English 2 CP: Final Exam REVIEW 2008-2009


Direct Objects

The letter corresponds to the word before it.

Ex. Women(a) in gorgeous(b) gowns attended(c) the formal ball(d).

Indirect object

The letter corresponds to the word before it.

Ex. Kevin taught his(a) little(b) sister(c) a new song(d).


Directions: Identify the word or phrase in parentheses as a PARTICIPLE (A), GERUND (B), OR INFINITIVE (C).

Ex. I enjoy (running).

I wear (running) shoes.

I like (to run).


Match the characters with their descriptions

MATCHING (match the character with his/her description)

Ruth Younger Lena Younger (Mama)

Travis Younger Joseph Asagai Willy

Walter Lee Younger George Murchison Bobo

Beneatha Younger Karl Lindner Big Walter Younger

Ex. An African college student from Nigeria and one of Beneatha’s suitors; he attempts to convince her to reconnect with her African ancestry.


Multiple Choice

Ex. The play is set in what major U.S. city?





Rising Action


Falling Action







Catcher in the Rye

Character Matching

Ex. lives in Hollywood and writes short stories

TRUE/FALSE (A = True B = False)

The novel takes place at the same exact time in which Holden is narrating it.

--Read an excerpt from a critical essay about The Catcher in the Rye and answer the questions

--Define plagiarism


Character Matching

Emilia Othello Cassio The Duke

Bianca Roderigo Desdemona

Montano Iago Brabantio

Ex. a Venetian gentleman; rejected suitor to Desdemona; heavily manipulated by Iago

MULTIPLE CHOICE (choose the best answer)

Act I

Ex. What is Iago’s complaint in Scene I?


Choose TWO of the following essays and respond on a separate sheet of paper. Be sure to support your response with as many examples from the text as possible.

1. Catcher in the Rye: Is the novel an accurate representation of “teenage experience” or not? State your claim and provide at least three reasons for your claim. Be sure to provide specific examples from the book as support for each of your reasons.

2. Select one of the poems below and discuss the author’s technique. Discuss the poetic style and literary devices present in the poem, along with its message. (provide at least one example of each of the three bold terms for full credit)

Robert Frost’s Poetry

“Birches” “Mending Wall” “Out, Out—“

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

“Acquainted with the Night”

“The Gift Outright”

3. Choose any two works of literature (novels, plays, poems, or short stories) and relate them to their historical context (the time period in which they were written). How has the historical context and writing style of the times affected the way the literature has been written? What events from the time period or the author’s life might have contributed to the themes, tone, or overall content of the work? Identify the time period and provide at least three total examples of how the time periods or authors’ lives influenced the work. NOTE: IN THIS ESSAY, ONE OF YOUR CHOICES CAN BE FROM THE FIRST SEMESTER.

4. Compare and contrast any two works of literature (novels, plays, poems, or short stories) from this semester that share a common theme. Identify the theme and compare and contrast at least three total similarities or differences in the way the theme is presented in the characters, events, and conflicts of the two different works. (note that comparing and contrasting require you to explain both literary works) ALSO NOTE: IN THIS ESSAY, ONE OF YOUR CHOICES CAN BE FROM THE FIRST SEMESTER.

5. Discuss the use of visual symbolism in Oliver Parker’s film version of Othello. Provide at least three examples of scenes where symbols occur, explain what happens in each scene, and analyze what the symbol represents or how it contributes to the scene. (Three potential examples, free of charge: Iago’s “chess scene”, or color symbolism in Othello’s outfit in the confrontation with Brabantio, or Iago and Othello’s discussion about Desdemona’s faithfulness in the room full of guns and weaponry)

6. Is the tragedy of Othello and Desdemona’s death Iago’s fault or Othello’s fault? State your claim and provide three specific examples about the characters or events of the play for support.

7. Lorraine Hansberry drew the title of her play A Raisin in the Sun from the poem “Harlem” (otherwise known as “Dream Deferred”) and also included it as the preface.

·  Why did she make this choice? Explain the thematic connection between the poem and play and provide at least two examples of characters or scenes in the play that contribute to this theme.

“Harlem”, a.k.a. “A Dream Deferred” by Langston Hughes (The poem that A Raisin in the Sun gets its title from)

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up

like a raisin in the sun?

Or fester like a sore--

And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat?

Or crust and sugar over--

like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags

like a heavy load.

Or does it explode?