Personal Research Database


Part II: C to H


Prof. Yuh-Shan Ho

Last data updates: 18/04/09

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??: questions

Title: Cadernos de Saúde Pública 1

Title: Cambridge Journal of Economics 3

Title: Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal-Journal de l Association Canadienne des Radiologistes 4

Title: Canadian Family Physician Médecin de Famille Canadien 5

Title: Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne d’Economie Rurale 7

Title: Canadian Journal of Anaesthesia-Journal Canadien d’Anesthesie 8

Title: Canadian Journal of Information and Library Science-Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l Information et de Bibliotheconomie 10

Title: Canadian Journal of Plant Science 13

Title: Canadian Journal of Public Health-Revue Canadienne de Sante Publique 14

Title: Canadian Journal of Surgery 16

Title: Canadian Library Journal 18

Title: Canadian Medical Association Journal 19

Title: Canadian Psychology-Psychologie Canadienne 29

Title: Cancer Causes & Control 30

Title: Cancer Genetics and Cytogenetics 31

Title: Cancer Treatment Reviews 33

Title: Carcinogenesis 34

Title: Cardiovascular Research 36

Title: Casopís Lékařů Českých 38

Title: Cell Biophysics 40

Title: Cell Death and Differentiation 41

Title: Cell Stem Cell 42

Title: Cephalalgia 43

Title: Ceskoslovensky Casopis Pro Fysiku Sekce A 44

Title: Chemical Engineering Journal 45

Title: Chemical & Engineering News 46

Title: Chemical Reviews 47

Title: Chemicke Listy 48

Title: Chemistry & Industry 49

Title: Chest 50

Title: Child Abuse & Neglect 52

Title: China Medical Education Technology 54

Title: Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin 55

Title: Chinese Hospital Management 56

Title: Chinese Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 57

Title: Chinese Journal of Disease Control & Prevention 58

Title: Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology 59

Title: Chinese Journal of Hospital Administration 60

Title: Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine 61

Title: Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science 62

Title: Chinese Journal of Medical Science Research Management 65

Title: Chinese Journal of Neuroimmunology and Neurology 66

Title: Chinese Journal of Nosocomiology 67

Title: Chinese Journal of Nursing 68

Title: Chinese Journal of Orthopaedic Trauma 69

Title: Chinese Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 70

Title: Chinese Medical Journal 71

Title: Chinese Science Bulletin 73

Title: Chirurg 76

Title: Ciencia da Informacao Ciencia da Informacao 77

Title: Circulation 78

Title: Circulation Research 80

Title: Cirugía Española 81

Title: Cirugia Pediatr 83

Title: Cities 85

Title: Climatic Change 86

Title: Clinica Chimica Acta 87

Title: Clinical Anatomy 88

Title: Clinical Chemistry 90

Title: Clinical Endocrinology 92

Title: Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 93

Title: Clinical Hemorheology 96

Title: Clinical Neuropsychologist 98

Title: Clinical Otolaryngology 100

Title: Clinical Physiology 103

Title: Clinical Psychology Review 105

Title: Clinical Therapeutics 107

Title: CMAJ 110

Title: CNS Drugs 111

Title: Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 113

Title: Cognition 129

Title: Colis4: Emerging Frameworks and Methods 130

Title: Collection Management 131

Title: College & Research Libraries 132

Title: Collegium Antropologicum 136

Title: Commonwealth and Comparative Politics 138

Title: Communication Theory 139

Title: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-Toxicology & Pharmacology 140

Title: Comparative Medicine 142

Title: Compare 143

Title: Complementary Therapies in Medicine 144

Title: Complementary Therapies in Nursing and Midwifery 145

Title: Comprehensive Gerontology. Section A, Clinical and Laboratory Sciences 146

Title: Comptes Rendus Biologies 147

Title: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 148

Title: Computers and Biomedical Research 150

Title: Computers & Education 151

Title: Computers & Industrial Engineering 153

Title: Computer Networks 155

Title: Computers & Structures 156

Title: Conservation Biology 157

Title: Contact Dermatitis 159

Title: Contemporary Clinical Trials 160

Title: Cortex 161

Title: Counseling Psychology 163

Title: Crime and Justice: A Review of Research 164

Title: Critical Care Medicine 165

Title: Critical Perspectives on International Business 167

Title: Critical Reviews in Analytical Chemistry 168

Title: Croatian Medical Journal 169

Title: Croatica Chemica Acta 174

Title: Crustacean Issues; History of Carcinology 175

Title: Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology 176

Title: Current Comments 178

Title: Current Contents 179

Title: Current Contents/Agriculture Biology & Environmental Sciences 184

Title: Current Contents/Life Sciences 185

Title: Current Nanoscience 187

Title: Current Opinion in Rheumatology 188

Title: Current Science 189

Title: Current Surgery 202

Title: Current Therapeutic Research-Clinical and Experimental 204

Title: Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry 205

Title: Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology 206

Title: Cybermetrics 207

Title: CyberPsychology & Behavior 210

Title: Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 211

Title: Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 212

Title: Database 214

Title: Database and Expert Systems Applications, Proceedings 215

Title: Decision Support Systems 216

Title: Dental Materials 218

Title: Depression and Anxiety 220

Title: Der Nervenarzt 222

Title: Dermatology 223

Title: DESIDOC Bulletin of Information Technology 224

Title: Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 226

Title: Deutscher Dokumentartag 1987. Von der Information zum Wissen, von Wissen zur Information: Traditionelle und Moderne Informationssysteme fur Wissenschaft und Praxis (German Documentation 1987. From Information to Knowledge, from Knowledge to Information: Traditional and Modern Information Systems for Knowledge and Practice) 227

Title: Developmental Psychobiology 228

Title: Developmental Review 230

Title: Diabetes Care 232

Title: Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 234

Title: Diagnostica 235

Title: DICP-The Annals of Pharmacotherapy 236

Title: Digital 98 Libraries. Third ACM Conference on Digital Libraries 237

Title: Disability and Rehabilitation 239

Title: Diversity & Distributions 241

Title: DNA Repair 243

Title: Document, Information & Knowledge 244

Title: Documentation 245

Title: Drug Information Journal 246

Title: Drugs 247

Title: Drustvena Istrazivanja 249

Title: Duodecim 250

Title: Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 251

Title: East African Medical Journal 252

Title: Ecological Economics 254

Title: Econometric Theory 257

Title: Econometrica 258

Title: The Economic Journal 259

Title: Economic and Political Weekly 260

Title: Economic Systems Research 261

Title: Economics of Innovation and New Technology 263

Title: Economics Letters 265

Title: Econtent 266

Title: Ecoscience 267

Title: Education for Information 269

Title: Educational Record 270

Title: Econ Journal Watch 271

Title: Educational Research 275

Title: Ekonomiska Samfundets Tidskrift 276

Title: Eksperimentalnaya Onkologiya 277

Title: Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology 278

Title: Electronic Library 279

Title: Elements 281

Title: Emergency Medicine Australasia 282

Title: Emergency Medicine Journal 284

Title: Energy 285

Title: Energy Policy 286

Title: Endeavour 287

Title: Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica 288

Title: Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 291

Title: Enterprise and Innovation Management Studies 293

Title: Environment and Behavior 294

Title: Environment Development and Sustainability 295

Title: Environment and Planning A 296

Title: Environment and Planning B-Planning & Design 298

Title: Environmental and Experimental Botany 299

Title: Environmental Pollution 300

Title: Environmental Science & Policy 301

Title: Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale 303

Title: Epilepsia 306

Title: EPL 307

Title: Ergonomics 308

Title: Essays of an Information Scientist 310

Title: Estuaries and Coasts 379

Title: Estudios de Psicología 380

Title: Ethiopian Medical Journal 381

Title: Etologia 382

Title: ETR&D-Educational Technology Research and Development 383

Title: Eurasian Soil Science 385

Title: European Accounting Review 386

Title: European Economic Review 387

Title: European Heart Journal 388

Title: European Journal of Anaesthesiology 389

Title: European Journal of Cancer 390

Title: European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 394

Title: European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases 396

Title: European Journal of Epidemiology 398

Title: European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 400

Title: European Journal of Heart Failure 402

Title: European Journal of Information Systems 404

Title: European Journal of Marketing 406

Title: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine 408

Title: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 410

Title: European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology 412

Title: European Journal of Operational Research 416

Title: European Journal of Oral Sciences 419

Title: European Journal of Public Health 420

Title: European Journal of Social Psychology 424

Title: European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 425

Title: European Neuropsychopharmacology 427

Title: European Physical Journal B 429

Title: European Planning Studies 430

Title: European Psychiatry 432

Title: European Psychologist 435

Title: European Radiology 437

Title: European Respiratory Journal 439

Title: European Review of Agricultural Economics 441

Title: European Spine Journal 442

Title: European Urology 443

Title: Evaluation & the Health Professions 445

Title: Evaluation & Management 446

Title: Evaluation and Program Planning 447

Title: Evaluation Review 448

Title: Evidence-Based Dentistry 449

Title: Experimental Hematology 451

Title: Experimental and Molecular Pathology 453

Title: Experimental Psychology 455

Title: Expert Systems with Applications 456

Title: Family Business Review 458

Title: Family Medicine 459

Title: Farmatsevtychnyĭ Zhurnal 461

Title: FASEB Journal 462

Title: FEMS Microbiology Letters 464

Title: Fertility and Sterility 465

Title: Finance A Uver-Czech Journal of Economics and Finance 468

Title: Financial Management 469

Title: Fiziologicheskiĭ Zhurnal 470

Title: Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal 471

Title: Folia Entomologica Mexicana 472

Title: Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica 473

Title: The Foot 474

Title: Forensic Science International 475

Title: Foresight 479

Title: Fudan Xuebao (Yixuekexueban) 481

Title: Fullerenes Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures 482

Title: Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology 483

Title: Gait & Posture 485

Title: Gastroenterologie Clinique et Biologique 486

Title: Gazette Medicale de France 487

Title: A General Advantage Theory of Bibliometric and Other Cumulative Advantage Processes 488

Title: General Hospital Psychiatry 489

Title: Genetics and Molecular Research 491

Title: Geoderma 492

Title: Geographical Research 494

Title: Geomorphology 495

Title: Geophysics 496

Title: Geriatrika (Madrid) 498

Title: Gestion Ambiental 499

Title: Gesundheitswesen 500

Title: Giornale di Gerontologia 501

Title: Giornale Italiano di Nefrologia 502

Title: GL6: Work on Grey in Progress, Conference Proceedings 503

Title: Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 504

Title: Government Information Quarterly 506

Title: Government Publications Review 507

Title: Grasas y Aceites 508

Title: Gut 509

Title: Gynäkologische Endokrinologie 511

Title: Haematologica 512

Title: Health 516

Title: Health Bulletin (Edinb) 517

Title: Health Care Management Review 518

Title: Health Communication 519

Title: Health Economics 521

Title: Health Education & Behavior 523

Title: Health Education Research 524

Title: Health Information and Libraries Journal 526

Title: Health Medicine Recsearch and Practice 529

Title: Health & Place 530

Title: Health Research Policy and Systems 531

Title: Health Risk & Society 534

Title: Health Services Research 535

Title: Health Technology Assessment 537

Title: Healthcare Quarterly 539

Title: Heart Lung and Circulation 541

Title: Helicobacter 543

Title: Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences 544

Title: Higher Education in Europe 545

Title: Higher Education Policy 546

Title: Higher Education Research and Development 547

Title: Hispania-Revista Espanola de Historia 548

Title: Historia Mathematica 549

Title: History of Psychology 552

Title: Home Health Care Services Quarterly 553

Title: Homo 555

Title: Hormones and Behavior 556

Title: Human Communication Research 558

Title: Human Factors 560

Title: Hydrogeology Journal 562

Title: Cadernos de Saúde Pública

Full Journal Title: Cadernos de Saúde Pública

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title: Cad Saude Publica

ISSN: 0102-311X


Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Coimbra, C.E.A. (2003), Challenges for scientific output and communications in health in Brazil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 19 (1), 4-5.

Keywords: Brazil, Communications, Health, Scientific Output

? Novaes, H.M.D. (2004), Research in, about, and for health services: an international panorama and questions for health research in Brazil. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 20 (Suppl 2), S147-S157.

Abstract: Health systems and services are important determinants of health conditions and quality of life. Health services research is a multidisciplinary area aimed at deepening and widening knowledge on the area in specific contexts and focusing on system accessibility, impact, and performance and conditions and quality of health care in order to contribute to decisions by policy-makers, managers, and health professionals. This article analyzes the main characteristics and trends in recent output in the international literature and discusses several key questions for health services research in Brazil.

Keywords: Brazil, Care, Characteristics, Determinants Of Health, Health, Health Care, Health Professionals, Health Research, Health Services, Health Services Research, Impact, International, Knowledge, Life, Literature, Multidisciplinary, Performance, Quality, Quality of, Quality of Health Care, Quality of Life, Research, Services, Systems, Trends

? Oria, M.O., Glick, D.F. and Alves, M.D. (2005), Trends in breastfeeding research by Brazilian nurses. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 21 (1), 20-28.

Abstract: Exclusive breastfeeding is acknowledged as important for survival, optimal growth, and development of infants. The current review presents a synthesis of research output by Brazilian nurses on breastfeeding over the last 20 years, analyzes the theoretical and methodological issues emerging from studies on breastfeeding in Brazil, and provides directions for future research and practice by nurses in the area breastfeeding. Studies included in this review were identified through LILACS searches of Portuguese-language sources. Articles were organized and analyzed chronologically by comparing the evolution of the Brazilian Breastfeeding Program. The incomplete research output of the Brazilian nursing profession in regard to breastfeeding research needs to be addressed. In addition, specific cultural, sociological, and anthropological characteristics of Brazilian regional settings remain to be explored. Emphasis on potential confounders and critical interrelations is warranted.

Keywords: Brazil, Breastfeeding, Characteristics, Cultural, Development, Evolution, Growth, Infants, Needs, Nurses, Nursing, Nursing Profession, Potential, Practice, Profession, Regional, Research, Review, Sources, Survival, Synthesis

? Palma-Solis, M.A., Franco Giraldo, A. and Alvarez-Dardet, C. (2006), Influences and hegemonies in health reform research. Cadernos de Saúde Pública, 22 (12), 2527-2537.

Abstract: The authors analyze the evolution in publications indexed in MEDLINE, LILACS, and Sociological Abstracts concerning health reforms around the world and the determinants of their orientation and distribution from 1990 to 2004. A total of 8,729 publications were selected. The principles of “sustainability” and “quality and effectiveness” were dealt with most frequently, with different patterns of attention, depending on the regions and countries. Of 199 countries, 61% included references as to their health reform processes, with the largest numbers in the United States and the Great Britain. The British and U.S. standards for attention to health reform principles displayed strong influences on the study of health reforms elsewhere. This may limit the scientific visibility of issues like equity, participation, and efficiency.