockup.
2. Prior notice will be given to architect four days before mockups will be applied.
3. Architect must approve mockup before final product is applied.
4. At the architect’s discretion, approved mockups may become incorporated into the final work.
- Materials must be delivered in original, unopened containers with the manufacturer’s labels including product name and batch numbers.
- Store material in a dry area, above ground. Protect cement from moisture and humidity.
- Environmental Conditions: Do not apply material when temperature is below 45°F (7oC) or when temperature is expected to fall below 45°F within 48 hours.
- Protection: Precautions should be taken to avoid damage to any surface near the work zone.
- Acceptable Manufacturer: US MIX Co., 112 South Santa Fe Drive, Denver, CO80223, 800-397-9903,
- Self-Leveling Underlayment:
- US SPEC Self Leveling Underlayment
- Description: Cement-based, polymer-modified, self-leveling product that can be applied in uniform thicknesses from 1/8 inch (3 mm) and can be feathered at edges to match adjacent floor elevations.
- Primer:
- US SPEC Multicoat EVA
- Description: Ethyl vinyl acetate co-polymer for use as a liquid bonding agent with self-leveling material.
- Concrete cleaner:
- US SPEC Maxi Concrete Cleaner
- Description: Citrus-based concrete cleaner to clean and strip dirt, grease and laitance from surfaces to receive underlayment.
- ASTM C-109 – Compressive Strength:
- 1 Day – 2,200 psi (15.2 MPa) minimum
- 3 Days – 2,400 psi (16.5 MPa) minimum
- 7 Days – 2,700 psi (18.6 MPa) minimum
- 28 Days – 4,400 psi (30.3 MPa) minimum
- ASTM C-230 – Consistency:
- Self-Leveling Time – 15 minute minimum
- Working Time – 20 minute minimum, 30 minute maximum
- ASTM C-266 – Rate of Set:
- Initial Set – 0.5 hour minimum
- Final Set – 1.0 hours minimum, 1.5 hours maximum
- ASTM C-882 – Bond Strength:
- 7 Days – 2,500 psi (17.2 MPa) minimum
A.Examine areas to be repaired. Notify Engineer if surfaces are unacceptable. Do not begin surface preparation or application until unacceptable conditions are corrected.
A.General: Prepare and clean substrate according to manufacturer's recommendations for substrate indicated. Provide clean, dry substrate for underlayment application.
1.Treat nonmoving substrate cracks to prevent cracks from telegraphing (reflecting) through underlayment according to manufacturer's recommendations.
B.Concrete Substrates: Mechanically profile existing concrete floor to 1/8” depth, as shown by the International Concrete Repair Institute CSP tile #4. Ensurethat all laitance, glaze, efflorescence, curing compounds, form-release agents, dust, dirt, grease, oil, and all materials that may inhibit bond of underlayment to substrate have been removed.
C.Priming Substrate: Prime concrete substrate using floor primer specified. Priming instructions may vary according to the porosity of the concrete. Multiple coats may be necessary.
- Mix in an appropriate sized mechanical mixer or mix in a bucket using a drill and paddle mixer at low speed (400-600 RPM). First, pour water into the mixing container. Then, add powder material while continuing to mix. Mix to a uniform consistency for a minimum of three minutes and a maximum of five minutes.
- Mix only the amount of material that can be placed within working time. Do not re-temper material.
A.Mortar must be placed immediately upon completion of mixing. Pour or pump material onto the substrate. Work into position with a long handled spreader or spiked roller. Immediately smooth the material with a smoother. Wear spiked shoes to avoid leaving marks in the underlayment. A second lift of non-extended material may be applied as soon as foot traffic can be supported. Profile or roughen the first lift to ensure a good bond and re-prime with primer specified.
- Finish material with a broom finish or other desired finish.
A.Protect horizontal surfaces from traffic until repair mortar compound has cured.