• Here we have a small latte mug with a Christian print on it. It is both dishwasher and microwave safe.
  • A NEW CAR – This is a 2014 car that is black with a light blue trim. It has four wheels allowing it to cruise super fast!! This car can be yours if you win this…
  • This crucifix necklace is made of both silver and hematite. It is on a silver chain, and looks great on both men and women.
  • You're tired of blending in. You want to be noticed. You're good-looking, and with the right clothing styles, everyone would be able to see that, especially if your clothes fit tighter or showed more skin. Other kids dress that way. What will you do?
  • I will find clothes that are more revealing and perhaps questionable to the dress code at school to get attention.
  • I will continue to dress the way I always have, but be more outgoing by volunteering more in class and by joining clubs and other activities at school.
  • You're at a friend's party. At first, everything seems normal, but then you notice some people pouring something into their cups from a thermos. They're acting weird. Someone offers you a drink from the thermos. What will you do?
  • I will ask to smell the container and verbally confront my friends about their choices and behavior. I will not worry about what is said or what might happen. I will simply let everyone know what my thoughts are.
  • I will choose to leave the party at that time. If my friends give me a hard time, I will let them know I just got a text from my parents asking me to return home due to family emergency.
  • You love the power you feel behind the wheel, and you want to see what it feels like to drive fast. You get your chance while driving alone in the car. The speed limit is 50, but there's no traffic on the road. What will you do?
  • I will gun the engine and speed down the road.
  • I will look around, notice all the signs and people around, and remain at a normal speed limit.
  • You have a teacher or coach who is always getting on you for no reason, and you're tired of it. You're not a kid anymore; you deserve respect. He is coming toward you. You can tell he's angry and you know what's coming. Right now you have to determine how you'll react. What will you do?
  • I will let the teacher or coach get what they have to say off their mind and just listen to them without responding.
  • I will excuse myself, by heading into the bathroom where they can’t enter or another classroom where there is another adult I trust.
  • A group of friends is saying some pretty mean things about another friend. Some of what they're saying is true, but then sometimes those things are true of you, too. "Hey," someone says, calling your name, "you haven't said anything. What do you think? You agree with us, don't you?" What will you do?
  • You immediately say no you don’t agree and that you realize that the way you may have acted in the past was wrong.
  • You simply nod your head to stay under the radar of the other kids.
  • Matthew 17:20 states - He said to them, “Because of your little faith. Amen, I say to you, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” This silver coin, with a mustard see in it, is a reminder of just that. This coin also comes with a collector card to help us remember and guide us on our journey of faith.
  • Our Lady of Fatima Appears to children in Fatima, Portugal – 1917
  • Our Lady of Guadalupe appears to Juan Diego in Mexico – 1531
  • Our Lady of Good Help appears to Adele Brise in New Franken, WI - 1859
  • Our Lady of Lourdes appears to who is now known as St. Bernadette in Lourdes, France – 1858
  • Our Lady of Knock appears to Mary McLoughlin and Mary Beirne in Knock, Ireland - 1879
  • Saint Christopher was a martyr – someone killed for their faith, and is known today by Christopher because the meaning of his name is Christ – like. Saint Christopher is remembered as someone who helped carry others, despite the difficulty. Saint Christopher is the patron saint of travelers making this visor clip of Saint Christopher a great addition to anyone’s car.
  • How many different mysteries are there of the rosary? 4 or 5
  • Which sin is worse – a mortal or a venial sin? A venial sin
  • How many sacraments are there in the Catholic Church? 7 or 8
  • Who was the first Pope? St. Peter or St. Paul

Showcase Showdown

Showcase 1 –

Cd – Approximately an hour of music to not only make you smile but to uplift your soul.

Ear Buds – I am sure you would want to share the music with many, but just in case you need them for your MP3 player, here’s a new pair of ear buds

Poster – a visual reminder that God is the hero to many of us. A gift that we have been given.

Finally an iTunes Gift Card – how about having the chance to download more music, games, or books until your apple device. Here is a gift card just for you.

These can all be yours if the price is right…

Showcase 2 –

Popcorn – we go to church to feed our souls, and we make popcorn to feed our stomachs. There’s nothing better than a salty and buttery snack. Enjoy some homestyle popcorn from Pop Secret.

Candy – The salty and buttery goodness of popcorn put a smile on my face, but what if we paired that up with a box of yummy deliciousness – CANDY. Either a box of Sour patch kids or a box of nerds will make your night a delight.

Mountain Dew – With the salty and sweet you will need something to wash that all down. Don’t forget to enjoy some sugary sweetness in liquid form – Mountain Dew.

Marcus Gift Card – Nothing to do – maybe a movie is in the future. Enjoy a night at the theater watching one of the latest flicks out to see.

And all this can be yours if the price is right…