Funding to the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (Councillor B. Maitson)
Recommendation:That the following report be received for information.
Report Summary
- Administration response to Councillor Maitson’s inquiry regarding continued funding to the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues.
Previous Council/Committee Action
At the regular City Council Meeting held October 7, 1997, Councillor Maitson made the following inquiry:
“Is it appropriate to continue to provide funding to the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues given the current state of crisis the Federation seems to be in?”
- The Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues (EFCL) is the umbrella organization for 142 community leagues.
- The EFCL’s goals are:
- to help community leagues set policies, by-laws and allow for consistency in standards, rules and fees;
- represent communities on matters of mutual concern with City Council and other civic departments;
- to offer a variety of recreational programs and activities.
- The City of Edmonton currently provides $115,000 annually to the Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues in support of:
- city-wide programs such as Baseball, Basketball, Figure Skating, Hockey, Ringette, Lacrosse, Softball, and Soccer;
- the EFCL TalentShow that provides the opportunity for children and youth ages 5 to 17 to display their dancing and/or musical talent;
- an Awards program recognizing community league members by honoring Youth, Family, and Adult contributions in the community;
- Boysdale Camp (owned by the EFCL) which provides a summer camp for disadvantaged boys and girls aged 7 to 14 as well as hearing impaired children to give them the opportunity to experience an outdoor environment;
- other EFCL supported programs including Neighbourhood Watch and Youth Justice.
- The EFCL is an important partner in the delivery of neighbourhood programs and services. While it is essential that the EFCL address their internal issues, the Department is confident that the municipal funding currently provided continues to support the specific programs noted.
- Several measures being contemplated to review the EFCL’s governance, financial management and operational practices include:
- an EFCL Revitalization Task Force Review;
- a motion for the City’s Auditor General to undertake a financial and governance audit of the EFCL, which was referred to the Community Services Committee at the November 12 meeting of City Council;
- the potential development by the Community Services Department of a services agreement with the EFCL that will describe the services that are provided by the Federation in relation to the operating grant.
Background Information Available on Request
- Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues 1997 Annual Report
Staff Hours to Prepare Report: 4
Staff Cost:$140.00
Peripheral Cost: 0
Total Cost of Inquiry Preparation:$140.00
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