
Request for Project Closeout Certification Form

All Certified Projects Must Follow NM State Policies and Procurement Code

1.  Project Governance /

Project Name

Project Short Name(s)

/ E-911 Upgrade, Mescalero Police Department
Date / September 28, 2016
Lead Agency / DFA
Other Agencies

Executive Sponsor

/ Rick Lopez
Agency Head / Duffy Rodriguez
Agency CIO/IT Lead / Joseph Baros
Project Manager / Bill Range
2.  Project Abstract
(Provide a brief description and purpose for this project.)
Upgrade the current E-911 Mescalero PD Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) call-taking equipment. This includes replacing the aging E-911 equipment with new hardware, software, and training.
3a. Scope Verification

Requirements Review

/ Yes / No /


Were the project objectives (expected outcomes) accomplished? / X
Were all Deliverables submitted and accepted? / X
Did the IV&V vendor verify that all deliverables met the requirements? / Not applicable.
Have all contracts been closed? / X
Have all final payments been made (i.e., invoices paid) / X
Have all project documents/records been appropriately stored for future reference? / X
Has adequate knowledge transfer been completed? / X
3b. Major Project Deliverables and Performance Measures Met
Major Project Deliverable and Performance Measure

(Include an explanation if deliverable or performance measure was not met.)

/ Budget /



Project Phase

Project Preparation & Planning / $ / Planning
Equipment delivery to the project site / $ / Implementation
Equipment installation / $209,380 / Implementation
System documentation provided / $ / Implementation
System testing (Testing budget combined with training budget.) / $ / Implementation
User and administrative training / $30,132 / Implementation
Project Closing / $ / Close
Total / $239,512
4a. Certification History
Cert. Date / Cert. Amount / Funding Source(s) – Funding Total Amount
(Cite the specific laws, grants, etc. and total amount.)
9/23/2015 / $239,512 / E-911 Fund
4b. RFP / Contract History
(List all RFP’s and contracts issued for the project.)
List RFP and Contract
(Purpose and/or Description) / Contract
Number / Compensation
Amount or NA / %
Not applicable.
5. Schedule and Budget
Planned Start Date / 8/24/15 / Actual Start Date / 8/24/15
Planned End Date / 10/9/15 / Actual End Date / 6/17/16
Planned Cost: (Budget) / $239,512 / Actual Cost: (Total) / $209,248
§  Professional Services / §  Professional Services
§  Hardware / §  Hardware
§  Software / §  Software
§  Other / §  Other
6a. Independent Verification & Validation

(Include summary of the last IVV Report or Risk Management Summary Report.)

Not applicable.
6b. Lessons Learned
None noted.
7. Transition to Operations
Yes / No /


Are there recurring maintenance/operational costs for the product/service? / X / Figures for maintenance, beginning in June 2017 have not yet been submitted.
Are there any recommended enhancements or updates? / X
Summary of agency plan to support project solution in production.
DFA will fund, through a grant with the Village of Ruidoso, the cost of maintenance, plus the annual cost for software subscription. The annual software subscription provides any available manufacturer hot fixes, patches and software upgrades.
Summary of agency plans to fund the maintenance and Operations of this project.
DFA funds the maintenance and software subscription throughout the lifetime of the equipment.

Revision: 6/18/13

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