Golf Lesson Plan

By Adam Bibbs

Grade: 12

Unit: Golf

Class size: 25 students


·  30 Golf balls

·  20 Hula Hoops

·  25 Putters

·  25 9 irons

·  25 7 irons

·  1 putting green with a hazard

·  10 cones

Lesson #: 7 of 10

Content Focus: Shots used to position the ball on the green

Behavior Objectives: By the end of the lesson the student will be able to:

·  Affective

Display a positive attitude by fully participating in all drills and activities,

while encouraging other classmates. This will be assessed by daily points awarded by the evaluation of students form.

·  Cognitive

Identify primary cues for the stance, grip, swing, chip, and pitch shots so they understand how to apply these skills and shots in their future game play. This will be assessed through teacher observation while the students participate and when we review cues at the end of the class period.

·  Psychomotor

Demonstrate proper shooting, stance, grip, swing, chip, and pitch shots assessed by evaluation of students form. Demonstrate how to properly demonstrate these skills and shots during game play, which will be assessed by teacher observation and the skill analysis sheets.

Safety Concerns

-Be quiet while others are shooting

-Give the shooter plenty of space to strike the ball

-Never stand in front of someone who is about to shoot

-Treat others and equipment with respect

-Pay attention at all times

-Always be behind the ball that is farthest from the pin

-Stretch before you play

Future Suggestions:

Time / Description / Cues / Organization
0-2 / Beginning
Set Induction:
·  Anticipatory set: Can anyone tell me what a golfer can do to place the ball on the green? If they do not hit the ball on the green two very likely strategies are to use a pitch or chip shot to do so.
·  Today we will be learning how to perform the pitch and chip shots. / circle up / X
3-10 / Warm up:
Stretching: touch toes, roll shoulders, twist hips, arm circles, and hold each for ten seconds. We are doing these stretches to loosen up the body so it is easier to shoot.
Grip Review
·  Two handed grip
Usually used if you have small hands
·  Overlap grip
Usually used if you have larger hands and prefer a weaker grip
·  Interlocked grip
The grip that I recommend because it helps the hands swing as one, and you have a stronger grip on the club
Stance Review
Have the students gathered around sharing how they think the proper stance is executed.
Swing Review
Have the students gathered around sharing how they think the proper swing is executed
After reviewing, pair students to perform the skills together. These partners will also play the game with each other. / Circle up
V – Grip
Hammer - Grip
weight centered
Stand tall
raise hips
bend knees
good posture
Feet shoulder width apart
Left arm straight
Swing Straight Back
Head down
Triangle with arms
Follow Through /
19-26 / Middle
Major task 1: Pitch shot - Performed with a 9 iron. A high approach shot in golf. This shot is specifically used to hit the ball over a hazard and land on the green close to the pin. Once the ball lands it should not roll, it is designed to die once it lands. We will be working from short distances to establish accuracy.
Extension 1: hit the ball with proper form 5 times.
Extension 2: Hit the ball over the hazard and on to the green.
Major task 2: Chip shot - Performed with a 7 iron. A short lofted golf stroke, used in approaching the green. It is specifically used in close distances from the green where you would like to hit the ball on the green and it rolls to the pin. This shot should not travel as high in the air as a pitch shot. We will be working from short distances to establish accuracy.
Extension 1: hit the ball with proper form 5 times.
Extension 2: Hit the ball so it hits on the edge of the green and rolls toward the pin 5 times. / -Slightly open stance
-Length of swing depending on distance
-Choke down
-Head down
-Swing with same force
-Hit down on the ball, not a scoop
-Follow through
-Slight open stance
-Length of swing depends on distance
-Head down
-swing with same force/tempo
-don’t chop
-follow through /
27-46 / Application Activity: (hand out the score cards) Set up a course, have students use chip and pitch shots depending on the hazards of the course, then have them put the ball into the hole. The student(s) with the lowest score will win a prize. / Remember the safety rules
Lets play /
The Green Area
47-50 / Ending:
Closure: Clean up, put equipment away.
lesson review
-review cues for stance, grip, and swing
-review cues for pitch shot
-review cues for chip shot
-Tomorrow we are going to do something a little different and go play Frisbee Golf.
Walk back inside and bring equipment back in / -circle up
-ask questions about the lesson /

Score Card for Application Activity

Name: / Score
Hole 1
Hole 2
Hole 3

Assessment Method

Evaluation of students

Poor Average Excellent

Demonstrates Proper Grip 1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrates Proper stance 1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrates Proper swing 1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrates Proper technique for the chip shot 1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrates Proper technique for the pitch shot 1 2 3 4 5

Demonstrates an understanding of game play 1 2 3 4 5

Daily points (All or None) 0 5

Golf Exam (61 pts)

Multiple Choice – 10pts

Directions – Circle the answer that fits best in the statement.

1. The earliest known reference of golf took place in ______.

a. Scotland

b. Ireland

c. Greenland

d. Finland

2. In 1858, a standard for round play was adopted and ______holes were designates as a round.

a. 19

b. 18

c. 9

d. 10

3. Each hole begins by hitting the ball off the ______.

a. Fairway

b. Green

c. Tee

d. Bunker

4. The ______is a shot typically used to hit the ball over a hazard.

a. drive

b. chip

c. putt

d. pitch

5. ______is a club used to hit the ball while it lies on the green.

a. No. 3 wood

b. No. 3 iron

c. putter

d. Sand wedge

True or False – 10pts

Directions – Read the statements below and mark (+) for true and a (0) for false.

___1. Golf is only played by people who have a high income.

___2. No one should move, talk, or stand close to or directly behind the ball or the hole when a player is making a stroke.

___3. No player should play until golfers playing ahead are out of range.

___4. The player whose ball is closest to the hole plays first.

___5. On a hole that is marked a Par 4, a player hits the ball into the hole on his/her second shot. This would be considered a birdie.

Matching – 10pts

Directions – Match the statement with the correct choice.

a. Bogey b. Eagle c. Hazard d. Rough e. Fairway

__1. An obstacle on the golf course.

__2. The mowed or well kept part of the area between the tee and the green.

__3. The un-mowed or unwell kept part of the area between the tee and the green. __4. A score of 1 over par on any hole (Example: On a Par 5 a player shoots a 6).

__5. A score of 2 under par on any hole (Example: On a Par 5 a player shoots a 3).

Short Answer –31pts

Directions – Answer all parts of each question clearly and label each part of your answer clearly.

1. Name and describe the 3 major clubs used to play golf. (6pts)

2. Name and describe 3 shots used while playing a round of golf. (6pts)

3. Identify 3 ways to maintain safe game play while participating in golf. (3pts)

4. Identify and describe the 3 major parts of the full swing. (6pts)

5. Other than clubs and balls name and describe 5 other pieces of equipment that can be used when playing golf. (10pts)

Extra Credit (4pts)

1. Who is currently the number 1 golfer in the world? (2pts)

2. What is the minimum diameter of the golf ball? (2pts)

Sources: Sports and Recreational Activities by Mood, Musker, & Rink,

Sport Progressions by Roy A. Clumpner, and PE