Blue Valley High School


Parent / Player Handbook


In conjunction with the Blue Valley School Activities Philosophy:

The Blue Valley High School Volleyball Program will provide developmentally appropriate activities for students to develop their volleyball talents in a competitive environment.

Extra-curricular activities in high school are a significant part of the total educational experience available to students. The Tiger Volleyball Program is an extension of the classroom and contributes immeasurably to a positive school climate. Participation in The Tiger Volleyball Program is strongly encouraged because students learn teamwork, develop physically and emotionally, develop a sense of belonging, and enhance their self-image.

Participation in The Tiger Volleyball Program is a privilege and differs from a student’s right to a general education. Rules and regulations governing the sport of volleyball have been established to ensure fairness to all students and to guarantee the Blue Valley High School image resulting from the students who represent BVHS is a positive one.

The Tiger Volleyball Coaches are trained staff members who will teach specific skills necessary for improvement in the sport of volleyball. The Tiger Volleyball Coaching Staff will provide guidance in the development of self-esteem, positive sportsmanship, cooperation, leadership, ethical behavior, and the responsibility for supporting fellow participants, and an understanding of the relationship between hard work, practice, and reward.


The Tiger Volleyball Program consists of five teams and six coaches—a Varsity, a Varsity Assistant, a Junior Varsity, a sophomore, and two freshman teams. Each team within The Tiger Volleyball Program has no more than ten participants with one coach with the exception of Varsity which will have two coaches and no more than twelve participants.


Because The Tiger Volleyball Program consists of approximately 40 to 50 participants, tryouts are held at the beginning of every season. Tryouts are a multiple-day evaluation of a student’s volleyball/athletic ability, knowledge of the sport and its fundamentals, hustle, leadership, and attitude. Skills tests are athletic-related activities (like passing, hitting, and running the mile) that are used to assist coaches with the evaluation process. Skills tests are not the only deciding factor for making a team. Tryouts conclude with players demonstrating their skills in live scrimmages.


Parents play an important role in The Tiger Volleyball Program. Parental support can have a tremendously positive influence on student-athlete performance and attitude. Parents in The Tiger Volleyball Program can get involved in a number of ways.

Locker decorations*Line Judges (games and tournaments)

Goodie bags Tournament Lunches (team lunch)

Concession for home games Fundraisers (volunteers)

Actively and positively supporting The Tiger Volleyball Program can help make every student-athlete’s experience a memorable one. There are times, however, when the emotion of competition causes conflict between parents, coaches, and players. It is during these times when all parties should exercise the 24 hour rule. Allowing 24 hours of reflection before beginning the communication process reduces the chances of a confrontation.


Handling conflicts with players and/or parents is never easy. All coaches, players, and parents will adhere to a two-part Communication Guide for handling all conflicts or concerns. The Communication Guide will help maintain positive relationships for everyone.

Communication Guide, Part I: Meetings.

Step One: Coach-Athlete Meeting.

If a player and/or her parents have any issue or problem with the sport experience, the student-athlete is expected to address the coach first. Student-athletes are encouraged to be self-advocates as they mature and learn how to deal with conflicts.

Step Two: Coach-Parent-Athlete Meeting.

If an issue has not been resolved in step one, a meeting will be arranged between the coach, the player, and the player’s parents. The guideline here is to set an appointment at the coach’s discretion. If the issue is emotional, the appointment should be scheduled at a later time so parties are calm and problem solving can occur. Furthermore, the parent or player should define the purpose of the meeting when the appointment is set. Please inform the Varsity Coach that a step two meeting has been scheduled. The Varsity Coach will attend a step two meeting upon a coach’s request.

Step Three: Administrator-Coach-Parents-Athlete Meeting.

If an issue has not been resolved in step two, a meeting will be arranged between the Athletic Director, coach, player, and the player’s parents. Using the same process as step two, an appointment is set and all parties define the purpose of the meeting to the Athletic Director.

Communication Guide, Part II: Coaching.

Step One: Accepting the Coach.

The Blue Valley Administration has hired personnel they feel excel in the ability to perform all of duties and responsibilities pertaining to a coach. Therefore, parents are asked not to assist with the coaching of teams.

Step Two: Identifying Potential Problems.

Parents are asked not to get involved in any of the following: critiquing a coach or coach’s decision in front of other parents, players, or coaches; attempting to influence or confront a coach regarding his/her decisions; talking to a coach during a practice or game; yelling at a player, coach, or official; getting involved in minor discipline problems; making suggestions for line-ups; or removing a player from a practice or competition without prior notification given to the coach

Anyone who fails to adhere to the Communication Guide could be removed from the program.


Volleyball practice is after school Monday through Friday from 3pm until 5.30 (max time) with an occasional Saturday practice, usually at the beginning of the season. Varsity practices will be starting later in the afternoon because of gym space, their practices will start at 4:45 Monday through Friday and in the morning on Saturday’s. As the competitive portion of the season gets underway there will be several adjustments in the practice schedule. Please plan to pick up your athlete approximately ten minutes after practice release time.

Practices include stretching, drilling, conditioning, and scrimmaging. In the sport of volleyball, players are at risk of getting hit by the ball and/or another player. Injuries common to volleyball include ankle and knee sprains, shin splints, shoulder tendonitis, bloody noses, and jammed fingers.

Blue Valley High School provides athletes with a certified in-house trainer whose responsibility it is to evaluate injuries and minor illnesses. If a more thorough evaluation of an injury is necessary, a coach will contact parents immediately. If an athlete is going to be out of school due to injury or illness, please contact the appropriate coach. Athletes who are injured or not feeling well should make strides to attend practices and/or competitions in support of their teammates and to learn by watching.


To be selected as a member within the Tiger Volleyball Program is an honor. The Commitment it takes to continually improve within a competitive sport like volleyball can be considerable. The Tiger Volleyball Season runs through September and October, but the competitiveness of the sport requires a greater commitment than just two or three months. The Tiger Volleyball Program is dedicated to improving its student-athletes over the entire school year.

During volleyball season athletes are expected to attend all practices, games, matches, tournaments, unless an emergency situation arises. Athletes should notify their coach as soon as information about a conflict in the schedule occurs. Players must be in attendance at school all day on game days in order to be eligible to participate in the game. The appropriate coach should be notified as soon as possible for missing any volleyball practice, competition, or function.

When students choose to participate in more than one activity in season, conflicts in schedules can occur. While these situations may be rare, they create difficulties for the students and their coaches and/or sponsors. It is important that these conflicts be resolved with open communication between the student, the two coaches or sponsors, and the building AD. The affected parties should work together to resolve the conflict with the student’s best interest as the primary focus.

After the season, athletes are encouraged, but not required, to continue developing their volleyball/athletic skills after the season the over. Working out in the BVHS weight room during the off-season, playing club volleyball in the winter, participating in volleyball camps and workout’s over the summer are all excellent ways of refining one’s skills.


The Tiger Volleyball Program will issue every player a game jersey which they will use for the duration of the season. Other team items, including bags, will be issued to players on an availability basis. All gear provided by The Tiger Volleyball Program that is not purchased is to be returned at the conclusion of the season. All returning of gear should be completed by the team banquet.


The Blue Valley School District shall provide authorized vehicles to transport all high school participants to and from all extracurricular activities and practices that are located off campus. Parents may decline such transportation and select alternative means of transportation. Parents electing to do so must have a transportation waiver consent form on file the BVHS Athletic Director.


Athletes will have Team-Building time. These times are at the coach’s leisure. Team-building times are designed for fun and enjoyment. They may consist of meeting at Blue Valley and then loading a bus destined for The Volleyball Beach in Martin City, for example.

Other team functions may be arranged by coaches and notification will reach parents via permission form or other correspondence.


Athletes are expected to maintain good academic standing with the State of Kansas and The Blue Valley School District. Therefore, the Volleyball Program participates in Academics First. Academics first was implemented as a support system for athletes having difficulty balancing life as a student during their athletic season. Academics First is a study hall held after school that provides tutors and supervision to any student-athlete who has received a B (Borderline) or an F (Failing) grade on any class grade check. In such a situation, student-athletes report to Academics First instead of reporting to practice. Student-athletes remain in Academics First until work is finished or until 4 p.m. or so. Student-athletes may participate in practices after they have finished their Academics First responsibilities. Grade Check Forms will be distributed about every two to three weeks. Any student-athlete failing to return a grade check form on time will face consequences.


Athletes will not use, distribute, or possess illegal substances as identified in the Board of Education Policy #3515. Included in the policy are alcoholic and cereal malt beverages, tobacco products, controlled substances—including prescription and non-prescription medications—drug paraphernalia, and other products. Athletes will be required to sign and adhere to The Blue Valley School District’s substance abuse guidelines.

Athletes who fail to comply with the district’s substance abuse policy risks suspension and/or expulsion from volleyball practices, competitions, and functions.


Players who remain in good standing with Blue Valley High School, The Blue Valley School District, the Blue Valley community, and The Tiger Volleyball Coaching Staff, as well as appear in at least five varsity contests, or who practices with, and contributes to, the varsity team for at least half the season, will earn a varsity volleyball letter. All sub-varsity athletes remaining in good standing will be recognized by the Blue Valley School District for their contributions.


Coaches are expected to hold an end-of-the-season conference with each player. The conference will highlight some positive things that were accomplished from the season and offer ideas for things to improve on before next season. The conference is also a time for a player to set personal goals and to determine how to achieve those goals with the coach’s advice. Coaches will discuss with the varsity coach the role of each player within the program before holding a conference with a player. All conferences should be concluded before the banquette if at all possible.


The Volleyball Program hosts an end-of-the-season banquette. Every player and family from every team is invited. Each team will be responsible for something. This is a great time of reflection and celebration for each one of our teams and their coaches.

Coaches Contact Information:

Dave JohnsonHead

Kathy CoxAssistant Varsity

Jack KingJunior Varsity

Kim CobbSophomore

Peggy RoseFreshman A

Alisa JohnsonFreshman B

Matt OrtmanBVHS Athletic

Blue Valley H.S.Main Office913.239.4800

6001 West 159th Street

Stilwell, KS 66085


Please sign and date below indicating that you have read and agree to the information in The Blue Valley Volleyball Players Handbook.

Player NameDate

Parent (Guardian) NameDate

Email addressPhone Number