February 27, 2017
The Regular Board Meeting was held on Monday, February 27,2017, at the Lyons Township Mental Health Commission Conference Room. The Meeting was called to order byPresident Bob Buresat 7:00 P.M.
President Bures asked for the Roll Call.
Roll Call: Commissioners present: Bob Bures, Al Dorobiala, Chris Getty, Sophia Mallis, Bill Seith, Jim Durkanand Anthony Przeklasa.
AbsentCommissioners Colleen Kelly and Steve Palmer
Staff Present:Ron Melka, Executive Director and Barbara Minneci, Administrative Assistant
Agency Directors: Dawn Winters, Interim Director, Helping Hand; Ann Schreiner, The Pillars and Diane Farina White Director, Community Support Services.
Guests:Emily B. Witt, Attorney, Del Galdo Law Group, LLC;
The Agenda was reviewed.
A MOTION was made by Durkan, seconded bySeith,to approve the Agenda as distributed.Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Hearing no Nays, the Agenda was approved.
President Bures read a letter from the Del Galdo Law Group advising the Commission that Michael T. Del Galdo has once again been named in both Chicago Magazine and Super Lawyers Magazine as a “Super Lawyer” for 2017. Congratulations to him and his firm from the Commission.
The Minutes of the Board Meeting held on January 23, 2017were reviewed.
A MOTION was made bySeith, seconded byMallis, to approve the Minutes of the January 23, 2017 meeting as distributed. Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Hearing no Nays, the Minutes wereapproved.
Ron Melka, Executive Director, supplemented his written report, which was included in the Board Packet, by highlighting a couple of things that have happened within the last week. The State of Illinois is going to expand their Managed Care Contracts throughout the State so that everyone on Medicaid will be on Managed Care. Ron will be presenting a NAMI training Workshop for school personnel this weekend on “Mental Health Needs for Adolescence”.The Community Memorial Foundation Behavioral Health Action Team will be meeting this Wednesdayto discuss the Adverse Childhood Experiences and how to begin creating a trauma informed community. Senate Bill 3 has passed with our amendment to exclude 708 Boards from the consolidation and it now should now go to the House although its’ been called for a reconsideration of the vote.
Diane Farina White, Community Support Services, reminded the Commissioners about the “Beat the Odds” Event which is on March 24, 2017. CSS has become Certified for a Day Program at the Cicero location with 17 people starting in the class. It is a much smaller setting and the attendees are high need and high behavioral, autistic and non verbal, who can work better in a smaller setting and not be over stimulated. The program is Monday thru Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and it should be starting next week. Westchester is CSS’s 8thCILA home and is not opened yet. There will be five women (mid-twenties - early thirties) in that home, 2 are from the Community. An Open House will be scheduled once the home is up and running.
Ann Schreiner, The Pillars, also wanted to report on the Managed Care that Ron was talking about in his report. Pillarsis looking forward to working with less insurance companies. All of this coincides nicely with the 1115 Waiver and the focus on providers who are integrating Behavioral Health Care and Primary Care. So from a Behavioral Health standpoint, the partnership with Community Nurse becomes even more important as a service that they are providing and will help Pillars in the future with Contracting. They are also focused on the Adverse Childhood Trauma. Pillars has made a decision to stand firm supporting all their programs through the fiscal year. In May, however, there may be some changes in a couple of the programs.
Dawn Winters, Helping Hand, reported that the Gala is coming up in less than two weeks. There should be over 400 attendees this year. They are doing a staff/client and Community Partner Award Presentation at the Gala as well. This year the Community Partner awards are going to all of the police and fire departments in the towns in which Helping Hand has residential facilities. The new Empower Program which is just getting started has 30 clients enrolled and 4 clients are on a trial period. The Pasta Supper, a few weeks ago, was a really good event for a clients and families. The Search Firm that was hired has several candidates for the Executive Directors position and the Search Committee is looking at videos of the candidates this week and the search is moving along
President Bures reminded the Commission that The LeaderShop and Center for Independence has submitted reports that can be found in the Commissioners Packets for review.
President Bures asked Ron Melka if he had an opportunity to look over the Executive Director’s Contract and asked Ron if he is formally accepting this contract as written? Ron said “yes”.
A MOTIONwas made by Getty, seconded by Dorobiala to approve the Executive Director contract for Ron Melka. Ayes: Getty, Dorobiala, Bures, Mallis, Seith, Durkan and Przeklasa.Nays: None. Motion is approved.
Treasurer Getty referred to Ron regarding the current rates available for the Certificate of Deposit coming due March 23, 2017. Ron stated the current rate available is 1.5% for 23 months at Standard Bank which is now known as First Midwest Bank.
A MOTIONwas made by Seith and seconded by Mallis, to keep the Certificate of Deposit currently at First Midwest Bank due to mature on March 23, 2017. Ayes: Bill Seith, Sophia Mallis, Bob Bures, Al Dorobiala, Chris Getty, Jim Durkan and Anthony Przeklasa. Nays: None. Motion Carried.
President Bures was happy to report that Aging Care had asked the Commission to submit a name of a person to be honored at their “Community Gems” Luncheon on May 2, 2017. Sophia Mallis has been selected and has accepted as LTMHC’s nominee for the “Community Gem” to be honored.
A MOTIONwas made by Seith and seconded by Durkan to approve a $2,500 sponsorship for “Aging Well Month”. Ayes: Bill Seith, Jim Durkan, Bob Bures, Al Dorobiala, Chris Getty and Anthony Przeklasa. Abstain: Sophia Mallis. Nays: None. Motion Carried
Commissioner Mallis thanked the Commission for their nomination.
A MOTION was made by Seith and seconded by Dorobiala to purchase 5 addition tickets for the Helping Hand 18th Annual Gala on March 11, 2017. Ayes: Bill Seith, Al Dorobiala, Bob Bures, Chris Getty, Sophia Mallis, Jim Durkan and Anthony Przeklasa. Nays: None. Motion Carried
A MOTION was made by Przeklasa and seconded by Seith to purchase 1 additional ticket for the Community Support Service “Beat the Odds” Event on March 24, 2017. Ayes: Anthony Przeklasa, Bill Seith, Bob Bures, Al Dorobiala, Chris Getty, Sophia Mallis and Jim Durkan. Nays: None. Motion Carried.
Treasurer Getty presented the Treasurer’s Report for February 27, 2017 as follows:
Beginning Balance as ofDecember 31, 2016$2,470,285.65
Receipts during January, 2017: $ 36,568.78
Disbursements during January, 2017: $ 353,564.92
Ending Balance as of January 31, 2017: $2,153,289.51
A MOTION was made by Seith and seconded by Dorobialato approve the Treasurer’sReport dated February 27, 2017.Ayes: Unanimous.Nays: None. Hearing no Nays, the Treasurer’s Report wasaccepted.
Treasurer Getty presented the list of twenty-eight (28) Payables dated February 27, 2017in the amount of $347,420.61.
A MOTION was made by Mallis and seconded by Dorobiala to approve the Payables Monthly Report dated February 27, 2017, in the amount of $347,420.61. Roll Call: Ayes: Sophia Mallis, Alan Dorobiala, Bob Bures, Chris Getty, Bill Seith,Jim Durkan and Anthony Przeklasa.Ayes: Unanimous. Nays: None. Motion Carried.
Hearing no other business before this Commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:39p.m.
Bob Bures, PresidentAlan W. Dorobiala, Vice President
Meeting of the Lyons Township Mental Health CommissionPage1
February 27, 2017